MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
budgetmodule Module Reference

This module contains the BudgetModule. More...

Data Types

type  budgettype
 Derived type for the Budget object. More...


subroutine, public budget_cr (this, name_model)
 @ brief Create a new budget object More...
subroutine budget_df (this, maxsize, bdtype, bddim, labeltitle, bdzone)
 @ brief Define information for this object More...
subroutine value_to_string (val, string, big, small)
 @ brief Convert a number to a string More...
subroutine budget_ot (this, kstp, kper, iout)
 @ brief Output the budget table More...
subroutine budget_da (this)
 @ brief Deallocate memory More...
subroutine reset (this)
 @ brief Reset the budget object More...
subroutine add_single_entry (this, rin, rout, delt, text, isupress_accumulate, rowlabel)
 @ brief Add a single row of information More...
subroutine add_multi_entry (this, budterm, delt, budtxt, isupress_accumulate, rowlabel)
 @ brief Add multiple rows of information More...
subroutine finalize_step (this, delt)
 @ brief Update accumulators More...
subroutine allocate_scalars (this, name_model)
 @ brief allocate scalar variables More...
subroutine allocate_arrays (this)
 @ brief allocate array variables More...
subroutine resize (this, maxsize)
 @ brief Resize the budget object More...
subroutine, public rate_accumulator (flow, rin, rout)
 @ brief Rate accumulator subroutine More...
subroutine set_ibudcsv (this, ibudcsv)
 @ brief Set unit number for csv output file More...
subroutine writecsv (this, totim)
 @ brief Write csv output More...
subroutine write_csv_header (this)
 @ brief Write csv header More...

Detailed Description

New entries can be added for each time step, however, the same number of entries must be provided, and they must be provided in the same order. If not, the module will terminate with an error.

Maxsize is required as part of the df method and the arrays will be allocated to maxsize. If additional entries beyond maxsize are added, the arrays will dynamically increase in size, however, to avoid allocation and copying, it is best to set maxsize large enough up front.

vbvl(1, :) contains cumulative rate in vbvl(2, :) contains cumulative rate out vbvl(3, :) contains rate in vbvl(4, :) contains rate out vbnm(:) contains a LENBUDTXT character text string for each entry rowlabel(:) contains a LENBUDROWLABEL character text string to write as a label for each entry

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ add_multi_entry()

subroutine budgetmodule::add_multi_entry ( class(budgettype this,
real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in)  budterm,
real(dp), intent(in)  delt,
character(len=lenbudtxt), dimension(:), intent(in)  budtxt,
integer(i4b), intent(in), optional  isupress_accumulate,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  rowlabel 

Add information corresponding to one multiple rows in the budget table budterm is an array with inflow in column 1 and outflow in column 2 delt is the time step length budtxt is the name of the entries. It should have one entry for each row in budterm isupress_accumulate is an optional flag. If specified as 1, then the volume is NOT added to the accumulators on vbvl(1, :) and vbvl(2, :). rowlabel is a LENBUDROWLABEL character text entry that is written to the right of the table. It can be used for adding package names to budget entries. For multiple entries, the same rowlabel is used for each entry.

thisBudgetType object
[in]budtermarray of budget terms
[in]delttime step length
[in]budtxtname of the entries
[in]isupress_accumulatesuppress accumulate
[in]rowlabelrow label

Definition at line 435 of file Budget.f90.

