Nadaptivetimestepmodule | |
►Napimodule | This module contains the API package methods |
Capitype | |
►Narrayhandlersmodule | |
Cexpandarraywrapper | |
Cexpandarray | |
Cexpandarray2d | |
Cextendptrarray | |
Cconcatarray | |
Cifind | |
►Narrayreaderbasemodule | |
Carrayreaderbasetype | |
►Narrayreadersmodule | |
Creadarray | |
►Nasciiinputloadtypemodule | This module contains the AsciiInputLoadTypeModule |
Casciidynamicpkgloadbasetype | Base abstract type for ascii source dynamic load |
Cperiod_load_if | |
Cload_init_if | |
►Nbasedismodule | |
Cdisbasetype | |
►Nbaseexchangemodule | |
Cbaseexchangetype | |
Cexg_df | |
Cexg_ar | |
►Nbasegeometrymodule | |
Cbasegeometrytype | |
►Nbasemodelmodule | |
Cbasemodeltype | Highest level model type. All models extend this parent type |
►Nbasesolutionmodule | |
Cbasesolutiontype | |
Csln_df | |
Cslnaddexchange | |
CassignConnectionsIFace | |
Csln_ar | |
Csln_rp | |
Csln_dt | |
Csln_ad | |
Csln_ot | |
Csln_ca | |
Cslnsave | |
Cslnaddmodel | |
Cslngetmodels | |
Cslngetexchanges | |
Csln_fp | |
Csln_da | |
CprepareSolve | |
Csolve | |
CfinalizeSolve | |
►Nblockparsermodule | This module contains block parser methods |
Cblockparsertype | |
►Nbmif | |
Cbmi | |
Cbmif_get_component_name | |
Cbmif_get_input_var_names | |
Cbmif_get_output_var_names | |
Cbmif_initialize | |
Cbmif_finalize | |
Cbmif_get_start_time | |
Cbmif_get_end_time | |
Cbmif_get_current_time | |
Cbmif_get_time_step | |
Cbmif_get_time_units | |
Cbmif_update | |
Cbmif_update_frac | |
Cbmif_update_until | |
Cbmif_get_var_grid | |
Cbmif_get_grid_type | |
Cbmif_get_grid_rank | |
Cbmif_get_grid_shape | |
Cbmif_get_grid_size | |
Cbmif_get_grid_spacing | |
Cbmif_get_grid_origin | |
Cbmif_get_grid_x | |
Cbmif_get_grid_y | |
Cbmif_get_grid_z | |
Cbmif_get_grid_connectivity | |
Cbmif_get_grid_offset | |
Cbmif_get_var_type | |
Cbmif_get_var_units | |
Cbmif_get_var_itemsize | |
Cbmif_get_var_nbytes | |
Cbmif_get_value_int | |
Cbmif_get_value_float | |
Cbmif_get_value_double | |
Cbmif_get_value_ptr_int | |
Cbmif_get_value_ptr_float | |
Cbmif_get_value_ptr_double | |
Cbmif_get_value_at_indices_int | |
Cbmif_get_value_at_indices_float | |
Cbmif_get_value_at_indices_double | |
Cbmif_set_value_int | |
Cbmif_set_value_float | |
Cbmif_set_value_double | |
Cbmif_set_value_at_indices_int | |
Cbmif_set_value_at_indices_float | |
Cbmif_set_value_at_indices_double | |
►Nbndextmodule | This module contains the extended boundary package |
Cbndexttype | @ brief BndExtType |
Cbndextfoundtype | @ brief BndExtFoundType |
►Nbndmodule | This module contains the base boundary package |
Cbndtype | @ brief BndType |
►Nboundinputcontextmodule | This module contains the BoundInputContextModule |
Creadstatevartype | Pointer type for read state variable |
Cboundinputcontexttype | Derived type for boundary package input context |
►Nbudgetfilereadermodule | |
Cbudgetfilereadertype | |
►Nbudgetmodule | This module contains the BudgetModule |
Cbudgettype | Derived type for the Budget object |
►Nbudgetobjectmodule | |
Cbudgetobjecttype | |
►Nbudgettermmodule | |
Cbudgettermtype | |
►Ncelldefnmodule | |
Ccelldefntype | Base grid cell definition |
►Ncellmodule | |
Ccelltype | Base type for grid cells of a concrete type. Contains a cell-definition which is information shared by cell types |
Cdestroy | |
►Ncellpolymodule | |
Ccellpolytype | |
►Ncellrectmodule | |
Ccellrecttype | |
►Ncellrectquadmodule | |
Ccellrectquadtype | |
Ncellutilmodule | |
►Ncellwithnbrsmodule | |
Cglobalcelltype | Data structure to hold a global cell identifier, using a pointer to the model and its local cell |
Ccellwithnbrstype | |
►Ncharacterstringmodule | |
Ccharacterstringtype | This class is used to store a single deferred-length character string. It was designed to work in an array implementation so that a jagged character array could be used in MODFLOW and stored in the memory manager |
►Nchdmodule | |
Cchdtype | |
►Nchfcdbinputmodule | |
Cchfcdbparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfchdinputmodule | |
Cchfchdparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfcxsinputmodule | |
Cchfcxsparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfdfwinputmodule | |
Cchfdfwparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfdis2dinputmodule | |
Cchfdis2dparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfdisv1dinputmodule | |
Cchfdisv1dparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfdisv2dinputmodule | |
Cchfdisv2dparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfevpinputmodule | |
Cchfevpparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfflwinputmodule | |
Cchfflwparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfgwfexchangemodule | This module contains the ChfGwfExchangeModule Module |
Cchfgwfexchangetype | |
►Nchficinputmodule | |
Cchficparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfmodule | Channel Flow (CHF) Module |
Cchfmodeltype | |
►Nchfnaminputmodule | |
Cchfnamparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfpcpinputmodule | |
Cchfpcpparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfstoinputmodule | |
Cchfstoparamfoundtype | |
►Nchfzdginputmodule | |
Cchfzdgparamfoundtype | |
►Ncirculargeometrymodule | |
Ccirculargeometrytype | |
Ncommandarguments | |
Ncompilerversion | |
►Nconnectionbuildermodule | |
Cconnectionbuildertype | |
►Nconnectionsmodule | |
Cconnectionstype | |
Nconstantsmodule | This module contains simulation constants |
►Nconvergencesummarymodule | |
Cconvergencesummarytype | This structure stores the generic convergence info for a solution |
Ncsrutilsmodule | |
►Ndag_module | |
Cvertex | |
Cdag | |
Ndefinedmacros | |
Ndefinitionselectmodule | This module contains the DefinitionSelectModule |
Ndevfeaturemodule | Disable development features in release mode |
►Ndis2dmodule | |
Cdis2dtype | Structured grid discretization |
Cdisfoundtype | Simplifies tracking parameters sourced from the input context |
►Ndisconnexchangemodule | |
Cdisconnexchangetype | Exchange based on connection between discretizations of DisBaseType. The data specifies the connections, similar to the information stored in the connections object: DisBaseTypecon |
Cdisconnexchangefoundtype | @ brief DisConnExchangeFoundType |
►Ndismodule | |
Cdistype | Structured grid discretization |
Cdisfoundtype | Simplifies tracking parameters sourced from the input context |
►Ndisncstructuredmodule | This module contains the DisNCStructuredModule |
Cstructuredncdimidtype | |
Cstructuredncvaridtype | |
Cdisncstructuredtype | |
Cnc_export_array | |
►Ndistributedsimmodule | |
Cdistributedsimtype | |
►Ndistvariablemodule | |
Cdistvartype | |
►Ndisumodule | |
Cdisutype | Unstructured grid discretization |
Cdisufoundtype | |
Ndisv1dgeom | |
►Ndisv1dmodule | |
Cdisv1dtype | |
Cdisfoundtype | Simplifies tracking parameters sourced from the input context |
►Ndisv2dmodule | |
Cdisv2dtype | Vertex grid discretization |
Cdisvfoundtype | |
►Ndisvgeom | |
Cdisvgeomtype | |
►Ndisvmodule | |
Cdisvtype | Vertex grid discretization |
Cdisvfoundtype | |
►Ndouble1dreadermodule | |
Cdouble1dreadertype | |
►Ndouble2dreadermodule | |
Cdouble2dreadertype | |
►Ndrnmodule | |
Cdrntype | |
►Ndynamicpackageparamsmodule | This module contains the DynamicPackageParamsModule |
Cdynamicpackageparamstype | Dynamic parameter filter type |
►Nerrorutilmodule | |
Cpstop_iface | |
►Nevtmodule | |
Cevttype | |
►Nexgchfgwfinputmodule | |
Cexgchfgwfparamfoundtype | |
►Nexggwegweinputmodule | |
Cexggwegweparamfoundtype | |
►Nexggwfgweinputmodule | |
Cexggwfgweparamfoundtype | |
►Nexggwfgwfinputmodule | |
Cexggwfgwfparamfoundtype | |
►Nexggwfgwtinputmodule | |
Cexggwfgwtparamfoundtype | |
►Nexggwfprtinputmodule | |
Cexggwfprtparamfoundtype | |
►Nexggwtgwtinputmodule | |
Cexggwtgwtparamfoundtype | |
►Nexgolfgwfinputmodule | |
Cexgolfgwfparamfoundtype | |
►Nexgswfgwfinputmodule | |
Cexgswfgwfparamfoundtype | |
►Nexplicitmodelmodule | Models that solve themselves |
Cexplicitmodeltype | Base type for models that solve themselves |
►Nexplicitsolutionmodule | Explicit Solution Module |
Cexplicitsolutiontype | Manages and solves explicit models |
►Nflowmodelinterfacemodule | |
Cflowmodelinterfacetype | |
Ngeomutilmodule | |
►Nghbmodule | |
Cghbtype | |
►Nghostnodemodule | |
Cghostnodetype | |
►Ngridconnectionmodule | Refactoring issues towards parallel: |
Cgridconnectiontype | This class is used to construct the connections object for the interface model's spatial discretization/grid |
►Ngridfilereadermodule | |
Cgridfilereadertype | |
Ngridsorting | |
►Ngwecndinputmodule | |
Cgwecndparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwecndmodule | |
Cgwecndtype | |
►Ngwecndoptionsmodule | |
Cgwecndoptionstype | Data structure (and helpers) for passing cnd option data |
►Ngwectpinputmodule | |
Cgwectpparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwectpmodule | |
Cgwectptype | |
►Ngwedisinputmodule | |
Cgwedisparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwedisuinputmodule | |
Cgwedisuparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwedisvinputmodule | |
Cgwedisvparamfoundtype | |
►Ngweeslmodule | |
Cgweesltype | |
►Ngweestmodule | – @ brief Energy Storage and Transfer (EST) Module |
Cgweesttype | @ brief Energy storage and transfer |
►Ngwegweconnectionmodule | |
Cgwegweconnectiontype | Connects a GWE model to other GWE models in space. Derives from NumericalExchangeType so the solution can use it to fetch the coefficients for this connection |
►Ngwegweexchangemodule | This module contains the GweGweExchangeModule Module |
Cgweexchangetype | Derived type for GwtExchangeType |
►Ngweicinputmodule | |
