subroutine | connectionsmodule::con_da (this) |
| Deallocate connection variables. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::allocate_scalars (this, name_model) |
| Allocate scalars for ConnectionsType. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::allocate_arrays (this) |
| Allocate arrays for ConnectionsType. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::con_finalize (this, ihctemp, cl12temp, hwvatemp, angldegx) |
| Finalize connection data. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::read_connectivity_from_block (this, name_model, nodes, nja, iout) |
| Read and process IAC and JA from an an input block called CONNECTIONDATA. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::set_cl1_cl2_from_fleng (this, fleng) |
| Using a vector of cell lengths, calculate the cl1 and cl2 arrays. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::disconnections (this, name_model, nodes, ncol, nrow, nlay, nrsize, delr, delc, top, bot, nodereduced, nodeuser) |
| Construct the connectivity arrays for a structured three-dimensional grid. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::disvconnections (this, name_model, nodes, ncpl, nlay, nrsize, nvert, vertex, iavert, javert, cellxy, top, bot, nodereduced, nodeuser) |
| Construct the connectivity arrays using cell disv information. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::disuconnections (this, name_model, nodes, nodesuser, nrsize, nodereduced, nodeuser, iainp, jainp, ihcinp, cl12inp, hwvainp, angldegxinp, iangledegx) |
| Construct the connectivity arrays using disu information. Grid may be reduced. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::disv1dconnections_verts (this, name_model, nodes, nodesuser, nrsize, nvert, vertices, iavert, javert, cellxy, cellfdc, nodereduced, nodeuser, reach_length) |
| Fill the connections object for a disv1d package from vertices. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::fill_disv1d_symarrays (ia, ja, jas, cell_length, ihc, cl1, cl2, nrsize, nodereduced, nodeuser, fdc, iavert, javert, iavertcells, javertcells) |
| Fill symmetric connection arrays for disv1d. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::iajausr (this, nrsize, nodesuser, nodereduced, nodeuser) |
| Fill iausr and jausr if reduced grid, otherwise point them to ia and ja. More...
integer(i4b) function | connectionsmodule::getjaindex (this, node1, node2) |
| Get the index in the JA array corresponding to the connection between two nodes of interest. More...
subroutine, public | connectionsmodule::fillisym (neq, nja, ia, ja, isym) |
| Function to fill the isym array. More...
subroutine, public | connectionsmodule::filljas (neq, nja, ia, ja, isym, jas) |
| Function to fill the jas array. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::vertexconnect (nodes, nrsize, maxnnz, nlay, ncpl, sparse, vertcellspm, cell1, cell2, nodereduced) |
| Routine to make cell connections from vertices. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::vertexconnectl (nodes, nrsize, maxnnz, nodeuser, sparse, iavertcells, javertcells, nodereduced) |
| Routine to make cell connections from vertices for a linear network. More...
subroutine | connectionsmodule::set_mask (this, ipos, maskval) |
| routine to set a value in the mask array (which has the same shape as thisja) More...
subroutine, public | connectionsmodule::iac_to_ia (iac, ia) |
| Convert an iac array into an ia array. More...
logical(lgp) function | connectionsmodule::connected_down_n (nu, mu, iavert, javert, iavertcells, javertcells) |
| Is cell m is connected to the downstream end of cell n. More...