real(dp) function | gwfvscmodule::calc_visc (ivisc, viscref, dviscdc, cviscref, conc, a2, a3, a4) |
| Generic function to calculate changes in fluid viscosity using a linear formulation. More...
subroutine, public | gwfvscmodule::vsc_cr (vscobj, name_model, inunit, iout) |
| @ brief Create a new package object More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_df (this, dis, vsc_input) |
| @ brief Define viscosity package options and dimensions More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_ar (this, ibound) |
| @ brief Allocate and read method for viscosity package More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_ar_bnd (this, packobj) |
| Activate viscosity in advanced packages. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::set_npf_pointers (this) |
| Set pointers to NPF variables. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_rp (this) |
| @ brief Read new period data in viscosity package More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_ad (this) |
| @ brief Advance the viscosity package More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_ad_bnd (this, packobj, hnew) |
| Advance the boundary packages when viscosity is active. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_ad_standard_bnd (packobj, hnew, visc, viscref, locelev, locvisc, locconc, dviscdc, cviscref, ivisc, a2, a3, a4, ctemp) |
| advance ghb while accounting for viscosity More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_ad_sfr (packobj, visc, viscref, elev, locvisc, locconc, dviscdc, cviscref, ivisc, a2, a3, a4, ctemp) |
| Update sfr-related viscosity ratios. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_ad_lak (packobj, visc, viscref, elev, locvisc, locconc, dviscdc, cviscref, ivisc, a2, a3, a4, ctemp) |
| Update lak-related viscosity ratios. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_ad_maw (packobj, visc, viscref, elev, locvisc, locconc, dviscdc, cviscref, ivisc, a2, a3, a4, ctemp) |
| Update maw-related viscosity ratios. More...
real(dp) function | gwfvscmodule::update_bnd_cond (bndvisc, viscref, spcfdcond) |
| Apply viscosity to the conductance term. More...
real(dp) function | gwfvscmodule::calc_vsc_ratio (viscref, bndvisc) |
| calculate and return the viscosity ratio More...
real(dp) function | gwfvscmodule::calc_bnd_viscosity (n, locvisc, locconc, viscref, dviscdc, cviscref, ctemp, ivisc, a2, a3, a4, auxvar) |
| @ brief Calculate the boundary viscosity More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::get_visc_ratio (this, n, m, gwhdn, gwhdm, viscratio) |
| Calculate the viscosity ratio. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::calc_q_visc (this, cellid, viscratio) |
| Account for viscosity in the aquiferhorizontal flow barriers. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::update_k_with_vsc (this) |
| Appled the viscosity ratio (mu_o/mu) to the hydraulic conductivity. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_set_changed_at (this, kper, kstp) |
| Mark K changes as having occurred at (kper, kstp) More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_ot_dv (this, idvfl) |
| @ brief Output viscosity package dependent-variable terms. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_da (this) |
| @ brief Deallocate viscosity package memory More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::read_dimensions (this) |
| @ brief Read dimensions More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::read_packagedata (this) |
| @ brief Read data for package More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::set_packagedata (this, input_data) |
| Sets package data instead of reading from file. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::vsc_calcvisc (this) |
| Calculate fluid viscosity. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::allocate_scalars (this) |
| @ brief Allocate scalars More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::allocate_arrays (this, nodes) |
| @ brief Allocate arrays More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::read_options (this) |
| @ brief Read Options block More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::set_options (this, input_data) |
| Sets options as opposed to reading them from a file. More...
subroutine | gwfvscmodule::set_concentration_pointer (this, modelname, conc, icbund, istmpr) |
| @ brief Set pointers to concentration(s) More...