subroutine | basedismodule::dis_df (this) |
| Define the discretization. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::dis_ac (this, moffset, sparse) |
| Add connections to sparse cell connectivity matrix. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::dis_mc (this, moffset, idxglo, matrix_sln) |
| Map cell connections in the numerical solution coefficient matrix. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::dis_ar (this, icelltype) |
| Allocate and setup variables, and write binary grid file. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::write_grb (this, icelltype) |
| Write a binary grid file. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::dis_da (this) |
| @brier Deallocate variables More...
subroutine | basedismodule::nodeu_to_string (this, nodeu, str) |
| Convert a user nodenumber to a string (nodenumber), (k,j), or (k,i,j) More...
subroutine | basedismodule::nodeu_to_array (this, nodeu, arr) |
| Convert a user nodenumber to an array (nodenumber), (k,j), or (k,i,j) More...
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::get_nodeuser (this, noder) |
| Convert a reduced nodenumber to a user node number. More...
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::get_nodenumber_idx1 (this, nodeu, icheck) |
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::get_nodenumber_idx2 (this, k, j, icheck) |
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::get_nodenumber_idx3 (this, k, i, j, icheck) |
subroutine | basedismodule::connection_normal (this, noden, nodem, ihc, xcomp, ycomp, zcomp, ipos) |
| Get normal vector components between the cell and a given neighbor. The normal points outward from the shared face between noden and nodem. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::connection_vector (this, noden, nodem, nozee, satn, satm, ihc, xcomp, ycomp, zcomp, conlen) |
| Get unit vector components between the cell and a given neighbor. Saturation must be provided to compute cell center vertical coordinates. Also return the straight-line connection length. More...
subroutine, public | basedismodule::dis_transform_xy (x, y, xorigin, yorigin, angrot, xglo, yglo) |
| Get global (x, y) coordinates from cell-local coordinates. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::get_dis_type (this, dis_type) |
| Get the discretization type (DIS, DISV, or DISU) More...
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::get_dis_enum (this) |
| Get the discretization type enumeration. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::allocate_scalars (this, name_model, input_mempath) |
| Allocate and initialize scalar variables. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::allocate_arrays (this) |
| Allocate and initialize arrays. More...
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::nodeu_from_string (this, lloc, istart, istop, in, iout, line, flag_string, allow_zero) |
| Convert a string to a user nodenumber. More...
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::nodeu_from_cellid (this, cellid, inunit, iout, flag_string, allow_zero) |
| Convert a cellid string to a user nodenumber. More...
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::noder_from_string (this, lloc, istart, istop, in, iout, line, flag_string) |
| Convert a string to a reduced nodenumber. More...
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::noder_from_cellid (this, cellid, inunit, iout, flag_string, allow_zero) |
| Convert cellid string to reduced nodenumber. More...
logical function | basedismodule::supports_layers (this) |
| Indicates whether the grid discretization supports layers. More...
integer(i4b) function | basedismodule::get_ncpl (this) |
| Return number of cells per layer. This is nodes for a DISU grid, as there are no layers. More...
real(dp) function | basedismodule::get_cell_volume (this, n, x) |
| Return volume of cell n based on x value passed. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::get_polyverts (this, ic, polyverts, closed) |
| Get a 2D array of polygon vertices, listed in clockwise order beginning with the lower left corner. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::read_int_array (this, line, lloc, istart, istop, iout, in, iarray, aname) |
| Read an integer array. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::read_dbl_array (this, line, lloc, istart, istop, iout, in, darray, aname) |
| Read a double precision array. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::fill_int_array (this, ibuff1, ibuff2) |
| Fill an integer array. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::fill_dbl_array (this, buff1, buff2) |
| Fill a double precision array. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::read_list (this, line_reader, in, iout, iprpak, nlist, inamedbound, iauxmultcol, nodelist, rlist, auxvar, auxname, boundname, label, pkgname, tsManager, iscloc, indxconvertflux) |
| Read a list using the list reader. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::read_layer_array (this, nodelist, darray, ncolbnd, maxbnd, icolbnd, aname, inunit, iout) |
| Read a 2d double array into col icolbnd of darray. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::record_array (this, darray, iout, iprint, idataun, aname, cdatafmp, nvaluesp, nwidthp, editdesc, dinact) |
| Record a double precision array. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::record_connection_array (this, flowja, ibinun, iout) |
| Record a connection-based double precision array. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::noder_to_string (this, noder, str) |
| Convert reduced node number to string (nodenumber), (k,j) or (k,i,j) More...
subroutine | basedismodule::noder_to_array (this, noder, arr) |
| Convert reduced node number to array (nodenumber), (k,j) or (k,i,j) More...
subroutine | basedismodule::record_srcdst_list_header (this, text, textmodel, textpackage, dstmodel, dstpackage, naux, auxtxt, ibdchn, nlist, iout) |
| Record list header for imeth=6. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::record_srcdst_list_entry (this, ibdchn, noder, noder2, q, naux, aux, olconv, olconv2) |
| Record list header. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::nlarray_to_nodelist (this, darray, nodelist, maxbnd, nbound, aname) |
| Convert an integer array to nodelist. More...
subroutine | basedismodule::highest_active (this, n, ibound) |
| Find the first highest active cell beneath cell n. More...
real(dp) function | basedismodule::get_area (this, node) |
| Return the cell area for the given node. More...
real(dp) function | basedismodule::get_area_factor (this, node, idx_conn) |
| @ brief Calculate the area factor for the cell connection More...
subroutine | basedismodule::get_flow_width (this, n, m, idx_conn, width_n, width_m) |
| @ brief Calculate the flow width between two cells More...
logical(lgp) function | basedismodule::is_3d (this) |
| @Brief return true if grid is three dimensional More...
logical(lgp) function | basedismodule::is_2d (this) |
| @Brief return true if grid is two dimensional More...
logical(lgp) function | basedismodule::is_1d (this) |
| @Brief return true if grid is one dimensional More...