Cgweicparamfoundtype | |
►Ngweinputdatamodule | |
Cgweinputdatatype | Data for sharing among multiple packages. Originally read in from |
►Ngweinterfacemodelmodule | |
Cgweinterfacemodeltype | The GWE Interface Model is a utility to calculate the solution's exchange coefficients from the interface between a GWE model and its GWE neighbors. The interface model itself will not be part of the solution, it is not being solved |
►Ngwelkemodule | |
Cgwelketype | |
►Ngwemodule | |
Cgwemodeltype | |
►Ngwemwemodule | |
Cgwemwetype | |
►Ngwenaminputmodule | |
Cgwenamparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwesfemodule | |
Cgwesfetype | |
►Ngweuzemodule | |
Cgweuzetype | |
►Ngwfbuyinputdatamodule | |
Cgwfbuyinputdatatype | Data structure to transfer input configuration to the |
►Ngwfbuymodule | |
Cconcentrationpointer | |
Cgwfbuytype | |
►Ngwfchdinputmodule | |
Cgwfchdparamfoundtype | |
Ngwfconductanceutilsmodule | This module contains stateless conductance functions |
►Ngwfcsubmodule | This module contains the CSUB package methods |
Cgwfcsubtype | |
►Ngwfdisinputmodule | |
Cgwfdisparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfdisuinputmodule | |
Cgwfdisuparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfdisvinputmodule | |
Cgwfdisvparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfdrninputmodule | |
Cgwfdrnparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfevtainputmodule | |
Cgwfevtaparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfevtinputmodule | |
Cgwfevtparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfexgmovermodule | |
Cgwfexgmovertype | Extends model mover for exchanges to also handle the |
►Ngwfghbinputmodule | |
Cgwfghbparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfgweexchangemodule | |
Cgwfgweexchangetype | |
►Ngwfgwfconnectionmodule | |
Cgwfgwfconnectiontype | Connecting a GWF model to other models in space, implements NumericalExchangeType so the solution can used this object to determine the coefficients for the coupling between two adjacent models |
►Ngwfgwfexchangemodule | This module contains the GwfGwfExchangeModule Module |
Cgwfexchangetype | Derived type for GwfExchangeType |
►Ngwfgwtexchangemodule | |
Cgwfgwtexchangetype | |
►Ngwfhfbmodule | |
Cgwfhfbtype | |
►Ngwficinputmodule | |
Cgwficparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwficmodule | |
Cgwfictype | |
►Ngwfinterfacemodelmodule | |
Cgwfinterfacemodeltype | The GWF Interface Model is a utility to calculate the solution's exchange coefficients from the interface between a GWF model and its GWF neighbors. The interface model itself will not be part of the solution, it is not being solved. Patching (a part of the) discretizations of two GWF models in a general way, e.g. DIS+DIS with refinement, requires the resulting |
►Ngwfmodule | |
Cgwfmodeltype | |
►Ngwfmvrmodule | |
Cgwfmvrtype | |
►Ngwfmvrperioddatamodule | This module contains the GwfMvrPeriodDataModule Module |
Cgwfmvrperioddatatype | Derived type for GwfMvrPeriodDataType |
►Ngwfnaminputmodule | |
Cgwfnamparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfnpfinputmodule | |
Cgwfnpfparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfnpfmodule | |
Cgwfnpftype | |
►Ngwfnpfoptionsmodule | |
Cgwfnpfoptionstype | Data structure and helper methods for passing NPF options into npf_df, as an alternative to reading those from file |
►Ngwfobsmodule | |
Cgwfobstype | |
►Ngwfocmodule | |
Cgwfoctype | @ brief Output control for GWF |
►Ngwfprtexchangemodule | |
Cgwfprtexchangetype | |
►Ngwfrchainputmodule | |
Cgwfrchaparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfrchinputmodule | |
Cgwfrchparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfrivinputmodule | |
Cgwfrivparamfoundtype | |
Ngwfsfrcrosssectionutilsmodule | This module contains stateless sfr subroutines and functions |
►Ngwfstoinputmodule | |
Cgwfstoparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwfstomodule | This module contains the storage package methods |
Cgwfstotype | |
Ngwfstorageutilsmodule | This module contains stateless storage subroutines and functions |
►Ngwfvscinputdatamodule | |
Cgwfvscinputdatatype | Data structure to transfer input configuration to the |
►Ngwfvscmodule | |
Cconcentrationpointer | |
Cgwfvsctype | |
►Ngwfwelinputmodule | |
Cgwfwelparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwtcncinputmodule | |
Cgwtcncparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwtcncmodule | |
Cgwtcnctype | |
►Ngwtdisinputmodule | |
Cgwtdisparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwtdisuinputmodule | |
Cgwtdisuparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwtdisvinputmodule | |
Cgwtdisvparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwtdspinputmodule | |
Cgwtdspparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwtdspmodule | |
Cgwtdsptype | |
►Ngwtdspoptionsmodule | |
Cgwtdspoptionstype | Data structure (and helpers) for passing dsp option data |
►Ngwtgwtconnectionmodule | |
Cgwtgwtconnectiontype | Connects a GWT model to other GWT models in space. Derives from NumericalExchangeType so the solution can use it to fetch the coefficients for this connection |
►Ngwtgwtexchangemodule | This module contains the GwtGwtExchangeModule Module |
Cgwtexchangetype | Derived type for GwtExchangeType |
►Ngwticinputmodule | |
Cgwticparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwtinterfacemodelmodule | |
Cgwtinterfacemodeltype | The GWT Interface Model is a utility to calculate the solution's exchange coefficients from the interface between a GWT model and its GWT neighbors. The interface model itself will not be part of the solution, it is not being solved |
►Ngwtistmodule | – @ brief Immobile Storage and Transfer (IST) Module |
Cgwtisttype | @ brief Immobile storage and transfer |
►Ngwtlktmodule | |
Cgwtlkttype | |
►Ngwtmodule | |
Cgwtmodeltype | |
►Ngwtmstmodule | – @ brief Mobile Storage and Transfer (MST) Module |
Cgwtmsttype | @ brief Mobile storage and transfer |
►Ngwtmwtmodule | |
Cgwtmwttype | |
►Ngwtnaminputmodule | |
Cgwtnamparamfoundtype | |
►Ngwtsftmodule | |
Cgwtsfttype | |
►Ngwtsrcmodule | |
Cgwtsrctype | |
►Ngwtuztmodule | |
Cgwtuzttype | |
►Nhashtablemodule | A chaining hash map for integers |
Cnodetype | |
Cbuckettype | |
Chashtabletype | |
►Nheadfilereadermodule | |
Cheadfilereadertype | |
Nhgeoutilmodule | General-purpose hydrogeologic functions |
Nidmchfdfnselectormodule | |
Nidmdfnselectormodule | |
Nidmexgdfnselectormodule | |
Nidmgwedfnselectormodule | |
Nidmgwfdfnselectormodule | |
Nidmgwtdfnselectormodule | |
Nidmloadmodule | This module contains the IdmLoadModule |
►Nidmloggermodule | This module contains the Input Data Model Logger Module |
Cidm_log_var | |
Cidm_export | |
►Nidmmf6filemodule | This module contains the IdmMf6FileModule |
Cmf6filestaticpkgloadtype | MF6File static loader type |
Cmf6filedynamicpkgloadtype | MF6File dynamic loader type |
Nidmolfdfnselectormodule | |
Nidmprtdfnselectormodule | |
Nidmsimdfnselectormodule | |
Nidmswfdfnselectormodule | |
Nidmutldfnselectormodule | |
Nimslinearbasemodule | This module contains the IMS linear accelerator subroutines |
Nimslinearmisc | |
►Nimslinearmodule | |
Cimslineardatatype | |
►Nimslinearsettingsmodule | |
Cimslinearsettingstype | |
►Nimslinearsolvermodule | |
Cimslinearsolvertype | |
Nimsreorderingmodule | |
►Nindexmapmodule | |
Cindexmaptype | |
Cindexmapsgntype | |
►Ninputdefinitionmodule | This module contains the InputDefinitionModule |
Cinputparamdefinitiontype | Input parameter definition type |
Cinputblockdefinitiontype | Input block definition type |
►Ninputloadtypemodule | This module contains the InputLoadTypeModule |
Csubpackagelisttype | Type representing package subpackage list |
Cstaticpkgloadtype | Static loader type |
Cstaticpkgloadbasetype | Base abstract type for static input loader |
Cdynamicpkgloadtype | Dynamic loader type |
Cdynamicpkgloadbasetype | Base abstract type for dynamic input loader |
Cload_if | Load interfaces for source static and dynamic types |
Cperiod_load_if | |
Cmodeldynamicpkgstype | Type for storing a dynamic package load list |
Ninputoutputmodule | |
►Ninteger1dreadermodule | |
Cinteger1dreadertype | |
►Ninteger2dreadermodule | |
Cinteger2dreadertype | |
►Ninterfacemapmodule | |
Cinterfacemaptype | |
►Niteratormodule | |
Citeratortype | |
Chas_next_if | |
Cnext_if | |
Cvalue_if | |
►Niunitmodule | – Module to manage unit numbers. Allows for multiple unit numbers – assigned to a single package type, as shown below. – row(i) cunit(i) iunit(i)nval iunit(i)iunit iunit(i)ipos – 1 BCF6 1 (1000) (1) – 2 WEL 3 (1001,1003,1005) (2,5,7) – 3 GHB 1 (1002) (4) – 4 EVT 2 (1004,1006) (6,10) – 5 RIV 0 () () – .. |
Ciunitrowtype | |
Ciunittype | |
►Nkeyvaluelistiteratormodule | |
Ckeyvaluelistiteratortype | An iterator used to iterate through a KeyValueList |
►Nkeyvaluelistmodule | |
Ckeyvaluelisttype | A list that stores items as a key-value pair |
►Nkeyvaluenodemodule | |
Ckeyvaluenodetype | A key-value pair node |
Nkindmodule | This module defines variable data types |
►Nlakmodule | |
Claktabtype | |
Claktype | |
Nlayeredarrayreadermodule | |
►Nlinearsolverbasemodule | |
Clinearsolverbasetype | Abstract type for linear solver |
Cinitialize_if | |
Cprint_summary_if | |
Csolve_if | |
Cdestroy_if | |
Ccreate_matrix_if | |
Nlinearsolverfactory | |
►Nlistiteratormodule | |
Clistiteratortype | An iterator used to iterate through a List |
►Nlistmodule | |
Clisttype | A generic heterogeneous doubly-linked list |
CisEqualIface | |
►Nlistnodemodule | |
Clistnodetype | |
►Nlistreadermodule | Generic List Reader Module |
