logical, public | gwenaminputmodule::gwe_nam_multi_package = .false. |
character(len=16), dimension(*), parameter, public | gwenaminputmodule::gwe_nam_subpackages = [ ' ' ] |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_list = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'LIST', 'LIST', 'STRING', '', 'name of listing file', .false., .false., .true., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_print_input = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'PRINT_INPUT', 'PRINT_INPUT', 'KEYWORD', '', 'print input to listing file', .false., .false., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_print_flows = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'PRINT_FLOWS', 'PRINT_FLOWS', 'KEYWORD', '', 'print calculated flows to listing file', .false., .false., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_save_flows = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'SAVE_FLOWS', 'SAVE_FLOWS', 'KEYWORD', '', 'save flows for all packages to budget file', .false., .false., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_ncmesh2drec = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'NC_MESH2D_FILERECORD', 'NCMESH2DREC', 'RECORD NETCDF_MESH2D FILEOUT NCMESH2DFILE', '', '', .false., .false., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_netcdf_mesh2d = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'NETCDF_MESH2D', 'NETCDF_MESH2D', 'KEYWORD', '', 'budget keyword', .true., .true., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_ncstructrec = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'NC_STRUCTURED_FILERECORD', 'NCSTRUCTREC', 'RECORD NETCDF_STRUCTURED FILEOUT NCSTRUCTFILE', '', '', .false., .false., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_netcdf_struct = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'NETCDF_STRUCTURED', 'NETCDF_STRUCT', 'KEYWORD', '', 'budget keyword', .true., .true., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_fileout = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'FILEOUT', 'FILEOUT', 'KEYWORD', '', 'file keyword', .true., .true., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_ncmesh2dfile = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'NCMESH2DFILE', 'NCMESH2DFILE', 'STRING', '', 'file keyword', .true., .true., .true., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_ncstructfile = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'NCSTRUCTFILE', 'NCSTRUCTFILE', 'STRING', '', 'file keyword', .true., .true., .true., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_nc_filerecord = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'NC_FILERECORD', 'NC_FILERECORD', 'RECORD NETCDF FILEIN NETCDF_FILENAME', '', '', .false., .false., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_netcdf = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'NETCDF', 'NETCDF', 'KEYWORD', '', 'netcdf keyword', .true., .true., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_filein = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'FILEIN', 'FILEIN', 'KEYWORD', '', 'file keyword', .true., .true., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_netcdf_fname = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'OPTIONS', 'NETCDF_FILENAME', 'NETCDF_FNAME', 'STRING', '', 'netcdf input filename', .true., .true., .true., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_ftype = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'PACKAGES', 'FTYPE', 'FTYPE', 'STRING', '', 'package type', .true., .true., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_fname = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'PACKAGES', 'FNAME', 'FNAME', 'STRING', '', 'file name', .true., .true., .true., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_pname = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'PACKAGES', 'PNAME', 'PNAME', 'STRING', '', 'user name for package', .false., .true., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), dimension(*), parameter, public | gwenaminputmodule::gwe_nam_param_definitions = [ gwenam_list, gwenam_print_input, gwenam_print_flows, gwenam_save_flows, gwenam_ncmesh2drec, gwenam_netcdf_mesh2d, gwenam_ncstructrec, gwenam_netcdf_struct, gwenam_fileout, gwenam_ncmesh2dfile, gwenam_ncstructfile, gwenam_nc_filerecord, gwenam_netcdf, gwenam_filein, gwenam_netcdf_fname, gwenam_ftype, gwenam_fname, gwenam_pname ] |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), parameter | gwenaminputmodule::gwenam_packages = InputParamDefinitionType ( 'GWE', 'NAM', 'PACKAGES', 'PACKAGES', 'PACKAGES', 'RECARRAY FTYPE FNAME PNAME', '', 'package list', .true., .false., .false., .false., .false. ) |
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), dimension(*), parameter, public | gwenaminputmodule::gwe_nam_aggregate_definitions = [ gwenam_packages ] |
type(inputblockdefinitiontype), dimension(*), parameter, public | gwenaminputmodule::gwe_nam_block_definitions = [ InputBlockDefinitionType( 'OPTIONS', .false., .false., .false. ), InputBlockDefinitionType( 'PACKAGES', .true., .true., .false. ) ] |