MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
BoundaryPackageExt.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  bndextmodule::bndexttype
 @ brief BndExtType More...
type  bndextmodule::bndextfoundtype
 @ brief BndExtFoundType More...


module  bndextmodule
 This module contains the extended boundary package.


subroutine bndextmodule::bndext_df (this, neq, dis)
 @ brief Define boundary package options and dimensions More...
subroutine bndextmodule::bndext_rp (this)
subroutine bndextmodule::bndext_da (this)
 @ brief Deallocate package memory More...
subroutine bndextmodule::bndext_allocate_scalars (this)
 @ brief Allocate package scalars More...
subroutine bndextmodule::bndext_allocate_arrays (this, nodelist, auxvar)
 @ brief Allocate package arrays More...
subroutine bndextmodule::source_options (this)
 @ brief Source package options from input context More...
subroutine bndextmodule::log_options (this, found, sfacauxname)
 @ brief Log package options More...
subroutine bndextmodule::source_dimensions (this)
 @ brief Source package dimensions from input context More...
subroutine bndextmodule::nodelist_update (this)
 @ brief Update package nodelist More...
subroutine bndextmodule::check_cellid (this, ii, cellid, mshape, ndim)
 @ brief Check for valid cellid More...
subroutine bndextmodule::write_list (this)
 @ brief Log package list input More...
real(dp) function bndextmodule::bound_value (this, col, row)
 @ brief Return a bound value More...