MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
DisConnExchange.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  disconnexchangemodule::disconnexchangetype
 Exchange based on connection between discretizations of DisBaseType. The data specifies the connections, similar to the information stored in the connections object: DisBaseTypecon. More...
type  disconnexchangemodule::disconnexchangefoundtype
 @ brief DisConnExchangeFoundType More...


module  disconnexchangemodule


subroutine disconnexchangemodule::source_options (this, iout)
 Source options from input context. More...
subroutine disconnexchangemodule::source_dimensions (this, iout)
 Source dimension from input context. More...
integer(i4b) function disconnexchangemodule::noder (this, model, cellid, iout)
 Returns reduced node number from user. More...
character(len=20) function disconnexchangemodule::cellstr (this, ndim, cellid, iout)
subroutine disconnexchangemodule::source_data (this, iout)
 Source exchange data from input context. More...
subroutine disconnexchangemodule::allocate_scalars (this)
 Allocate scalars and initialize to defaults. More...
subroutine disconnexchangemodule::allocate_arrays (this)
 Allocate array data, using the number of connected nodes. More...
logical(lgp) function disconnexchangemodule::use_interface_model (this)
 Should interface model be used to handle these exchanges, to be overridden for inheriting types. More...
subroutine disconnexchangemodule::disconnex_da (this)
 Clean up all scalars and arrays. More...
class(disconnexchangetype) function, pointer, public disconnexchangemodule::castasdisconnexchangeclass (obj)
subroutine, public disconnexchangemodule::adddisconnexchangetolist (list, exchange)
class(disconnexchangetype) function, pointer, public disconnexchangemodule::getdisconnexchangefromlist (list, idx)