MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
gwf-csub.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  gwfcsubmodule::gwfcsubtype


module  gwfcsubmodule
 This module contains the CSUB package methods.


subroutine, public gwfcsubmodule::csub_cr (csubobj, name_model, istounit, stoPckName, inunit, iout)
 @ brief Create a new package object More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_ar (this, dis, ibound)
 @ brief Allocate and read method for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::read_options (this)
 @ brief Read options for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_read_dimensions (this)
 @ brief Read dimensions for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_allocate_scalars (this)
 @ brief Allocate scalars More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_allocate_arrays (this)
 @ brief Allocate package arrays More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_read_packagedata (this)
 @ brief Read packagedata for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_fp (this)
 @ brief Final processing for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_da (this)
 @ brief Deallocate package memory More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_rp (this)
 @ brief Read and prepare stress period data for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_ad (this, nodes, hnew)
 @ brief Advance the package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_fc (this, kiter, hold, hnew, matrix_sln, idxglo, rhs)
 @ brief Fill A and r for the package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_fn (this, kiter, hold, hnew, matrix_sln, idxglo, rhs)
 @ brief Fill Newton-Raphson terms in A and r for the package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_initialize_tables (this)
 @ brief Initialize optional tables More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cc (this, innertot, kiter, iend, icnvgmod, nodes, hnew, hold, cpak, ipak, dpak)
 @ brief Final convergence check More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cq (this, nodes, hnew, hold, isuppress_output, flowja)
 @ brief Calculate flows for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_bd (this, isuppress_output, model_budget)
 @ brief Model budget calculation for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_save_model_flows (this, icbcfl, icbcun)
 @ brief Save model flows for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_ot_dv (this, idvfl, idvprint)
 @ brief Save and print dependent values for package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cg_calc_stress (this, nodes, hnew)
 @ brief Calculate the stress for model cells More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cg_chk_stress (this)
 @ brief Check effective stress values More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_nodelay_update (this, i)
 @ brief Update no-delay material properties More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_nodelay_fc (this, ib, hcell, hcellold, rho1, rho2, rhs, argtled)
 @ brief Calculate no-delay interbed storage coefficients More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_nodelay_calc_comp (this, ib, hcell, hcellold, comp, rho1, rho2)
 @ brief Calculate no-delay interbed compaction More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_set_initial_state (this, nodes, hnew)
 @ brief Set initial states for the package More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cg_fc (this, node, tled, area, hcell, hcellold, hcof, rhs)
 @ brief Formulate the coefficients for coarse-grained materials More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cg_fn (this, node, tled, area, hcell, hcof, rhs)
 @ brief Formulate coarse-grained Newton-Raphson terms More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_interbed_fc (this, ib, node, area, hcell, hcellold, hcof, rhs)
 @ brief Formulate the coefficients for a interbed More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_interbed_fn (this, ib, node, hcell, hcellold, hcof, rhs)
 @ brief Formulate the coefficients for a interbed More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cg_calc_sske (this, n, sske, hcell)
 @ brief Calculate Sske for a cell More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cg_calc_comp (this, node, hcell, hcellold, comp)
 @ brief Calculate coarse-grained compaction in a cell More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cg_update (this, node)
 @ brief Update coarse-grained material properties More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cg_wcomp_fc (this, node, tled, area, hcell, hcellold, hcof, rhs)
 @ brief Formulate coarse-grained water compressibility coefficients More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_cg_wcomp_fn (this, node, tled, area, hcell, hcellold, hcof, rhs)
