MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
gwf-sfr.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  sfrmodule::sfrtype


module  sfrmodule
 This module contains the SFR package methods.


subroutine, public sfrmodule::sfr_create (packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname)
 @ brief Create a new package object More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_allocate_scalars (this)
 @ brief Allocate scalars More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_allocate_arrays (this)
 @ brief Allocate arrays More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_read_dimensions (this)
 @ brief Read dimensions for package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_options (this, option, found)
 @ brief Read additional options for package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_ar (this)
 @ brief Allocate and read method for package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_read_packagedata (this)
 @ brief Read packagedata for the package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_read_crossection (this)
 @ brief Read crosssection block for the package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_read_connectiondata (this)
 @ brief Read connectiondata for the package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_read_diversions (this)
 @ brief Read diversions for the package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_read_initial_stages (this)
 @ brief Read initialstages data for the package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_rp (this)
 @ brief Read and prepare period data for package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_ad (this)
 @ brief Advance the package More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_cf (this)
 @ brief Formulate the package hcof and rhs terms. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_fc (this, rhs, ia, idxglo, matrix_sln)
 @ brief Copy hcof and rhs terms into solution. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_fn (this, rhs, ia, idxglo, matrix_sln)
 @ brief Add Newton-Raphson terms for package into solution. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_cc (this, innertot, kiter, iend, icnvgmod, cpak, ipak, dpak)
 @ brief Convergence check for package. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_cq (this, x, flowja, iadv)
 @ brief Calculate package flows. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_ot_package_flows (this, icbcfl, ibudfl)
 @ brief Output package flow terms. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_ot_dv (this, idvsave, idvprint)
 @ brief Output package dependent-variable terms. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_ot_bdsummary (this, kstp, kper, iout, ibudfl)
 @ brief Output advanced package budget summary. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_da (this)
 @ brief Deallocate package memory More...
subroutine sfrmodule::define_listlabel (this)
 @ brief Define the list label for the package More...
logical function sfrmodule::sfr_obs_supported (this)
 Determine if observations are supported. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_df_obs (this)
 Define the observation types available in the package. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_bd_obs (this)
 Save observations for the package. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_rp_obs (this)
 Read and prepare observations for a package. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_process_obsid (obsrv, dis, inunitobs, iout)
 Process observation IDs for a package. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_set_stressperiod (this, n, ichkustrm, crossfile)
 Set period data. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_solve (this, n, h, hcof, rhs, update)
 Solve reach continuity equation. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_update_flows (this, n, qd, qgwf)
 Update flow terms. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_adjust_ro_ev (this, qc, qu, qi, qr, qro, qe, qfrommvr)
 Adjust runoff and evaporation. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_calc_qd (this, n, depth, hgwf, qgwf, qd)
 Calculate downstream flow term. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_calc_qsource (this, n, depth, qsrc)
 Calculate sum of sources. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_calc_qman (this, n, depth, qman)
 Calculate streamflow. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_calc_qgwf (this, n, depth, hgwf, qgwf, gwfhcof, gwfrhs)
 Calculate reach-aquifer exchange. More...
integer(i4b) function sfrmodule::sfr_gwf_conn (this, n)
 Determine if a reach is connected to a gwf cell. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_calc_cond (this, n, depth, cond, hsfr, h_temp)
 Calculate reach-aquifer conductance. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_calc_div (this, n, i, qd, qdiv)
 Calculate diversion flow. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_calc_reach_depth (this, n, q1, d1)
 Calculate the depth at the midpoint. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_calc_xs_depth (this, n, qrch, d)
 Calculate the depth at the midpoint of a irregular cross-section. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_check_conversion (this)
 Check unit conversion data. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_check_storage_weight (this)
 Check storage weight. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_check_reaches (this)
 Check reach data. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_check_connections (this)
 Check connection data. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_check_diversions (this)
 Check diversions data. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_check_initialstages (this)
 Check initial stage data. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_check_ustrf (this)
 Check upstream fraction data. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_setup_budobj (this)
 Setup budget object for package. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_fill_budobj (this)
 Copy flow terms into budget object for package. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_setup_tableobj (this)
 Setup stage table object for package. More...
real(dp) function sfrmodule::calc_area_wet (this, n, depth)
 Calculate wetted area. More...
real(dp) function sfrmodule::calc_perimeter_wet (this, n, depth)
 Calculate wetted perimeter. More...
real(dp) function sfrmodule::calc_surface_area (this, n)
 Calculate maximum surface area. More...
real(dp) function sfrmodule::calc_surface_area_wet (this, n, depth)
 Calculate wetted surface area. More...
real(dp) function sfrmodule::calc_top_width_wet (this, n, depth)
 Calculate wetted top width. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_activate_density (this)
 Activate density terms. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_activate_viscosity (this)
 Activate viscosity terms. More...
subroutine sfrmodule::sfr_calculate_density_exchange (this, n, stage, head, cond, bots, flow, gwfhcof, gwfrhs)
 Calculate density terms. More...


character(len=lenftype) sfrmodule::ftype = 'SFR'
 package ftype string More...
character(len=lenpackagename) sfrmodule::text = ' SFR'
 package budget string More...