MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
NumericalSolution.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  numericalsolutionmodule::numericalsolutiontype
interface  numericalsolutionmodule::synchronize_iface


module  numericalsolutionmodule


subroutine, public numericalsolutionmodule::create_numerical_solution (num_sol, filename, id)
 @ brief Create a new solution More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::allocate_scalars (this)
 @ brief Allocate scalars More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::allocate_arrays (this)
 @ brief Allocate arrays More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_df (this)
 @ brief Define the solution More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_ar (this)
 @ brief Allocate and read data More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_dt (this)
 @ brief Calculate delt More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_ad (this)
 @ brief Advance solution More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_ot (this)
 @ brief Output solution More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_fp (this)
 @ brief Finalize solution More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_da (this)
 @ brief Deallocate solution More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_ca (this, isgcnvg, isuppress_output)
 @ brief Solve solution More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::writecsvheader (this)
 @ brief CSV header More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::writeptcinfotofile (this, kper)
 @ brief PTC header More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::preparesolve (this)
 @ brief prepare to solve More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::solve (this, kiter)
 @ brief Build and solve the simulation More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::finalizesolve (this, kiter, isgcnvg, isuppress_output)
 @ brief finalize a solution More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_buildsystem (this, kiter, inewton)
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::convergence_summary (this, iu, im, itertot_timestep)
 @ brief Solution convergence summary More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::csv_convergence_summary (this, iu, totim, kper, kstp, kouter, niter, istart, kstart)
 @ brief Solution convergence CSV summary More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::save (this, filename)
 @ brief Save solution data to a file More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::add_model (this, mp)
 @ brief Add a model More...
type(listtype) function, pointer numericalsolutionmodule::get_models (this)
 Get a list of models. More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::add_exchange (this, exchange)
 Add exchange. More...
type(listtype) function, pointer numericalsolutionmodule::get_exchanges (this)
 Returns a pointer to the list of exchanges in this solution. More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_connect (this)
 @ brief Assign solution connections More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_reset (this)
 @ brief Reset the solution More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_ls (this, kiter, kstp, kper, in_iter, iptc, ptcf)
 @ brief Solve the linear system of equations More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_setouter (this, ifdparam)
 @ brief Set default Picard iteration variables More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_backtracking (this, mp, cp, kiter)
 @ brief Perform backtracking More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_backtracking_xupdate (this, bt_flag)
 @ brief Backtracking update of the dependent variable More...
integer(i4b) function numericalsolutionmodule::get_backtracking_flag (this)
 Check if backtracking should be applied for this solution,. More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::apply_backtracking (this)
 Update x with backtracking. More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_l2norm (this, l2norm)
 @ brief Calculate the solution L-2 norm for all active cells using More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_maxval (this, nsize, v, vmax)
 @ brief Get the maximum value from a vector More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_calcdx (this, neq, active, x, xtemp, dx)
 @ brief Calculate dependent-variable change More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_calc_ptc (this, iptc, ptcf)
 Calculate pseudo-transient continuation factor. More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_calc_residual (this, vec_resid)
 Calculate the current residual vector r = A*x - b,. More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_underrelax (this, kiter, bigch, neq, active, x, xtemp)
 @ brief Under-relaxation More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_get_dxmax (this, hncg, lrch)
 @ brief Determine maximum dependent-variable change More...
logical(lgp) function numericalsolutionmodule::sln_has_converged (this, max_dvc)
integer(i4b) function numericalsolutionmodule::sln_package_convergence (this, dpak, cpakout, iend)
 Check package convergence. More...
integer(i4b) function numericalsolutionmodule::sln_sync_newtonur_flag (this, inewtonur)
 Synchronize Newton Under-relaxation flag. More...
logical(lgp) function numericalsolutionmodule::sln_nur_has_converged (this, dxold_max, hncg)
 Custom convergence check for when Newton UR has been applied. More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_get_loc (this, nodesln, str)
 @ brief Get cell location string More...
subroutine numericalsolutionmodule::sln_get_nodeu (this, nodesln, im, nodeu)
 @ brief Get user node number More...
class(numericalsolutiontype) function, pointer, public numericalsolutionmodule::castasnumericalsolutionclass (obj)
 @ brief Cast a object as a Numerical Solution More...
class(numericalsolutiontype) function, pointer, public numericalsolutionmodule::getnumericalsolutionfromlist (list, idx)
 @ brief Get a numerical solution More...


integer(i4b), parameter numericalsolutionmodule::ims_solver = 1
integer(i4b), parameter numericalsolutionmodule::petsc_solver = 2