MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Modules List
Here is a list of all modules with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NapimoduleThis module contains the API package methods
 NasciiinputloadtypemoduleThis module contains the AsciiInputLoadTypeModule
 NblockparsermoduleThis module contains block parser methods
 NbndextmoduleThis module contains the extended boundary package
 NbndmoduleThis module contains the base boundary package
 NboundinputcontextmoduleThis module contains the BoundInputContextModule
 NbudgetmoduleThis module contains the BudgetModule
 NchfgwfexchangemoduleThis module contains the ChfGwfExchangeModule Module
 NchfmoduleChannel Flow (CHF) Module
 NconstantsmoduleThis module contains simulation constants
 NdefinitionselectmoduleThis module contains the DefinitionSelectModule
 NdevfeaturemoduleDisable development features in release mode
 NdisncstructuredmoduleThis module contains the DisNCStructuredModule
 NdynamicpackageparamsmoduleThis module contains the DynamicPackageParamsModule
 NexplicitmodelmoduleModels that solve themselves
 NexplicitsolutionmoduleExplicit Solution Module
 NgridconnectionmoduleRefactoring issues towards parallel:
 Ngweestmodule– @ brief Energy Storage and Transfer (EST) Module
 NgwegweexchangemoduleThis module contains the GweGweExchangeModule Module
 NgwfconductanceutilsmoduleThis module contains stateless conductance functions
 NgwfcsubmoduleThis module contains the CSUB package methods
 NgwfgwfexchangemoduleThis module contains the GwfGwfExchangeModule Module
 NgwfmvrperioddatamoduleThis module contains the GwfMvrPeriodDataModule Module
 NgwfsfrcrosssectionutilsmoduleThis module contains stateless sfr subroutines and functions
 NgwfstomoduleThis module contains the storage package methods
 NgwfstorageutilsmoduleThis module contains stateless storage subroutines and functions
 NgwtgwtexchangemoduleThis module contains the GwtGwtExchangeModule Module
 Ngwtistmodule– @ brief Immobile Storage and Transfer (IST) Module
 Ngwtmstmodule– @ brief Mobile Storage and Transfer (MST) Module
 NhashtablemoduleA chaining hash map for integers
 NhgeoutilmoduleGeneral-purpose hydrogeologic functions
 NidmloadmoduleThis module contains the IdmLoadModule
 NidmloggermoduleThis module contains the Input Data Model Logger Module
 Nidmmf6filemoduleThis module contains the IdmMf6FileModule
 NimslinearbasemoduleThis module contains the IMS linear accelerator subroutines
 NinputdefinitionmoduleThis module contains the InputDefinitionModule
 NinputloadtypemoduleThis module contains the InputLoadTypeModule
 Niunitmodule– Module to manage unit numbers. Allows for multiple unit numbers – assigned to a single package type, as shown below. – row(i) cunit(i) iunit(i)nval iunit(i)iunit iunit(i)ipos – 1 BCF6 1 (1000) (1) – 2 WEL 3 (1001,1003,1005) (2,5,7) – 3 GHB 1 (1002) (4) – 4 EVT 2 (1004,1006) (6,10) – 5 RIV 0 () () – ..
