subroutine, public | methoddisvmodule::create_method_disv (method) |
| Create a new vertex grid (DISV) tracking method. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::deallocate (this) |
| Destroy the tracking method. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_disv (this, particle, next_level, submethod) |
| Load the cell and the tracking method. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_particle (this, cell, particle) |
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::update_flowja (this, cell, particle) |
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::pass_disv (this, particle) |
| Pass a particle to the next cell, if there is one. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::map_neighbor (this, defn, inface, z) |
| Map location on cell face to shared cell face of neighbor. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::apply_disv (this, particle, tmax) |
| Apply the DISV tracking method to a particle. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_cell_defn (this, ic, defn) |
| Load cell definition from the grid. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_properties (this, ic, defn) |
| Loads cell properties to cell definition from the grid. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_polygon (this, defn) |
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_neighbors (this, defn) |
| Loads face neighbors to cell definition from the grid Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_flows (this, defn) |
| Load flows into the cell definition. These include face, boundary and net distributed flows. Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_face_flows_to_defn_poly (this, defn) |
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_boundary_flows_to_defn_rect (this, defn) |
| Load boundary flows from the grid into a rectangular cell. Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_boundary_flows_to_defn_rect_quad (this, defn) |
| Load boundary flows from the grid into rectangular quadcell. Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_boundary_flows_to_defn_poly (this, defn) |
| Load boundary flows from the grid into a polygonal cell. Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded. More...
subroutine | methoddisvmodule::load_indicators (this, defn) |
| Load 180-degree vertex indicator array and set flags indicating how cell can be represented. Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded. More...