MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Disv1d.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  disv1dmodule::disv1dtype
type  disv1dmodule::disfoundtype
 Simplifies tracking parameters sourced from the input context. More...


module  disv1dmodule


subroutine, public disv1dmodule::disv1d_cr (dis, name_model, input_mempath, inunit, iout)
subroutine disv1dmodule::disv1d_df (this)
 Define the discretization. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::connection_normal (this, noden, nodem, ihc, xcomp, ycomp, zcomp, ipos)
 Get normal vector components between the cell and a given neighbor. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::connection_vector (this, noden, nodem, nozee, satn, satm, ihc, xcomp, ycomp, zcomp, conlen)
 Get unit vector components between the cell and a given neighbor. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::get_dis_type (this, dis_type)
 Get the discretization type (DIS, DIS2D, DISV, DISV1D, DISU) More...
integer(i4b) function disv1dmodule::get_dis_enum (this)
 Get the discretization type enumeration. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::allocate_scalars (this, name_model, input_mempath)
 Allocate scalar variables. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::disv1d_load (this)
subroutine disv1dmodule::source_options (this)
 Copy options from IDM into package. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::log_options (this, found)
 Write user options to list file. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::source_dimensions (this)
 Copy dimensions from IDM into package. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::log_dimensions (this, found)
 Write dimensions to list file. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::source_griddata (this)
subroutine disv1dmodule::log_griddata (this, found)
 Write griddata found to list file. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::source_vertices (this)
 Copy vertex information from input data context to model context. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::source_cell1d (this)
 Copy cell1d information from input data context to model context. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::define_cellverts (this, icell1d, ncvert, icvert)
 Construct the iavert and javert integer vectors which are compressed sparse row index arrays that relate the vertices to reaches. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::calculate_cellxy (vertices, fdc, iavert, javert, length, cellxy)
 Calculate x, y, coordinates of reach midpoint. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::calculate_cell_length (vertices, iavert, javert, length)
 Calculate x, y, coordinates of reach midpoint. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::grid_finalize (this)
 Finalize grid construction. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::allocate_arrays (this)
subroutine disv1dmodule::create_connections (this)
subroutine disv1dmodule::write_grb (this, icelltype)
 Write binary grid file. More...
integer(i4b) function disv1dmodule::get_nodenumber_idx1 (this, nodeu, icheck)
 Return a nodenumber from the user specified node number with an option to perform a check. This subroutine can be overridden by child classes to perform mapping to a model node number. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::nodeu_to_string (this, nodeu, str)
integer(i4b) function disv1dmodule::nodeu_from_string (this, lloc, istart, istop, in, iout, line, flag_string, allow_zero)
 nodeu_from_string – Receive a string and convert the string to a user nodenumber. The model is unstructured; just read user nodenumber. If flag_string argument is present and true, the first token in string is allowed to be a string (e.g. boundary name). In this case, if a string is encountered, return value as -2. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::disv1d_da (this)
subroutine disv1dmodule::record_array (this, darray, iout, iprint, idataun, aname, cdatafmp, nvaluesp, nwidthp, editdesc, dinact)
 Record a double precision array. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::record_srcdst_list_header (this, text, textmodel, textpackage, dstmodel, dstpackage, naux, auxtxt, ibdchn, nlist, iout)
 Record list header using ubdsv06. More...
subroutine disv1dmodule::get_flow_width (this, n, m, idx_conn, width_n, width_m)
 @ brief Calculate the flow width between two cells More...