MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
BlockParser.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  blockparsermodule::blockparsertype


module  blockparsermodule
 This module contains block parser methods.


subroutine blockparsermodule::initialize (this, inunit, iout)
 @ brief Initialize the block parser More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::clear (this)
 @ brief Close the block parser More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::getblock (this, blockName, isFound, ierr, supportOpenClose, blockRequired, blockNameFound)
 @ brief Get block More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::getnextline (this, endOfBlock)
 @ brief Get the next line More...
integer(i4b) function blockparsermodule::getinteger (this)
 @ brief Get a integer More...
integer(i4b) function blockparsermodule::getlinesread (this)
 @ brief Get the number of lines
real(dp) function blockparsermodule::getdouble (this)
 @ brief Get a double precision real More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::trygetdouble (this, r, success)
subroutine blockparsermodule::readscalarerror (this, vartype)
 @ brief Issue a read error More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::getstring (this, string, convertToUpper)
 @ brief Get a string More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::getstringcaps (this, string)
 @ brief Get an upper case string More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::getremainingline (this, line)
 @ brief Get the rest of a line More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::terminateblock (this)
 @ brief Ensure that the block is closed More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::getcellid (this, ndim, cellid, flag_string)
 @ brief Get a cellid More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::getcurrentline (this, line)
 @ brief Get the current line More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::storeerrorunit (this, terminate)
 @ brief Store the unit number More...
integer(i4b) function blockparsermodule::getunit (this)
 @ brief Get the unit number More...
subroutine blockparsermodule::devopt (this)
 @ brief Disable development option in release mode More...
subroutine, public blockparsermodule::uget_block (line_reader, iin, iout, ctag, ierr, isfound, lloc, line, iuext, blockRequired, supportopenclose)
 Find a block in a file. More...
subroutine, public blockparsermodule::uget_any_block (line_reader, iin, iout, isfound, lloc, line, ctagfound, iuext)
 Find the next block in a file. More...
subroutine, public blockparsermodule::uterminate_block (iin, iout, key, ctag, lloc, line, ierr, iuext)
 Evaluate if the end of a block has been found. More...