Clistreadertype | |
Nlistsmodule | |
►Nloadmf6filemodule | This module contains the LoadMf6FileModule |
Cloadmf6filetype | Static parser based input loader |
►Nloadncinputmodule | This module contains the LoadNCInputModule |
Cnetcdf_read_array | |
►Nlonglinereadermodule | This module contains the LongLineReaderType |
Clonglinereadertype | LongLineReaderType |
►Nmappedmemorymodule | |
Cmappedmemorytype | |
►Nmappermodule | |
Cmappertype | |
►Nmathutilmodule | |
Cmod_offset | |
Cf1d | |
►Nmatrixbasemodule | |
Cmatrixbasetype | |
Cinit_if | |
Cdestroy_if | |
Ccreate_vec_mm_if | |
Ccreate_vec_if | |
Cget_value_pos_if | |
Cget_diag_value_if | |
Cset_diag_value_if | |
Cset_value_pos_if | |
Cadd_value_pos_if | |
Cadd_diag_value_if | |
Czero_entries_if | |
Czero_row_offdiag_if | |
Cget_first_col_pos_if | |
Cget_last_col_pos_if | |
Cget_column_if | |
Cget_position_if | |
Cget_position_diag_if | |
Cget_aij_if | |
Cget_row_offset_if | |
Cmultiply_if | |
►Nmawmodule | |
Cmawtype | |
►Nmemorycontaineriteratormodule | |
Cmemorycontaineriteratortype | An iterator used to iterate through a MemoryContainer |
Nmemoryhelpermodule | |
►Nmemorymanagerextmodule | |
Cmem_set_value | |
►Nmemorymanagermodule | |
Cmem_allocate | |
Cmem_checkin | |
Cmem_reallocate | |
Cmem_setptr | |
Cmem_copyptr | |
Cmem_reassignptr | |
Cmem_deallocate | |
►Nmemorysethandlermodule | |
Ceventhandlerdatatype | |
Cset_handler_iface | |
►Nmemorystoremodule | |
Cmemorystoretype | |
►Nmemorytypemodule | |
Cmemorytype | |
►Nmeshdismodelmodule | This module contains the MeshDisModelModule |
Cmesh2ddisexporttype | |
►Nmeshdisvmodelmodule | This module contains the MeshDisvModelModule |
Cmesh2ddisvexporttype | |
►Nmeshmodelmodule | This module contains the MeshModelModule |
Cmeshncdimidtype | Type for storing model export dimension ids |
Cmeshncvaridtype | Type for storing model export variable ids |
Cmeshmodeltype | Base ugrid netcdf export type |
Cnc_array_export_if | Abstract interfaces for derived ugrid netcd export types |
Cmesh2dmodeltype | |
►Nmessagemodule | Store and issue logging messages to output units |
Cmessagestype | Container for related messages |
►Nmethodcellmodule | |
Cmethodcelltype | |
►Nmethodcellpasstobotmodule | |
Cmethodcellpasstobottype | |
►Nmethodcellpollockmodule | |
Cmethodcellpollocktype | |
►Nmethodcellpollockquadmodule | |
Cmethodcellpollockquadtype | |
Nmethodcellpoolmodule | Cell-level tracking methods |
►Nmethodcellternarymodule | |
Cmethodcellternarytype | |
►Nmethoddismodule | |
Cmethoddistype | |
►Nmethoddisvmodule | |
Cmethoddisvtype | |
►Nmethodmodule | Particle tracking strategies |
Cmethodtype | Base type for particle tracking methods |
Capply | |
Cdeallocate | |
Nmethodpoolmodule | Model-level tracking methods |
►Nmethodsubcellpollockmodule | |
Cmethodsubcellpollocktype | Rectangular subcell tracking method |
Nmethodsubcellpoolmodule | Subcell-level tracking methods |
►Nmethodsubcellternarymodule | |
Cmethodsubcellternarytype | Ternary triangular subcell tracking method |
Nmf6bmi | This module contains the MODFLOW 6 BMI |
Nmf6bmierror | Detailed error information for the BMI |
Nmf6bmigrid | This module contains BMI routines to expose the MODFLOW 6 discretization |
Nmf6bmiutil | This module contains helper routines and parameters for the MODFLOW 6 BMI |
Nmf6coremodule | Core MODFLOW 6 module |
►Nmf6filegridinputmodule | This module contains the Mf6FileGridInputModule |
Cboundgridinputtype | Ascii grid based dynamic loader type |
►Nmf6filelistinputmodule | This module contains the Mf6FileListInputModule |
Cboundlistinputtype | Boundary package list loader |
►Nmf6filestoinputmodule | This module contains the Mf6FileStoInputModule |
Cstoinputtype | STO package loader |
Nmf6xmi | This module contains the eXtended Model Interface |
►Nmodelexportmodule | This module contains the ModelExportModule |
Cexportmodeltype | Export model type |
Nmodelpackageinputmodule | This module contains the ModelPackageInputModule |
►Nmodelpackageinputsmodule | This module contains the ModelPackageInputsModule |
Cloadablepackagetype | Derived type for loadable package type |
Cmodelpackageinputstype | Derived type for model package inputs type |
►Nmodflowinputmodule | This module contains the ModflowInputModule |
Cmodflowinputtype | Derived type for storing input definition for a file |
►Nmpimessagebuildermodule | |
Cvdcheadertype | |
Cvdcreceivermapstype | |
Cmpimessagebuildertype | |
►Nmpimessagecachemodule | |
Cmpimessagecachetype | Facility to cache the constructed MPI datatypes. This will avoid having to construct them over and over again for the communication inside the timestep loop. This class deals with separate caches for different units (solutions or global) and for different types of |
►Nmpiroutermodule | |
Cmpiroutertype | |
►Nmpiruncontrolmodule | |
