subroutine, public | particlemodule::create_particle (particle) |
| Create a new particle. More...
subroutine, public | particlemodule::allocate_particle_store (this, np, mempath) |
| Create a new particle store. More...
subroutine | particlemodule::deallocate (this, mempath) |
| Deallocate particle arrays. More...
subroutine | particlemodule::resize (this, np, mempath) |
| Reallocate particle arrays. More...
subroutine | particlemodule::load_particle (this, store, imdl, iprp, ip) |
| Load a particle from the particle store. More...
subroutine | particlemodule::save_particle (this, particle, ip) |
| Save a particle's state to the particle store. More...
subroutine | particlemodule::transform_coords (this, xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, sinrot, cosrot, invert) |
| Transform particle coordinates. More...
subroutine | particlemodule::reset_transform (this) |
subroutine | particlemodule::get_model_coords (this, x, y, z) |
| Return the particle's model coordinates. More...
integer function | particlemodule::num_stored (this) |