MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
UzfCellGroup.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  uzfcellgroupmodule::uzfcellgrouptype


module  uzfcellgroupmodule


subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::init (this, ncells, nwav, memory_path)
 Allocate and set uzf object variables. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::dealloc (this)
 Deallocate uzf object variables. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::setdata (this, icell, area, top, bot, surfdep, vks, thtr, thts, thti, eps, ntrail, landflag, ivertcon)
 Set uzf object material properties. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::sethead (this, icell, hgwf)
 Set initial head for uzf object. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::setdatafinf (this, icell, finf)
 Set infiltration. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::setdatauzfarea (this, icell, areamult)
 Set uzfarea using cellarea and areamult. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::setdataet (this, icell, jbelow, pet, extdp)
 Set unsaturated ET-related variables. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::setgwpet (this, icell)
 Subtract aet from pet to calculate residual et for gw. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::setbelowpet (this, icell, jbelow)
 Subtract aet from pet to calculate residual et for deeper cells. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::setdataetwc (this, icell, jbelow, extwc)
 Set extinction water content. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::setdataetha (this, icell, jbelow, ha, hroot, rootact)
 Set variables for head-based unsaturated flow. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::advance (this, icell)
 Set variables to advance to new time step. nothing yet. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::solve (this, thiswork, jbelow, icell, totfluxtot, ietflag, issflag, iseepflag, hgwf, qfrommvr, ierr, reset_state, trhs, thcof, deriv, watercontent)
 Formulate the unsaturated flow object, calculate terms for gwf equation. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::addrech (this, icell, jbelow, hgwf, trhs, thcof, deriv, delt)
 Add recharge or infiltration to cells. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::rejfinf (this, icell, deriv, hgwf, trhs, thcof, finfact)
 Reject applied infiltration due to low vks. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::gwseep (this, icell, deriv, scale, hgwf, trhs, thcof, seep)
 Calculate groundwater discharge to land surface. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::simgwet (this, igwetflag, icell, hgwf, trhs, thcof, det)
 Calculate gwf et using residual uzf pet. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::uz_rise (this, icell, totfluxtot)
 Calculate recharge due to a rise in the gwf head. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::setwaves (this, icell)
 Reset waves to default values at start of simulation. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::routewaves (this, totfluxtot, delt, ietflag, icell, ierr)
 Prepare and route waves over time step. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::wave_shift (this, this2, icell, icell2, shft, strt, stp, cntr)
 Copy waves or shift waves in arrays. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::uzflow (this, thick, thickold, delt, ietflag, icell, ierr)
 Method of Characteristics solution for kinematic wave equation. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::factors (feps1, feps2)
 Calculate unit specific tolerances. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::trailwav (this, icell, ierr)
 Create and set trail waves. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::leadwav (this, time, itester, itrailflg, thetab, fluxb, ffcheck, feps2, delt, icell)
 Create a lead wave and route over time step. More...
real(dp) function uzfcellgroupmodule::leadspeed (theta1, theta2, flux1, flux2, thts, thtr, eps, vks)
 Calculates waves speed from dflux/dtheta. More...
real(dp) function uzfcellgroupmodule::unsat_stor (this, icell, d1)
 Sums up mobile water over depth interval. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::update_wav (this, icell, delt, iss, itest)
 Update to new state of uz at end of time step. More...
subroutine uzfcellgroupmodule::uzet (this, icell, delt, ietflag, ierr)
 Remove water from uz due to et. More...
real(dp) function uzfcellgroupmodule::caph (this, icell, tho)
 Calculate capillary pressure head from B-C equation. More...
real(dp) function uzfcellgroupmodule::rate_et_z (this, icell, factor, fktho, h)
 Calculate capillary pressure-based uz et. More...
real(dp) function uzfcellgroupmodule::get_water_content_at_depth (this, icell, depth)
 Determine the water content at a specific depth. More...
real(dp) function uzfcellgroupmodule::get_wcnew (this, icell)
 Calculate and return the cell-based water content value. More...