subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::create (this, map_sizes) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::destroy (this) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::init (this) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::attach_data (this, vdc_models, vdc_exchanges) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::release_data (this) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::set_monitor (this, imon) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_header_snd (this, rank, stage, hdrs_snd_type) |
| Create the header data type to send to the remote process for this particular stage. From these data, the receiver can construct the. More...
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_header_rcv (this, hdr_rcv_type) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_map_snd (this, rank, stage, map_snd_type) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_map_rcv (this, rcv_map, nr_headers, map_rcv_type) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_body_rcv (this, rank, stage, body_rcv_type) |
| Create the body to receive based on the headers. More...
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_body_snd (this, rank, stage, headers, maps, body_snd_type) |
| Create the body to send based on the received headers. More...
integer function | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_vdc_snd_hdr (this, vdc, stage) |
| Create send header for virtual data container, relative. More...
integer function | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_vdc_snd_map (this, vdc, stage) |
| Create a MPI datatype for sending the maps. More...
integer function | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_vdc_rcv_body (this, vdc, rank, stage) |
integer function | mpimessagebuildermodule::create_vdc_snd_body (this, vdc, vdc_maps, rank, stage) |
class(virtualdatacontainertype) function, pointer | mpimessagebuildermodule::get_vdc_from_hdr (this, header) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::get_mpi_datatype (this, virtual_data, el_displ, el_type, el_map_opt) |
| Local routine to get elemental mpi data types representing the virtual data items. Types are automatically committed unless. More...
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::free_mpi_datatype (virtual_data, el_type) |
| Local routine to free elemental mpi data types representing the virtual data items. This can't be done generally, because some. More...
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::get_mpitype_for_int (mem, el_displ, el_type) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::get_mpitype_for_int1d (mem, el_displ, el_type, el_map) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::get_mpitype_for_dbl (mem, el_displ, el_type) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::get_mpitype_for_dbl1d (mem, el_displ, el_type, el_map) |
subroutine | mpimessagebuildermodule::get_mpitype_for_dbl2d (mem, el_displ, el_type, el_map) |