 @ brief Formulate coarse-grained water compressibility coefficients More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_nodelay_wcomp_fc (this, ib, node, tled, area, hcell, hcellold, hcof, rhs)
 @ brief Formulate no-delay interbed water compressibility coefficients More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_nodelay_wcomp_fn (this, ib, node, tled, area, hcell, hcellold, hcof, rhs)
 @ brief Formulate no-delay interbed water compressibility coefficients More...
real(dp) function gwfcsubmodule::csub_calc_void_ratio (this, theta)
 Calculate the void ratio. More...
real(dp) function gwfcsubmodule::csub_calc_theta (this, void_ratio)
 Calculate the porosity. More...
real(dp) function gwfcsubmodule::csub_calc_interbed_thickness (this, ib)
 Calculate the interbed thickness. More...
real(dp) function gwfcsubmodule::csub_calc_znode (this, top, bottom, zbar)
 Calculate the cell node. More...
real(dp) function gwfcsubmodule::csub_calc_adjes (this, node, es0, z0, z)
 Calculate the effective stress at elevation z. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_head_check (this, ib)
 Check delay interbed head. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_calc_sat (this, node, hcell, hcellold, snnew, snold)
 Calculate cell saturation. More...
real(dp) function gwfcsubmodule::csub_calc_sat_derivative (this, node, hcell)
 Calculate the saturation derivative. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_calc_sfacts (this, node, bot, znode, theta, es, es0, fact)
 Calculate specific storage coefficient factor. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_adj_matprop (this, comp, thick, theta)
 Calculate new material properties. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_sln (this, ib, hcell, update)
 Solve delay interbed continuity equation. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_init_zcell (this, ib)
 Calculate delay interbed znode and z relative to interbed center. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_calc_stress (this, ib, hcell)
 Calculate delay interbed stress values. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_calc_ssksske (this, ib, n, hcell, ssk, sske)
 Calculate delay interbed cell storage coefficients. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_assemble (this, ib, hcell)
 Assemble delay interbed coefficients. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_assemble_fc (this, ib, n, hcell, aii, au, al, r)
 Assemble delay interbed standard formulation coefficients. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_assemble_fn (this, ib, n, hcell, aii, au, al, r)
 Assemble delay interbed Newton-Raphson formulation coefficients. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_calc_sat (this, node, idelay, n, hcell, hcellold, snnew, snold)
 Calculate delay interbed saturation. More...
real(dp) function gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_calc_sat_derivative (this, node, idelay, n, hcell)
 Calculate the delay interbed cell saturation derivative. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_calc_dstor (this, ib, hcell, stoe, stoi)
 Calculate delay interbed storage change. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_calc_wcomp (this, ib, dwc)
 Calculate delay interbed water compressibility. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_calc_comp (this, ib, hcell, hcellold, comp, compi, compe)
 Calculate delay interbed compaction. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_update (this, ib)
 Update delay interbed material properties. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_delay_fc (this, ib, hcof, rhs)
 Calculate delay interbed contribution to the cell. More...
real(dp) function gwfcsubmodule::csub_calc_delay_flow (this, ib, n, hcell)
 Calculate the flow from delay interbed top or bottom. More...
logical function gwfcsubmodule::csub_obs_supported (this)
 Determine if observations are supported. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_df_obs (this)
 Define the observation types available in the package. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_bd_obs (this)
 Set the observations for this time step. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_rp_obs (this)
 Read and prepare the observations. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::csub_process_obsid (obsrv, dis, inunitobs, iout)
 Process the observation IDs for the package. More...
subroutine gwfcsubmodule::define_listlabel (this)
 @ brief Define the list label for the package More...


character(len=lenbudtxt), dimension(4) gwfcsubmodule::budtxt = [' CSUB-CGELASTIC', ' CSUB-ELASTIC', ' CSUB-INELASTIC', ' CSUB-WATERCOMP']
character(len=lenbudtxt), dimension(6) gwfcsubmodule::comptxt = ['CSUB-COMPACTION', ' CSUB-INELASTIC', ' CSUB-ELASTIC', ' CSUB-INTERBED', ' CSUB-COARSE', ' CSUB-ZDISPLACE']
real(dp), parameter gwfcsubmodule::dlog10es = 0.4342942_DP
 derivative of the log of effective stress More...