MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
GwtGwtConnection.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtconnectiontype
 Connects a GWT model to other GWT models in space. Derives from NumericalExchangeType so the solution can use it to fetch the coefficients for this connection. More...


module  gwtgwtconnectionmodule


subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtconnection_ctor (this, model, gwtEx)
 Basic construction of the connection. More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::allocate_scalars (this)
 Allocate scalar variables for this connection. More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtcon_df (this)
 define the GWT-GWT connection More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::cfg_dist_vars (this)
 Configure distributed variables for this interface model. More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::allocate_arrays (this)
 Allocate array variables for this connection. More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::setgridextent (this)
 Set required extent of the interface grid from. More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtcon_ar (this)
 allocate and read/set the connection's data structures More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::validateconnection (this)
 validate this connection prior to constructing More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtcon_rp (this)
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtcon_ad (this)
 Advance this connection. More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtcon_fc (this, kiter, matrix_sln, rhs_sln, inwtflag)
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtcon_cq (this, icnvg, isuppress_output, isolnid)
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::setflowtoexchange (this)
 Set the flows (flowja from interface model) to the. More...
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtcon_bd (this, icnvg, isuppress_output, isolnid)
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtcon_ot (this)
subroutine gwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtcon_da (this)
class(gwtgwtconnectiontype) function, pointer, public gwtgwtconnectionmodule::castasgwtgwtconnection (obj)
 Cast to GwtGwtConnectionType. More...