MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
2  use kindmodule, only: dp
3  use constantsmodule, only: dzero, done, dem3, dem4
4  use smoothingmodule, only: scubic
6  implicit none
7  private
8  public :: etfunc_lin
9  public :: etfunc_nlin
10  public :: calc_lin_scaling_fac
12 contains
14  !> @brief Calculate gwf ET using linear decay ET function from mf-2005
15  !<
16  function etfunc_lin(efflndsrf, extdp, resid_pet, deriv_et, trhs, thcof, &
17  hgwf, celtop, celbot)
18  ! return
19  real(dp) :: etfunc_lin
20  ! dummy
21  real(dp), intent(in) :: efflndsrf !< effective land surface elevation after subtracting off 0.5*surfdep
22  real(dp), intent(in) :: extdp !< extinction depth
23  real(dp), intent(in) :: resid_pet !< residual pET remaining after subtracting simulated ET in the unsaturated zone
24  real(dp), intent(inout) :: deriv_et !< derivative of gw ET for Newton addition to equations in _fn()
25  real(dp), intent(inout) :: trhs !< total uzf rhs contribution to GWF model
26  real(dp), intent(inout) :: thcof !< total uzf hcof contribution to GWF model
27  real(dp), intent(in) :: hgwf !< calculated groundwater head
28  real(dp), intent(in) :: celtop !< elevation of the top of the cell
29  real(dp), intent(in) :: celbot !< elevation of the bottom of the cell
30  ! local
31  real(dp) :: etgw
32  real(dp) :: range
33  real(dp) :: depth, scale, thick, lin_scaling_fac
34  !
35  ! initialize
36  etgw = dzero
37  !
38  ! if water table between ET surface and extinction depth
39  ! (extdp starts at the bottom of the effective land surface elevation,
40  ! where the effective land surface elevation accounts for surfdep)
41  if (hgwf > (efflndsrf - extdp) .and. hgwf < efflndsrf) THEN
42  lin_scaling_fac = calc_lin_scaling_fac(hgwf, efflndsrf, extdp)
43  etgw = resid_pet * lin_scaling_fac
44  !
45  trhs = resid_pet - resid_pet * efflndsrf / extdp
46  thcof = -resid_pet / extdp
47  etgw = trhs - (thcof * hgwf)
48  !
49  ! water table above land surface
50  else if (hgwf >= efflndsrf) then
51  trhs = resid_pet
52  etgw = resid_pet
53  !
54  ! water table below extinction depth
55  else
57  return
58  end if
59  !
60  ! calculate rate
61  depth = hgwf - (efflndsrf - extdp)
62  thick = celtop - celbot
63  if (depth > thick) depth = thick
64  if (depth < dzero) depth = dzero
65  range = dem4 * extdp
66  call scubic(depth, range, deriv_et, scale)
67  trhs = scale * trhs
68  thcof = scale * thcof
69  etgw = trhs - (thcof * hgwf)
70  deriv_et = -deriv_et * etgw
71  etfunc_lin = etgw
72  !
73  end function etfunc_lin
75  !> @brief Calculate gwf ET using a square decay ET function with smoothing
76  !! at the specified extinction depth
77  !<
78  function etfunc_nlin(efflndsrf, extdp, resid_pet, deriv_et, trhs, thcof, hgwf)
79  ! -- return
80  real(dp) :: etfunc_nlin
81  ! -- dummy
82  real(dp), intent(in) :: efflndsrf !< effective land surface elevation after subtracting off 0.5*surfdep
83  real(dp), intent(in) :: extdp !< extinction depth
84  real(dp), intent(in) :: resid_pet !< residual pET remaining after subtracting simulated ET in the unsaturated zone
85  real(dp), intent(inout) :: deriv_et !< derivative of gw ET for Newton addition to equations in _fn()
86  real(dp), intent(inout) :: trhs !< total uzf rhs contribution to GWF model
87  real(dp), intent(inout) :: thcof !< total uzf hcof contribution to GWF model
88  real(dp), intent(in) :: hgwf !< calculated groundwater head
89  ! -- local
90  real(dp) :: etgw
91  real(dp) :: range
92  real(dp) :: depth, scale
93  !
94  depth = hgwf - (efflndsrf - extdp)
95  if (depth < dzero) depth = dzero
96  etgw = resid_pet
97  range = dem3 * extdp
98  call scubic(depth, range, deriv_et, scale)
99  etgw = etgw * scale
100  trhs = etgw
101  deriv_et = -deriv_et * etgw
102  etfunc_nlin = etgw
103  end function etfunc_nlin
105  !> @brief Calculate the linear scaling factor
106  !<
107  pure function calc_lin_scaling_fac(hgwf, lndsrf, extdp) result(sclfac)
108  ! dummy
109  real(dp), intent(in) :: hgwf !< groundwater head
110  real(dp), intent(in) :: lndsrf !< effective land surface (after applying surfdep to land surface)
111  real(dp), intent(in) :: extdp !< extinction depth
112  ! return
113  real(dp) :: sclfac
114  !
115  sclfac = (hgwf - (lndsrf - extdp)) / extdp
116  ! the calculated scaling factor cannot exceed 1.0
117  if (sclfac > done) sclfac = done
118  end function calc_lin_scaling_fac
120 end module uzfetutilmodule
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
real(dp), parameter dem3
real constant 1e-3
Definition: Constants.f90:106
real(dp), parameter dem4
real constant 1e-4
Definition: Constants.f90:107
real(dp), parameter dzero
real constant zero
Definition: Constants.f90:65
real(dp), parameter done
real constant 1
Definition: Constants.f90:76
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
subroutine scubic(x, range, dydx, y)
@ brief sCubic
real(dp) function, public etfunc_lin(efflndsrf, extdp, resid_pet, deriv_et, trhs, thcof, hgwf, celtop, celbot)
Calculate gwf ET using linear decay ET function from mf-2005.
Definition: UzfEtUtil.f90:18
pure real(dp) function, public calc_lin_scaling_fac(hgwf, lndsrf, extdp)
Calculate the linear scaling factor.
Definition: UzfEtUtil.f90:108
real(dp) function, public etfunc_nlin(efflndsrf, extdp, resid_pet, deriv_et, trhs, thcof, hgwf)
Calculate gwf ET using a square decay ET function with smoothing at the specified extinction depth.
Definition: UzfEtUtil.f90:79