MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
exg-gwfgwf.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwfexchangetype
 Derived type for GwfExchangeType. More...


module  gwfgwfexchangemodule
 This module contains the GwfGwfExchangeModule Module.


subroutine, public gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwfexchange_create (filename, name, id, m1_id, m2_id, input_mempath)
 @ brief Create GWF GWF exchange More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_df (this)
 @ brief Define GWF GWF exchange More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::validate_exchange (this)
 validate exchange data after reading More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_ac (this, sparse)
 @ brief Add connections More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_mc (this, matrix_sln)
 @ brief Map connections More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_ar (this)
 @ brief Allocate and
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_rp (this)
 @ brief Read and prepare More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_ad (this)
 @ brief Advance More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_cf (this, kiter)
 @ brief Calculate coefficients More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_fc (this, kiter, matrix_sln, rhs_sln, inwtflag)
 @ brief Fill coefficients More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_fn (this, kiter, matrix_sln)
 @ brief Fill Newton More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_cq (this, icnvg, isuppress_output, isolnid)
 @ brief Calculate flow More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_calc_simvals (this)
 Calculate flow rates for the exchanges and store them in a member array. More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_add_to_flowja (this)
 Add exchange flow to each model flowja diagonal position so that residual is calculated correctly. More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_set_flow_to_npf (this)
 Set flow rates to the edges in the models. More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_bd (this, icnvg, isuppress_output, isolnid)
 @ brief Budget More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_chd_bd (this)
 @ brief gwf-gwf-chd-bd More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_bdsav (this)
 @ brief Budget save More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_bdsav_model (this, model)
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_ot (this)
 @ brief Output More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::source_options (this, iout)
 @ brief Source options More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::read_gnc (this)
 @ brief Read ghost nodes More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::read_mvr (this, iout)
 @ brief Read mover More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::rewet (this, kiter)
 @ brief Rewet More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::calc_cond_sat (this)
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::condcalc (this)
 @ brief Calculate the conductance More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::allocate_scalars (this)
 @ brief Allocate scalars More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_da (this)
 @ brief Deallocate More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::allocate_arrays (this)
 @ brief Allocate arrays More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_df_obs (this)
 @ brief Define observations More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_rp_obs (this)
 @ brief Read and prepare observations More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_fp (this)
 @ brief Final processing More...
real(dp) function gwfgwfexchangemodule::qcalc (this, iexg, n1, n2)
 @ brief Calculate flow More...
integer(i4b) function gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_get_iasym (this)
 @ brief Set symmetric flag More...
logical(lgp) function gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_connects_model (this, model)
 Return true when this exchange provides matrix coefficients for solving. More...
logical(lgp) function gwfgwfexchangemodule::use_interface_model (this)
 Should interface model be used for this exchange. More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_save_simvals (this)
 @ brief Save simulated flow observations More...
subroutine gwfgwfexchangemodule::gwf_gwf_process_obsid (obsrv, dis, inunitobs, iout)
 @ brief Obs ID processor More...
class(gwfexchangetype) function, pointer, public gwfgwfexchangemodule::castasgwfexchange (obj)
 @ brief Cast polymorphic object as exchange More...
class(gwfexchangetype) function, pointer, public gwfgwfexchangemodule::getgwfexchangefromlist (list, idx)
 @ brief Get exchange from list More...