437  ! -- dummy
438  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
439  real(DP), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: budterm !< array of budget terms
440  real(DP), intent(in) :: delt !< time step length
441  character(len=LENBUDTXT), dimension(:), intent(in) :: budtxt !< name of the entries
442  integer(I4B), optional, intent(in) :: isupress_accumulate !< suppress accumulate
443  character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: rowlabel !< row label
444  ! -- local
445  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: errmsg
446  character(len=*), parameter :: fmtbuderr = &
447  &"('Error in MODFLOW 6.', 'Entries do not match: ', (a), (a) )"
448  integer(i4b) :: iscv, i
449  integer(I4B) :: nbudterms, maxsize
450  !
451  iscv = 0
452  if (present(isupress_accumulate)) then
453  iscv = isupress_accumulate
454  end if
455  !
456  ! -- ensure budget arrays are large enough
457  nbudterms = size(budtxt)
458  maxsize = this%msum - 1 + nbudterms
459  if (maxsize > this%maxsize) then
460  call this%resize(maxsize)
461  end if
462  !
463  ! -- Process each of the multi-entry budget terms
464  do i = 1, size(budtxt)
465  !
466  ! -- If budget has been written at least once, then make sure that the present
467  ! text entry matches the last text entry
468  if (this%written_once) then
469  if (trim(adjustl(this%vbnm(this%msum))) /= &
470  trim(adjustl(budtxt(i)))) then
471  write (errmsg, fmtbuderr) trim(adjustl(this%vbnm(this%msum))), &
472  trim(adjustl(budtxt(i)))
473  call store_error(errmsg)
474  end if
475  end if
476  !
477  this%vbvl(3, this%msum) = budterm(1, i)
478  this%vbvl(4, this%msum) = budterm(2, i)
479  this%vbnm(this%msum) = adjustr(budtxt(i))
480  if (present(rowlabel)) then
481  this%rowlabel(this%msum) = adjustl(rowlabel)
482  this%labeled = .true.
483  end if
484  this%msum = this%msum + 1
485  !
486  end do
487  !
488  ! -- Check for errors
489  if (count_errors() > 0) then
490  call store_error('Could not add multi-entry', terminate=.true.)
491  end if
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_single_entry()

subroutine budgetmodule::add_single_entry ( class(budgettype this,
real(dp), intent(in)  rin,
real(dp), intent(in)  rout,
real(dp), intent(in)  delt,
character(len=lenbudtxt), intent(in)  text,
integer(i4b), intent(in), optional  isupress_accumulate,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  rowlabel 

Add information corresponding to one row in the budget table rin the inflow rate rout is the outflow rate delt is the time step length text is the name of the entry isupress_accumulate is an optional flag. If specified as 1, then the volume is NOT added to the accumulators on vbvl(1, :) and vbvl(2, :). rowlabel is a LENBUDROWLABEL character text entry that is written to the right of the table. It can be used for adding package names to budget entries.

thisBudgetType object
[in]rininflow rate
[in]routoutflow rate
[in]delttime step length
[in]textname of the entry
[in]isupress_accumulateaccumulate flag
[in]rowlabelrow label

Definition at line 373 of file Budget.f90.

375  ! -- dummy
376  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
377  real(DP), intent(in) :: rin !< inflow rate
378  real(DP), intent(in) :: rout !< outflow rate
379  real(DP), intent(in) :: delt !< time step length
380  character(len=LENBUDTXT), intent(in) :: text !< name of the entry
381  integer(I4B), optional, intent(in) :: isupress_accumulate !< accumulate flag
382  character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: rowlabel !< row label
383  ! -- local
384  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: errmsg
385  character(len=*), parameter :: fmtbuderr = &
386  &"('Error in MODFLOW 6.', 'Entries do not match: ', (a), (a) )"
387  integer(i4b) :: iscv
388  integer(I4B) :: maxsize
389  !
390  iscv = 0
391  if (present(isupress_accumulate)) then
392  iscv = isupress_accumulate
393  end if
394  !
395  ! -- ensure budget arrays are large enough
396  maxsize = this%msum
397  if (maxsize > this%maxsize) then
398  call this%resize(maxsize)
399  end if
400  !
401  ! -- If budget has been written at least once, then make sure that the present
402  ! text entry matches the last text entry
403  if (this%written_once) then
404  if (trim(adjustl(this%vbnm(this%msum))) /= trim(adjustl(text))) then
405  write (errmsg, fmtbuderr) trim(adjustl(this%vbnm(this%msum))), &
406  trim(adjustl(text))
407  call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.true.)
408  end if
409  end if
410  !
411  this%vbvl(3, this%msum) = rin
412  this%vbvl(4, this%msum) = rout
413  this%vbnm(this%msum) = adjustr(text)
414  if (present(rowlabel)) then
415  this%rowlabel(this%msum) = adjustl(rowlabel)
416  this%labeled = .true.
417  end if
418  this%msum = this%msum + 1
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ allocate_arrays()

subroutine budgetmodule::allocate_arrays ( class(budgettype this)

Allocate array variables of this budget object

thisBudgetType object

Definition at line 555 of file Budget.f90.

