MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
GeomUtil.f90 File Reference

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module  geomutilmodule


logical function, public geomutilmodule::between (x, a, b)
 Check if a value is between two other values (inclusive). More...
logical function, public geomutilmodule::point_in_polygon (x, y, poly)
 Check if a point is within a polygon. More...
integer(i4b) function, public geomutilmodule::get_node (ilay, irow, icol, nlay, nrow, ncol)
 Get node number, given layer, row, and column indices for a structured grid. If any argument is invalid return -1. More...
subroutine, public geomutilmodule::get_ijk (nodenumber, nrow, ncol, nlay, irow, icol, ilay)
 Get row, column and layer indices from node number and grid dimensions. If nodenumber is invalid, irow, icol, and ilay are -1. More...
subroutine, public geomutilmodule::get_jk (nodenumber, ncpl, nlay, icpl, ilay)
 Get layer index and within-layer node index from node number and grid dimensions. If nodenumber is invalid, icpl and ilay are -1. More...
pure real(dp) function, dimension(2), public geomutilmodule::skew (v, s, invert)
 Skew a 2D vector along the x-axis. More...
subroutine, public geomutilmodule::transform (xin, yin, zin, xout, yout, zout, xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, sinrot, cosrot, invert)
 Apply a 3D translation and optional 2D rotation to coordinates. More...
subroutine, public geomutilmodule::compose (xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, sinrot, cosrot, xorigin_new, yorigin_new, zorigin_new, sinrot_new, cosrot_new, invert)
 Apply a 3D translation and 2D rotation to an existing transformation. More...
subroutine geomutilmodule::defaults (xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, sinrot, cosrot, invert, translate, rotate, xorigin_opt, yorigin_opt, zorigin_opt, sinrot_opt, cosrot_opt, invert_opt)
 Process arguments and set defaults. Internal use only. More...
real(dp) function, public geomutilmodule::area (xv, yv, cw)
 Calculate polygon area, with vertices given in CW or CCW order. More...
subroutine, public geomutilmodule::shared_face (iverts1, iverts2, iface)
 Find the lateral face shared by two cells. More...
subroutine, public geomutilmodule::clamp_bary (alpha, beta, gamma, pad)
 Clamp barycentric coordinates to the interior of a triangle, with optional padding some minimum distance from any face. More...