subroutine | meshmodelmodule::mesh_init (this, modelname, modeltype, modelfname, nc_fname, disenum, nctype, iout) |
| initialize More...
subroutine | meshmodelmodule::mesh_destroy (this) |
| initialize More...
subroutine | meshmodelmodule::add_global_att (this) |
| create file (group) attributes More...
subroutine | meshmodelmodule::export_input_arrays (this, pkgtype, pkgname, mempath, param_dfns) |
| write package gridded input data More...
subroutine | meshmodelmodule::add_pkg_data (this) |
| determine packages to write gridded input More...
subroutine | meshmodelmodule::define_dependent (this) |
| create the model layer dependent variables More...
subroutine | meshmodelmodule::define_gridmap (this) |
| create the file grid mapping container variable More...
subroutine | meshmodelmodule::create_mesh (this) |
| create the file mesh container variable More...
subroutine, public | meshmodelmodule::ncvar_chunk (ncid, varid, chunk_face, nc_fname) |
| define variable chunking More...
subroutine, public | meshmodelmodule::ncvar_deflate (ncid, varid, deflate, shuffle, nc_fname) |
| define variable compression More...
subroutine, public | meshmodelmodule::ncvar_gridmap (ncid, varid, gridmap_name, nc_fname) |
| put variable gridmap attributes More...
subroutine, public | meshmodelmodule::ncvar_mf6attr (ncid, varid, layer, iper, iaux, nc_tag, nc_fname) |
| put variable internal attributes More...
character(len=linelength) function, public | meshmodelmodule::export_varname (varname, layer, iper, iaux) |
| build netcdf variable name More...