type(structarraytype) function, pointer, public | structarraymodule::constructstructarray (mf6_input, ncol, nrow, blocknum, mempath, component_mempath) |
| constructor for a struct_array More...
subroutine, public | structarraymodule::destructstructarray (struct_array) |
| destructor for a struct_array More...
subroutine | structarraymodule::mem_create_vector (this, icol, idt) |
| create new vector in StructArrayType More...
integer(i4b) function | structarraymodule::count (this) |
subroutine | structarraymodule::set_pointer (sv, sv_target) |
type(structvectortype) function, pointer | structarraymodule::get (this, idx) |
subroutine | structarraymodule::allocate_int_type (this, sv) |
| allocate integer input type More...
subroutine | structarraymodule::allocate_dbl_type (this, sv) |
| allocate double input type More...
subroutine | structarraymodule::allocate_charstr_type (this, sv) |
| allocate charstr input type More...
subroutine | structarraymodule::allocate_int1d_type (this, sv) |
| allocate int1d input type More...
subroutine | structarraymodule::allocate_dbl1d_type (this, sv) |
| allocate dbl1d input type More...
subroutine | structarraymodule::load_deferred_vector (this, icol) |
subroutine | structarraymodule::memload_vectors (this) |
| load deferred vectors into managed memory More...
subroutine | structarraymodule::log_structarray_vars (this, iout) |
| log information about the StructArrayType More...
subroutine | structarraymodule::check_reallocate (this) |
| reallocate local memory for deferred vectors if necessary More...
subroutine | structarraymodule::write_struct_vector (this, parser, sv_col, irow, timeseries, iout, auxcol) |
integer(i4b) function | structarraymodule::read_from_parser (this, parser, timeseries, iout) |
| read from the block parser to fill the StructArrayType More...
integer(i4b) function | structarraymodule::read_from_binary (this, inunit, iout) |
| read from binary input to fill the StructArrayType More...