MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
3  use kindmodule, only: dp, i4b, lgp
4  use constantsmodule, only: dzero, done, dpio180
6  use basedismodule, only: disbasetype
7  use geomutilmodule, only: transform
10  implicit none
11  public :: trackcontroltype
13  !> @brief Manages particle track (i.e. pathline) files.
14  !!
15  !! Optionally filters events ("ireason" codes, selectable in the PRT-OC pkg):
16  !!
17  !! 0: RELEASE: particle is released
18  !! 1: TRANSIT: particle moves from cell to cell
19  !! 2: TIMESTEP: timestep ends
20  !! 3: TERMINATE: tracking stops for a particle
21  !! 4: WEAKSINK: particle exits a weak sink
22  !! 5: USERTIME: user-specified tracking time
23  !!
24  !! An arbitrary number of files can be managed. Internal arrays
25  !! are resized as needed.
26  !<
28  private
29  type(trackfiletype), public, allocatable :: trackfiles(:) !< output files
30  integer(I4B), public :: ntrackfiles !< number of output files
31  logical(LGP), public :: trackrelease !< track release events
32  logical(LGP), public :: trackexit !< track cell-to-cell transitions
33  logical(LGP), public :: tracktimestep !< track timestep ends
34  logical(LGP), public :: trackterminate !< track termination events
35  logical(LGP), public :: trackweaksink !< track weak sink exit events
36  logical(LGP), public :: trackusertime !< track user-selected times
37  contains
38  procedure :: expand
39  procedure, public :: init_track_file
40  procedure, public :: save
41  procedure, public :: set_track_events
42  end type trackcontroltype
44 contains
46  !> @brief Initialize a new track file
47  subroutine init_track_file(this, iun, csv, iprp)
48  ! dummy
49  class(trackcontroltype) :: this
50  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iun
51  logical(LGP), intent(in), optional :: csv
52  integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iprp
53  ! local
54  type(trackfiletype), pointer :: file
56  ! Allocate or expand array
57  if (.not. allocated(this%trackfiles)) then
58  allocate (this%trackfiles(1))
59  else
60  call this%expand(increment=1)
61  end if
63  ! Setup new file
64  allocate (file)
65  file%iun = iun
66  if (present(csv)) file%csv = csv
67  if (present(iprp)) file%iprp = iprp
69  ! Update array and counter
70  this%ntrackfiles = size(this%trackfiles)
71  this%trackfiles(this%ntrackfiles) = file
73  end subroutine init_track_file
75  !> @brief Expand the trackfile array, internal use only
76  subroutine expand(this, increment)
77  ! dummy
78  class(trackcontroltype) :: this
79  integer(I4B), optional, intent(in) :: increment
80  ! local
81  integer(I4B) :: inclocal
82  integer(I4B) :: isize
83  integer(I4B) :: newsize
84  type(trackfiletype), allocatable, dimension(:) :: temp
86  ! Initialize optional args
87  if (present(increment)) then
88  inclocal = increment
89  else
90  inclocal = 1
91  end if
93  ! Increase size of array
94  if (allocated(this%trackfiles)) then
95  isize = size(this%trackfiles)
96  newsize = isize + inclocal
97  allocate (temp(newsize))
98  temp(1:isize) = this%trackfiles
99  deallocate (this%trackfiles)
100  call move_alloc(temp, this%trackfiles)
101  else
102  allocate (this%trackfiles(inclocal))
103  end if
105  end subroutine expand
107  !> @brief Save the particle's state to track output file(s).
108  !!
109  !! A record is saved to all enabled model-level files and to
110  !! any PRP-level files with PRP index matching the particle's
111  !! PRP index.
112  !<
113  subroutine save(this, particle, kper, kstp, reason, level)
114  ! dummy
115  class(trackcontroltype), intent(inout) :: this
116  type(particletype), pointer, intent(in) :: particle
117  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kper
118  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kstp
119  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: reason
120  integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: level
121  ! local
122  integer(I4B) :: i
123  type(trackfiletype) :: file
125  ! Only save if reporting is enabled for specified event.
126  if (.not. ((this%trackrelease .and. reason == 0) .or. &
127  (this%trackexit .and. reason == 1) .or. &
128  (this%tracktimestep .and. reason == 2) .or. &
129  (this%trackterminate .and. reason == 3) .or. &
130  (this%trackweaksink .and. reason == 4) .or. &
131  (this%trackusertime .and. reason == 5))) &
132  return
134  ! For now, only allow reporting from outside the tracking
135  ! algorithm (e.g. release time), in which case level will
136  ! not be provided, or if within the tracking solution, in
137  ! subcells (level 3) only. This may change if the subcell
138  ! ever delegates tracking to even smaller subcomponents.
139  if (present(level)) then
140  if (level .ne. 3) return
141  end if
143  ! Save to any enabled model-scoped or PRP-scoped files
144  do i = 1, this%ntrackfiles
145  file = this%trackfiles(i)
146  if (file%iun > 0 .and. &
147  (file%iprp == -1 .or. &
148  file%iprp == particle%iprp)) &
149  call save_record(file%iun, particle, &
150  kper, kstp, reason, csv=file%csv)
151  end do
152  end subroutine save
154  !> @brief Configure particle events to track.
155  !!
156  !! Each tracking event corresponds to an "ireason" code
157  !! as appears in each row of track output.
158  !<
159  subroutine set_track_events(this, &
160  release, &
161  cellexit, &
162  timestep, &
163  terminate, &
164  weaksink, &
165  usertime)
166  class(trackcontroltype) :: this
167  logical(LGP), intent(in) :: release
168  logical(LGP), intent(in) :: cellexit
169  logical(LGP), intent(in) :: timestep
170  logical(LGP), intent(in) :: terminate
171  logical(LGP), intent(in) :: weaksink
172  logical(LGP), intent(in) :: usertime
173  this%trackrelease = release
174  this%trackexit = cellexit
175  this%tracktimestep = timestep
176  this%trackterminate = terminate
177  this%trackweaksink = weaksink
178  this%trackusertime = usertime
179  end subroutine set_track_events
181 end module trackcontrolmodule
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
real(dp), parameter dpio180
real constant
Definition: Constants.f90:130
real(dp), parameter dzero
real constant zero
Definition: Constants.f90:65
real(dp), parameter done
real constant 1
Definition: Constants.f90:76
subroutine, public transform(xin, yin, zin, xout, yout, zout, xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, sinrot, cosrot, invert)
Apply a 3D translation and optional 2D rotation to coordinates.
Definition: GeomUtil.f90:183
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
subroutine save(this, particle, kper, kstp, reason, level)
Save the particle's state to track output file(s).
subroutine expand(this, increment)
Expand the trackfile array, internal use only.
subroutine init_track_file(this, iun, csv, iprp)
Initialize a new track file.
subroutine set_track_events(this, release, cellexit, timestep, terminate, weaksink, usertime)
Configure particle events to track.
subroutine, public save_record(iun, particle, kper, kstp, reason, csv)
Save a particle track record to a binary or CSV file.
Definition: TrackFile.f90:47
Particle tracked by the PRT model.
Definition: Particle.f90:78
Manages particle track (i.e. pathline) files.
Output file containing all or some particle pathlines.
Definition: TrackFile.f90:28