Cmpiruncontroltype | |
►Nmpiunitcachemodule | |
Cmpiunitcachetype | |
►Nmpiworldmodule | |
Cmpiworldtype | |
►Nmvrmodule | This module contains the MvrModule Module |
Cmvrtype | Derived type for MvrType |
►Nncarrayreadermodule | This module contains the NCArrayReaderModule |
Cnetcdf_array_load | |
Nnccontextbuildmodule | This module contains the NCContextBuildModule |
Nncexportcreatemodule | This module contains the NCExportCreateModule |
►Nncfilevarsmodule | This module contains the NCFileVarsModule |
Cncpackagevarstype | Type describing input variables for a package in NetCDF file |
Cncfilemf6vartype | Type which describes a modflow input variable in a netcdf file |
Cncfilevarstype | Type describing modflow6 input variables in model NetCDF file |
►Nncmodelexportmodule | This module contains the NCModelExportModule |
Cexportpackagetype | |
Cncexportannotation | Netcdf export attribute annotations |
Cncmodelexporttype | Base class for an export model |
Cncbasemodelexporttype | Abstract type for model netcdf export type |
Cmodel_define | Abstract interfaces for model netcdf export type |
Cmodel_step | |
Cpackage_export | |
Cpackage_export_ilayer | |
Nnetcdfcommonmodule | This module contains the NetCDFCommonModule |
►Nnumericalexchangemodule | |
Cnumericalexchangetype | |
►Nnumericalmodelmodule | |
Cnumericalmodeltype | |
►Nnumericalpackagemodule | This module contains the base numerical package type |
Cnumericalpackagetype | |
►Nnumericalsolutionmodule | |
Cnumericalsolutiontype | |
Csynchronize_iface | |
►Nobscontainermodule | This module contains the derived type ObsContainerType |
Cobscontainertype | |
►Nobservemodule | This module contains the derived types ObserveType and ObsDataType |
Cobservetype | |
Cobsdatatype | |
CProcessIdSub | @ brief Process user-provided IDstring |
►Nobsmodule | This module contains the derived type ObsType |
Cobstype | |
►Nobsoutputlistmodule | This module defines the derived type ObsOutputListType |
Cobsoutputlisttype | |
►Nobsoutputmodule | This module defines the derived type ObsOutputType |
Cobsoutputtype | |
Nobsutilitymodule | This module contains the ObsUtilityModule module |
►Nolfcdbinputmodule | |
Colfcdbparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfchdinputmodule | |
Colfchdparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfcxsinputmodule | |
Colfcxsparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfdfwinputmodule | |
Colfdfwparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfdis2dinputmodule | |
Colfdis2dparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfdisv1dinputmodule | |
Colfdisv1dparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfdisv2dinputmodule | |
Colfdisv2dparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfevpinputmodule | |
Colfevpparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfflwinputmodule | |
Colfflwparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfgwfexchangemodule | This module contains the OlfGwfExchangeModule Module |
Colfgwfexchangetype | |
►Nolficinputmodule | |
Colficparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfmodule | Channel Flow (OLF) Module |
Colfmodeltype | |
►Nolfnaminputmodule | |
Colfnamparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfpcpinputmodule | |
Colfpcpparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfstoinputmodule | |
Colfstoparamfoundtype | |
►Nolfzdginputmodule | |
Colfzdgparamfoundtype | |
Nopenspecmodule | |
►Noutputcontroldatamodule | Output control data module |
Coutputcontroldatatype | Output control data type |
►Noutputcontrolmodule | Model output control |
Coutputcontroltype | @ brief Controls model output. Overridden for each model type |
►Npackagebudgetmodule | This module contains the PackageBudgetModule Module |
Cpackagebudgettype | Derived type for storing flows |
►Npackagemovermodule | |
Cpackagemovertype | |
►Nparallelsolutionmodule | |
Cparallelsolutiontype | |
►Nparticlemodule | |
Cparticletype | Particle tracked by the PRT model |
Cparticlestoretype | Structure of arrays to store particles |
►Npetscconvergencemodule | |
Cpetsccnvgctxtype | X vector from the previous iteration |
CCnvgCheckFunc | |
CCnvgDestroyFunc | |
CKSPSetConvergenceTest | |
►Npetscimspreconditionermodule | |
Cpcshellctxtype | |
CPCShellGetContext | |
►Npetscsolvermodule | |
Cpetscsolvertype | |
►Npetscvectormodule | |
Cpetscvectortype | |
►Nprintsavemanagermodule | Print/save manager module |
Cprintsavemanagertype | Print/save manager type |
►Nprofilermodule | |
Cmeasuredsectiontype | |
Cprofilertype | A public type for profiling performance in the application. The ProfilerType is used to measure and record the performance of various parts of the application. It provides mechanisms to start, stop, and |
►Nprtdisinputmodule | |
Cprtdisparamfoundtype | |
