MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Obs.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  obsmodule::obstype


module  obsmodule
 This module contains the derived type ObsType.


subroutine, public obsmodule::obs_cr (obs, inobs)
 @ brief Create a new ObsType object More...
subroutine, public obsmodule::defaultobsidprocessor (obsrv, dis, inunitobs, iout)
 @ brief Process IDstring provided for each observation More...
subroutine obsmodule::obs_df (this, iout, pkgname, filtyp, dis)
 @ brief Define some members of an ObsType object More...
subroutine obsmodule::obs_ar (this)
 @ brief Allocate and read package observations More...
subroutine obsmodule::obs_ad (this)
 @ brief Advance package observations More...
subroutine obsmodule::obs_bd_clear (this)
 @ brief Clear observation output lines More...
subroutine obsmodule::obs_ot (this)
 @ brief Output observation data More...
subroutine obsmodule::obs_da (this)
 @ brief Deallocate observation data More...
subroutine obsmodule::saveonesimval (this, obsrv, simval)
 @ brief Save a simulated value More...
subroutine obsmodule::storeobstype (this, obsrvType, cumulative, indx)
 @ brief Store observation type More...
subroutine obsmodule::allocate_scalars (this)
 @ brief Allocate observation scalars More...
subroutine obsmodule::obs_ar1 (this, pkgname)
 @ brief Read observation options and output formats More...
subroutine obsmodule::obs_ar2 (this, dis)
 @ brief Call procedure provided by package More...
subroutine obsmodule::read_obs_options (this)
 @ brief Read observation options block More...
subroutine obsmodule::define_fmts (this)
 @ brief Define observation output formats More...
subroutine obsmodule::read_observations (this)
 @ brief Read observations More...
integer(i4b) function obsmodule::get_num (this)
 @ brief Get the number of observations More...
subroutine obsmodule::build_headers (this)
 @ brief Build observation headers More...
subroutine obsmodule::get_obs_array (this, nObs, obsArray)
 @ brief Get an array of observations More...
type(obsdatatype) function, pointer obsmodule::get_obs_datum (this, obsTypeID)
 @ brief Get an ObsDataType object More...
subroutine obsmodule::set_obs_array (this, nObs, obsArray)
 @ brief Set observation array values More...
class(observetype) function, pointer obsmodule::get_obs (this, indx)
 @ brief Get an ObserveType object More...
subroutine obsmodule::read_obs_blocks (this, fname)
 @ brief Read observation blocks More...
subroutine obsmodule::write_obs_simvals (this)
 @ brief Write observation data More...