556  ! -- modules
557  ! -- dummy
558  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
559  !
560  ! -- If redefining, then need to deallocate/reallocate
561  if (associated(this%vbvl)) then
562  deallocate (this%vbvl)
563  nullify (this%vbvl)
564  end if
565  if (associated(this%vbnm)) then
566  deallocate (this%vbnm)
567  nullify (this%vbnm)
568  end if
569  if (associated(this%rowlabel)) then
570  deallocate (this%rowlabel)
571  nullify (this%rowlabel)
572  end if
573  !
574  ! -- Allocate
575  allocate (this%vbvl(4, this%maxsize))
576  allocate (this%vbnm(this%maxsize))
577  allocate (this%rowlabel(this%maxsize))
578  !
579  ! -- Initialize values
580  this%vbvl(:, :) = dzero
581  this%vbnm(:) = ''
582  this%rowlabel(:) = ''

◆ allocate_scalars()

subroutine budgetmodule::allocate_scalars ( class(budgettype this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name_model 

Allocate scalar variables of this budget object

thisBudgetType object
[in]name_modelname of the model

Definition at line 519 of file Budget.f90.

520  ! -- modules
521  ! -- dummy
522  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
523  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name_model !< name of the model
524  !
525  allocate (this%msum)
526  allocate (this%maxsize)
527  allocate (this%budperc)
528  allocate (this%written_once)
529  allocate (this%labeled)
530  allocate (this%bdtype)
531  allocate (this%bddim)
532  allocate (this%labeltitle)
533  allocate (this%bdzone)
534  allocate (this%ibudcsv)
535  allocate (this%icsvheader)
536  !
537  ! -- Initialize values
538  this%msum = 0
539  this%maxsize = 0
540  this%written_once = .false.
541  this%labeled = .false.
542  this%bdtype = ''
543  this%bddim = ''
544  this%labeltitle = ''
545  this%bdzone = ''
546  this%ibudcsv = 0
547  this%icsvheader = 0

◆ budget_cr()

subroutine, public budgetmodule::budget_cr ( type(budgettype), pointer  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name_model 

Create a new budget object.

thisBudgetType object
[in]name_modelname of the model

Definition at line 83 of file Budget.f90.

84  ! -- modules
85  ! -- dummy
86  type(BudgetType), pointer :: this !< BudgetType object
87  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name_model !< name of the model
88  !
89  ! -- Create the object
90  allocate (this)
91  !
92  ! -- Allocate scalars
93  call this%allocate_scalars(name_model)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ budget_da()

subroutine budgetmodule::budget_da ( class(budgettype this)

Deallocate budget memory

thisBudgetType object

Definition at line 318 of file Budget.f90.

319  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
320  !
321  ! -- Scalars
322  deallocate (this%msum)
323  deallocate (this%maxsize)
324  deallocate (this%budperc)
325  deallocate (this%written_once)
326  deallocate (this%labeled)
327  deallocate (this%bdtype)
328  deallocate (this%bddim)
329  deallocate (this%labeltitle)
330  deallocate (this%bdzone)
331  deallocate (this%ibudcsv)
332  deallocate (this%icsvheader)
333  !
334  ! -- Arrays
335  deallocate (this%vbvl)
336  deallocate (this%vbnm)
337  deallocate (this%rowlabel)

◆ budget_df()

subroutine budgetmodule::budget_df ( class(budgettype this,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  maxsize,
character(len=*), optional  bdtype,
character(len=*), optional  bddim,
character(len=*), optional  labeltitle,
character(len=*), optional  bdzone 

Allocate arrays and set member variables

thisBudgetType object
[in]maxsizemaximum size of budget arrays
bdtypetype of budget, default is VOLUME
bddimdimensions of terms, default is L**3
labeltitlebudget label, default is PACKAGE NAME
bdzonecorresponding zone, default is ENTIRE MODEL

Definition at line 101 of file Budget.f90.

102  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
103  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: maxsize !< maximum size of budget arrays
104  character(len=*), optional :: bdtype !< type of budget, default is VOLUME
105  character(len=*), optional :: bddim !< dimensions of terms, default is L**3
106  character(len=*), optional :: labeltitle !< budget label, default is PACKAGE NAME
107  character(len=*), optional :: bdzone !< corresponding zone, default is ENTIRE MODEL
108  !
109  ! -- Set values
110  this%maxsize = maxsize
111  !
112  ! -- Allocate arrays
113  call this%allocate_arrays()
114  !
115  ! -- Set the budget type
116  if (present(bdtype)) then
117  this%bdtype = bdtype
118  else
119  this%bdtype = 'VOLUME'
120  end if
121  !
122  ! -- Set the budget dimension
123  if (present(bddim)) then
124  this%bddim = bddim
125  else
126  this%bddim = 'L**3'
127  end if
128  !
129  ! -- Set the budget zone
130  if (present(bdzone)) then
131  this%bdzone = bdzone
132  else
133  this%bdzone = 'ENTIRE MODEL'
134  end if
135  !
136  ! -- Set the label title
137  if (present(labeltitle)) then
138  this%labeltitle = labeltitle
139  else
140  this%labeltitle = 'PACKAGE NAME'
141  end if