►Nprtdisvinputmodule | |
Cprtdisvparamfoundtype | |
►Nprtfmimodule | |
Cprtfmitype | |
►Nprtmipinputmodule | |
Cprtmipparamfoundtype | |
►Nprtmipmodule | |
Cprtmiptype | |
►Nprtmodule | |
Cprtmodeltype | Particle tracking (PRT) model |
►Nprtnaminputmodule | |
Cprtnamparamfoundtype | |
►Nprtocmodule | |
Cprtoctype | @ brief Output control for particle tracking models |
►Nprtprpmodule | |
Cprtprptype | Particle release point (PRP) package |
►Nptrhashtableiteratormodule | |
Cptrhashtableiteratortype | An iterator used to iterate through a PtrHashTable |
►Nptrhashtablemodule | |
Cptrhashtabletype | HashTable that stores void pointer items |
►Nrchmodule | |
Crchtype | |
►Nrectangulargeometrymodule | |
Crectangulargeometrytype | |
►Nreleaseschedulemodule | Particle release scheduling |
Creleasescheduletype | Particle release scheduling utility |
►Nrivmodule | |
Crivtype | |
►Nrouterbasemodule | |
Crouterbasetype | |
Cinitialize_if | |
Croute_all_if | |
Croute_sln_if | |
Cfinalize_if | |
Cdestroy_if | |
Nrouterfactorymodule | |
Nruncontrolfactorymodule | |
►Nruncontrolmodule | |
Cruncontroltype | |
►Nseqvectormodule | |
Cseqvectortype | |
►Nserialroutermodule | |
Cserialroutertype | Serial router: currently doesn't do anything |
►Nsfrcrosssectionmanager | |
Csfrcrosssectiontype | |
Csfrcrosssection | |
►Nsfrmodule | This module contains the SFR package methods |
Csfrtype | |
Nsimmodule | This module contains simulation methods |
►Nsimnaminputmodule | |
Csimnamparamfoundtype | |
Nsimstagesmodule | |
►Nsimtdisinputmodule | |
Csimtdisparamfoundtype | |
Nsimulationcreatemodule | |
Nsimvariablesmodule | This module contains simulation variables |
Nsmoothingmodule | |
Nsolutionfactorymodule | |
►Nsolutiongroupmodule | |
Csolutiongrouptype | |
►Nsortmodule | |
Cqsort | |
Cunique_values | |
Nsourcecommonmodule | This module contains the SourceCommonModule |
Nsourceloadmodule | This module contains the SourceLoadModule |
►Nsparsematrixmodule | |
Csparsematrixtype | |
►Nsparsemodule | |
Crowtype | |
Csparsematrix | |
►Nspatialmodelconnectionmodule | |
Cspatialmodelconnectiontype | Class to manage spatial connection of a model to one or more models of the same type. Spatial connection here means that the model domains (spatial discretization) are adjacent and connected via DisConnExchangeType object(s). The connection itself is a Numerical Exchange as well, and part of a Numerical Solution providing the amat and rhs |
►Nspdisworkarraymodule | |
Cspdisworkarraytype | Helper class with work arrays for the SPDIS calculation in NPF |
►Nstlstackintmodule | |
Cstlstackint | A derived type representing a stack of integers |
►Nstlvecintmodule | |
Cstlvecint | |
Nstringlistmodule | |
►Nstructarraymodule | This module contains the StructArrayModule |
Cstructarraytype | Type for structured array |
►Nstructvectormodule | This module contains the StructVectorModule |
Ctsstringloctype | Derived type which describes time series string field |
Cstructvectortype | Derived type for generic vector |
►Nsubcellmodule | |
Csubcelltype | A subcell of a cell |
Cdestroy | |
Cinit | |
►Nsubcellrectmodule | |
Csubcellrecttype | |
►Nsubcelltrimodule | |
Csubcelltritype | |
►Nswfcdbinputmodule | |
Cswfcdbparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfcdbmodule | This module contains the CDB package methods |
Cswfcdbtype | |
►Nswfchdinputmodule | |
Cswfchdparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfcxsinputmodule | |
Cswfcxsparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfcxsmodule | |
Cswfcxstype | |
Nswfcxsutilsmodule | This module contains stateless sfr subroutines and functions |
►Nswfdfwinputmodule | |
Cswfdfwparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfdis2dinputmodule | |
Cswfdis2dparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfdisv1dinputmodule | |
Cswfdisv1dparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfdisv2dinputmodule | |
Cswfdisv2dparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfevpinputmodule | |
Cswfevpparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfevpmodule | This module contains the evaporation (EVP) package methods |
Cswfevptype | |
►Nswfflwinputmodule | |
Cswfflwparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfflwmodule | This module contains the FLW package methods |
Cswfflwtype | |
►Nswfgwfexchangemodule | This module contains the SwfGwfExchangeModule Module |
Cswfgwfexchangetype | |
►Nswficinputmodule | |
Cswficparamfoundtype | |
►Nswficmodule | |
Cswfictype | |
►Nswfmodule | Surface Water Flow (SWF) Module |
Cswfmodeltype | |
►Nswfnaminputmodule | |
Cswfnamparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfobsmodule | |
Cswfobstype | |
►Nswfocmodule | |
Cswfoctype | @ brief Output control |
►Nswfpcpinputmodule | |
Cswfpcpparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfpcpmodule | This module contains the precipitation (PCP) package methods |
Cswfpcptype | |
►Nswfstoinputmodule | |
Cswfstoparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfstomodule | This module contains the storage package methods |
Cswfstotype | |
►Nswfzdginputmodule | |
Cswfzdgparamfoundtype | |
►Nswfzdgmodule | This module contains the ZDG package methods |
Cswfzdgtype | |
►Ntablemodule | |
Ctabletype | |
►Ntabletermmodule | |
Ctabletermtype | |
Ntdismodule | |
Nternarysolvetrack | |
►Ntimearraymodule | |
Ctimearraytype | |
►Ntimearrayserieslinkmodule | |
Ctimearrayserieslinktype | |
►Ntimearrayseriesmanagermodule | |
Ctimearrayseriesmanagertype | |
►Ntimearrayseriesmodule | |
Ctimearrayseriestype | |
Ntimermodule | |
►Ntimeselectmodule | Specify times for some event to occur |
Ctimeselecttype | Represents a series of instants at which some event should occur |
►Ntimeseriesfilelistmodule | |
Ctimeseriesfilelisttype | |
►Ntimeserieslinkmodule | |
Ctimeserieslinktype | |
►Ntimeseriesmanagermodule | |
Ctimeseriesmanagertype | |
►Ntimeseriesmodule | |
Ctimeseriestype | |
Ctimeseriesfiletype | |
Ctimeseriescontainertype | |
►Ntimeseriesrecordmodule | |
Ctimeseriesrecordtype | |
►Ntimestepselectmodule | Time step selection module |
Ctimestepselecttype | Time step selection type |
►Ntrackcontrolmodule | |
Ctrackcontroltype | Manages particle track (i.e. pathline) files |
►Ntrackfilemodule | |
Ctrackfiletype | Output file containing all or some particle pathlines |
►Ntransportmodelmodule | This module contains the base transport model type |
Ctransportmodeltype | |
►Ntspadvmodule | |
Ctspadvtype | |
►Ntspadvoptionsmodule | |
Ctspadvoptionstype | |
►Ntspaptmodule | |
Ctspapttype | |
►Ntspfmimodule | |
Cdataadvancedpackagetype | |
Cbudobjptrarray | |
Ctspfmitype | |
►Ntspicmodule | |
Ctspictype | |
►Ntspmvtmodule | |
Ctspmvttype | |
►Ntspobsmodule | |
Ctspobstype | |
►Ntspocmodule | |
Ctspoctype | @ brief Output control |
►Ntspspcmodule | This module contains the TspSpc Module |
Ctspspctype | Derived type for managing SPC input |
►Ntspssmmodule | This module contains the TspSsm Module |
Ctspssmtype | Derived type for the SSM Package |
►Ntvbasemodule | This module contains common time-varying property functionality |
Ctvbasetype | |
Car_set_pointers | Announce package and set pointers to variables |
Cread_option | Announce package and set pointers to variables |
Cget_pointer_to_value | Get an array value pointer given a variable name and node index |
Cset_changed_at | Mark property changes as having occurred at (kper, kstp) |
Creset_change_flags | Clear all per-node change flags |
Cvalidate_change | Check that a given property value is valid |
►Ntvkmodule | This module contains time-varying conductivity package methods |
Ctvktype | |
►Ntvsmodule | This module contains the time-varying storage package methods |
Ctvstype | |
►Nutlhpcinputmodule | |
Cutlhpcparamfoundtype | |
►Nutlncfinputmodule | |
Cutlncfparamfoundtype | |
►Nuzfcellgroupmodule | |
Cuzfcellgrouptype | |
Nuzfetutilmodule | |
►Nuzfmodule | |
Cuzftype | |
►Nvectorbasemodule | |
Cvectorbasetype | |
Ccreate_mm_if | |
Cdestroy_if | |
Cget_array_if | |
Cget_ownership_range_if | |
Cget_size_if | |
Cget_value_local_if | |
Czero_entries_if | |
Cset_value_local_if | |
Caxpy_if | |
Cnorm2_if | |
Cprint_if | |
Nvectorinterpolationmodule | |
Nversionmodule | This module contains version information |
►Nvirtualbasemodule | |
Cvirtualdatatype | This is a generic data structure to virtualize pieces of memory in 2 distinct ways: |
Cvirtualinttype | |
Cvirtualint1dtype | |
Cvirtualdbltype | |
Cvirtualdbl1dtype | |
Cvirtualdbl2dtype | |
Cvm_allocate_if | |
Cvm_deallocate_if | |
►Nvirtualdatacontainermodule | |
Cvdcptrtype | Wrapper for virtual data containers |
Cvdcelementmaptype | |
Cvdcelementluttype | |
Cvirtualdatacontainertype | Container (list) of virtual data items |
Nvirtualdatalistsmodule | |
►Nvirtualexchangemodule | |
Cvirtualexchangetype | The Virtual Exchange is based on two Virtual Models and is therefore not always strictly local or remote. We have to consider three different cases: |
►Nvirtualgweexchangemodule | |
Cvirtualgweexchangetype | |
►Nvirtualgwemodelmodule | |
Cvirtualgwemodeltype | |
►Nvirtualgwfexchangemodule | |
Cvirtualgwfexchangetype | For synchronization of GWF specific exchange data: |
►Nvirtualgwfmodelmodule | |
Cvirtualgwfmodeltype | |
►Nvirtualgwtexchangemodule | |
Cvirtualgwtexchangetype | |
►Nvirtualgwtmodelmodule | |
Cvirtualgwtmodeltype | |
►Nvirtualmodelmodule | |
Cget_virtual_model | |
Cvirtualmodeltype | |
►Nvirtualsolutionmodule | |
Cvirtualsolutiontype | This bundles all virtual data for a particular solution |
►Nwelmodule | This module contains the WEL package methods |
Cweltype | |
Nxt3dalgorithmmodule | |
►Nxt3dmodule | |
Cxt3dtype | |