subroutine | gridfilereadermodule::initialize (this, iu) |
| @Brief Initialize the grid file reader. More...
subroutine | gridfilereadermodule::finalize (this) |
| Finalize the grid file reader. More...
subroutine | gridfilereadermodule::read_header (this) |
| Read the file's self-describing header. Internal use only. More...
subroutine | gridfilereadermodule::read_header_meta (this) |
| Read self-describing metadata (first four lines). Internal use only. More...
subroutine | gridfilereadermodule::read_header_body (this) |
| Read the header body section (text following first. More...
integer(i4b) function | gridfilereadermodule::read_int (this, key) |
| Read an integer scalar from a grid file. More...
real(dp) function | gridfilereadermodule::read_dbl (this, key) |
| Read a double precision scalar from a grid file. More...
integer(i4b) function, dimension(:), allocatable | gridfilereadermodule::read_int_1d (this, key) |
| Read a 1D integer array from a grid file. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(:), allocatable | gridfilereadermodule::read_dbl_1d (this, key) |
| Read a 1D double array from a grid file. More...
integer(i4b) function, dimension(:), allocatable | gridfilereadermodule::read_grid_shape (this) |
| Read the grid shape from a grid file. More...