◆ budget_ot()

subroutine budgetmodule::budget_ot ( class(budgettype this,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  kstp,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  kper,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout 

Write the budget table for the current set of budget information.

thisBudgetType object
[in]kstptime step
[in]kperstress period
[in]ioutoutput unit number

Definition at line 178 of file Budget.f90.

179  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
180  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kstp !< time step
181  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kper !< stress period
182  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout !< output unit number
183  character(len=17) :: val1, val2
184  integer(I4B) :: msum1, l
185  real(DP) :: two, hund, bigvl1, bigvl2, small, &
186  totrin, totrot, totvin, totvot, diffr, adiffr, &
187  pdiffr, pdiffv, avgrat, diffv, adiffv, avgvol
188  !
189  ! -- Set constants
190  two = 2.d0
191  hund = 100.d0
192  bigvl1 = 9.99999d11
193  bigvl2 = 9.99999d10
194  small = 0.1d0
195  !
196  ! -- Determine number of individual budget entries.
197  this%budperc = dzero
198  msum1 = this%msum - 1
199  if (msum1 <= 0) return
200  !
201  ! -- Clear rate and volume accumulators.
202  totrin = dzero
203  totrot = dzero
204  totvin = dzero
205  totvot = dzero
206  !
207  ! -- Add rates and volumes (in and out) to accumulators.
208  do l = 1, msum1
209  totrin = totrin + this%vbvl(3, l)
210  totrot = totrot + this%vbvl(4, l)
211  totvin = totvin + this%vbvl(1, l)
212  totvot = totvot + this%vbvl(2, l)
213  end do
214  !
215  ! -- Print time step number and stress period number.
216  if (this%labeled) then
217  write (iout, 261) trim(adjustl(this%bdtype)), trim(adjustl(this%bdzone)), &
218  kstp, kper
219  write (iout, 266) trim(adjustl(this%bdtype)), trim(adjustl(this%bddim)), &
220  trim(adjustl(this%bddim)), this%labeltitle
221  else
222  write (iout, 260) trim(adjustl(this%bdtype)), trim(adjustl(this%bdzone)), &
223  kstp, kper
224  write (iout, 265) trim(adjustl(this%bdtype)), trim(adjustl(this%bddim)), &
225  trim(adjustl(this%bddim))
226  end if
227  !
228  ! -- Print individual inflow rates and volumes and their totals.
229  do l = 1, msum1
230  call value_to_string(this%vbvl(1, l), val1, bigvl1, small)
231  call value_to_string(this%vbvl(3, l), val2, bigvl1, small)
232  if (this%labeled) then
233  write (iout, 276) this%vbnm(l), val1, this%vbnm(l), val2, this%rowlabel(l)
234  else
235  write (iout, 275) this%vbnm(l), val1, this%vbnm(l), val2
236  end if
237  end do
238  call value_to_string(totvin, val1, bigvl1, small)
239  call value_to_string(totrin, val2, bigvl1, small)
240  write (iout, 286) val1, val2
241  !
242  ! -- Print individual outflow rates and volumes and their totals.
243  write (iout, 287)
244  do l = 1, msum1
245  call value_to_string(this%vbvl(2, l), val1, bigvl1, small)
246  call value_to_string(this%vbvl(4, l), val2, bigvl1, small)
247  if (this%labeled) then
248  write (iout, 276) this%vbnm(l), val1, this%vbnm(l), val2, this%rowlabel(l)
249  else
250  write (iout, 275) this%vbnm(l), val1, this%vbnm(l), val2
251  end if
252  end do
253  call value_to_string(totvot, val1, bigvl1, small)
254  call value_to_string(totrot, val2, bigvl1, small)
255  write (iout, 298) val1, val2
256  !
257  ! -- Calculate the difference between inflow and outflow.
258  !
