MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
BoundInputContext.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  boundinputcontextmodule::readstatevartype
 Pointer type for read state variable. More...
type  boundinputcontextmodule::boundinputcontexttype
 derived type for boundary package input context More...


module  boundinputcontextmodule
 This module contains the BoundInputContextModule.


subroutine boundinputcontextmodule::create (this, mf6_input, readasarrays)
 create boundary input context More...
subroutine boundinputcontextmodule::allocate_scalars (this)
 create boundary input context More...
subroutine boundinputcontextmodule::allocate_arrays (this)
 allocate_arrays More...
subroutine boundinputcontextmodule::list_params_create (this, params, nparam, input_name)
subroutine boundinputcontextmodule::array_params_create (this, params, nparam, input_name)
 allocate dfn array input period block parameters More...
subroutine boundinputcontextmodule::destroy (this)
 destroy boundary input context More...
character(len=lenvarname) function boundinputcontextmodule::rsv_alloc (this, mf6varname)
 allocate a read state variable More...
subroutine boundinputcontextmodule::bound_params (this, params, nparam, input_name, create)
 allocate and set input array to filtered param set More...
character(len=lenvarname) function, public boundinputcontextmodule::rsv_name (mf6varname)
 create read state variable name More...