 NkindmoduleThis module defines variable data types
 NlistreadermoduleGeneric List Reader Module
 Nloadmf6filemoduleThis module contains the LoadMf6FileModule
 NloadncinputmoduleThis module contains the LoadNCInputModule
 NlonglinereadermoduleThis module contains the LongLineReaderType
 NmeshdismodelmoduleThis module contains the MeshDisModelModule
 NmeshdisvmodelmoduleThis module contains the MeshDisvModelModule
 NmeshmodelmoduleThis module contains the MeshModelModule
 NmessagemoduleStore and issue logging messages to output units
 NmethodcellpoolmoduleCell-level tracking methods
 NmethodmoduleParticle tracking strategies
 NmethodpoolmoduleModel-level tracking methods
 NmethodsubcellpoolmoduleSubcell-level tracking methods
 Nmf6bmiThis module contains the MODFLOW 6 BMI
 Nmf6bmierrorDetailed error information for the BMI
 Nmf6bmigridThis module contains BMI routines to expose the MODFLOW 6 discretization
 Nmf6bmiutilThis module contains helper routines and parameters for the MODFLOW 6 BMI
 Nmf6coremoduleCore MODFLOW 6 module
 Nmf6filegridinputmoduleThis module contains the Mf6FileGridInputModule
 Nmf6filelistinputmoduleThis module contains the Mf6FileListInputModule
 Nmf6filestoinputmoduleThis module contains the Mf6FileStoInputModule
 Nmf6xmiThis module contains the eXtended Model Interface
 NmodelexportmoduleThis module contains the ModelExportModule
 NmodelpackageinputmoduleThis module contains the ModelPackageInputModule
 NmodelpackageinputsmoduleThis module contains the ModelPackageInputsModule
 NmodflowinputmoduleThis module contains the ModflowInputModule
 NmvrmoduleThis module contains the MvrModule Module
 NncarrayreadermoduleThis module contains the NCArrayReaderModule
 NnccontextbuildmoduleThis module contains the NCContextBuildModule
 NncexportcreatemoduleThis module contains the NCExportCreateModule
 NncfilevarsmoduleThis module contains the NCFileVarsModule
 NncmodelexportmoduleThis module contains the NCModelExportModule
 NnetcdfcommonmoduleThis module contains the NetCDFCommonModule
 NnumericalpackagemoduleThis module contains the base numerical package type
 NobscontainermoduleThis module contains the derived type ObsContainerType
 NobservemoduleThis module contains the derived types ObserveType and ObsDataType
 NobsmoduleThis module contains the derived type ObsType
 NobsoutputlistmoduleThis module defines the derived type ObsOutputListType
 NobsoutputmoduleThis module defines the derived type ObsOutputType
 NobsutilitymoduleThis module contains the ObsUtilityModule module
 NolfgwfexchangemoduleThis module contains the OlfGwfExchangeModule Module
 NolfmoduleChannel Flow (OLF) Module
 NoutputcontroldatamoduleOutput control data module
 NoutputcontrolmoduleModel output control
 NpackagebudgetmoduleThis module contains the PackageBudgetModule Module
 NprintsavemanagermodulePrint/save manager module
 NreleaseschedulemoduleParticle release scheduling
 NsfrmoduleThis module contains the SFR package methods
 NsimmoduleThis module contains simulation methods
 NsimvariablesmoduleThis module contains simulation variables
 NsourcecommonmoduleThis module contains the SourceCommonModule
 NsourceloadmoduleThis module contains the SourceLoadModule
 NstructarraymoduleThis module contains the StructArrayModule
 NstructvectormoduleThis module contains the StructVectorModule
 NswfcdbmoduleThis module contains the CDB package methods
 NswfcxsutilsmoduleThis module contains stateless sfr subroutines and functions
 NswfevpmoduleThis module contains the evaporation (EVP) package methods
 NswfflwmoduleThis module contains the FLW package methods
 NswfgwfexchangemoduleThis module contains the SwfGwfExchangeModule Module
 NswfmoduleSurface Water Flow (SWF) Module
 NswfpcpmoduleThis module contains the precipitation (PCP) package methods
 NswfstomoduleThis module contains the storage package methods
 NswfzdgmoduleThis module contains the ZDG package methods
 NtimeselectmoduleSpecify times for some event to occur
 NtimestepselectmoduleTime step selection module
 NtransportmodelmoduleThis module contains the base transport model type
 NtspspcmoduleThis module contains the TspSpc Module
 NtspssmmoduleThis module contains the TspSsm Module
 NtvbasemoduleThis module contains common time-varying property functionality
 NtvkmoduleThis module contains time-varying conductivity package methods
 NtvsmoduleThis module contains the time-varying storage package methods
 NversionmoduleThis module contains version information
 NwelmoduleThis module contains the WEL package methods