MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
MethodSubcellPollock.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  methodsubcellpollockmodule::methodsubcellpollocktype
 Rectangular subcell tracking method. More...


module  methodsubcellpollockmodule


subroutine, public methodsubcellpollockmodule::create_method_subcell_pollock (method)
 Create a new Pollock's subcell method. More...
subroutine methodsubcellpollockmodule::deallocate (this)
 Deallocate the Pollock's subcell method. More...
subroutine methodsubcellpollockmodule::apply_msp (this, particle, tmax)
 Apply Pollock's method to a rectangular subcell. More...
subroutine methodsubcellpollockmodule::track_subcell (this, subcell, particle, tmax)
 Track a particle across a rectangular subcell using Pollock's method. More...
integer(i4b) function, public methodsubcellpollockmodule::calculate_dt (v1, v2, dx, xL, v, dvdx, dt)
 Calculate particle travel time to exit and exit status. More...
pure real(dp) function methodsubcellpollockmodule::new_x (v, dvdx, v1, v2, dt, x, dx, velocity_profile)
 Update a cell-local coordinate based on a time increment. More...