MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
SfrCrossSectionManager.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  sfrcrosssectionmanager::sfrcrosssectiontype
type  sfrcrosssectionmanager::sfrcrosssection


module  sfrcrosssectionmanager


subroutine, public sfrcrosssectionmanager::cross_section_cr (this, iout, iprpak, nreaches)
 Create a cross-section object. More...
subroutine sfrcrosssectionmanager::initialize (this, ncrossptstot, ncrosspts, iacross, station, height, roughfraction)
 Initialize a cross-section object. More...
subroutine sfrcrosssectionmanager::read_table (this, irch, width, filename)
 Read a cross-section table. More...
subroutine sfrcrosssectionmanager::validate (this, irch)
 Validate cross-section tables. More...
subroutine sfrcrosssectionmanager::output (this, widths, roughs, kstp, kper)
 Write cross-section tables. More...
integer(i4b) function sfrcrosssectionmanager::get_ncrossptstot (this)
 Get the total number of cross-section points. More...
subroutine sfrcrosssectionmanager::pack (this, ncrossptstot, ncrosspts, iacross, station, height, roughfraction)
 Pack the cross-section object. More...
subroutine sfrcrosssectionmanager::destroy (this)
 Deallocate the cross-section object. More...