259  ! -- Calculate difference between rate in and rate out.
260  diffr = totrin - totrot
261  adiffr = abs(diffr)
262  !
263  ! -- Calculate percent difference between rate in and rate out.
264  pdiffr = dzero
265  avgrat = (totrin + totrot) / two
266  if (avgrat /= dzero) pdiffr = hund * diffr / avgrat
267  this%budperc = pdiffr
268  !
269  ! -- Calculate difference between volume in and volume out.
270  diffv = totvin - totvot
271  adiffv = abs(diffv)
272  !
273  ! -- Get percent difference between volume in and volume out.
274  pdiffv = dzero
275  avgvol = (totvin + totvot) / two
276  if (avgvol /= dzero) pdiffv = hund * diffv / avgvol
277  !
278  ! -- Print differences and percent differences between input
279  ! -- and output rates and volumes.
280  call value_to_string(diffv, val1, bigvl2, small)
281  call value_to_string(diffr, val2, bigvl2, small)
282  write (iout, 299) val1, val2
283  write (iout, 300) pdiffv, pdiffr
284  !
285  ! -- flush the file
286  flush (iout)
287  !
288  ! -- set written_once to .true.
289  this%written_once = .true.
290  !
291  ! -- formats
292 260 FORMAT(//2x, a, ' BUDGET FOR ', a, ' AT END OF' &
293  , ' TIME STEP', i5, ', STRESS PERIOD', i4 / 2x, 78('-'))
294 261 FORMAT(//2x, a, ' BUDGET FOR ', a, ' AT END OF' &
295  , ' TIME STEP', i5, ', STRESS PERIOD', i4 / 2x, 99('-'))
296 265 FORMAT(1x, /5x, 'CUMULATIVE ', a, 6x, a, 7x &
297  , 'RATES FOR THIS TIME STEP', 6x, a, '/T'/5x, 18('-'), 17x, 24('-') &
298  //11x, 'IN:', 38x, 'IN:'/11x, '---', 38x, '---')
299 266 FORMAT(1x, /5x, 'CUMULATIVE ', a, 6x, a, 7x &
300  , 'RATES FOR THIS TIME STEP', 6x, a, '/T', 10x, a16, &
301  /5x, 18('-'), 17x, 24('-'), 21x, 16('-') &
302  //11x, 'IN:', 38x, 'IN:'/11x, '---', 38x, '---')
303 275 FORMAT(1x, 3x, a16, ' =', a17, 6x, a16, ' =', a17)
304 276 FORMAT(1x, 3x, a16, ' =', a17, 6x, a16, ' =', a17, 5x, a)
305 286 FORMAT(1x, /12x, 'TOTAL IN =', a, 14x, 'TOTAL IN =', a)
306 287 FORMAT(1x, /10x, 'OUT:', 37x, 'OUT:'/10x, 4('-'), 37x, 4('-'))
307 298 FORMAT(1x, /11x, 'TOTAL OUT =', a, 13x, 'TOTAL OUT =', a)
308 299 FORMAT(1x, /12x, 'IN - OUT =', a, 14x, 'IN - OUT =', a)
309 300 FORMAT(1x, /1x, 'PERCENT DISCREPANCY =', f15.2 &
310  , 5x, 'PERCENT DISCREPANCY =', f15.2/)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ finalize_step()

subroutine budgetmodule::finalize_step ( class(budgettype this,
real(dp), intent(in)  delt 

This must be called before any output is written in order to update the accumulators in vbvl(1,:) and vbl(2,:).

thisBudgetType object

Definition at line 500 of file Budget.f90.

501  ! -- modules
502  ! -- dummy
503  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
504  real(DP), intent(in) :: delt
505  ! -- local
506  integer(I4B) :: i
507  !
508  do i = 1, this%msum - 1
509  this%vbvl(1, i) = this%vbvl(1, i) + this%vbvl(3, i) * delt
510  this%vbvl(2, i) = this%vbvl(2, i) + this%vbvl(4, i) * delt
511  end do

◆ rate_accumulator()

subroutine, public budgetmodule::rate_accumulator ( real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in), contiguous  flow,
real(dp), intent(out)  rin,
real(dp), intent(out)  rout 

Routing for tallying inflows and outflows of an array

[in]flowarray of flows
[out]rincalculated sum of inflows
[out]routcalculated sum of outflows

Definition at line 631 of file Budget.f90.

632  ! -- modules
633  ! -- dummy
634  real(DP), dimension(:), contiguous, intent(in) :: flow !< array of flows
635  real(DP), intent(out) :: rin !< calculated sum of inflows
636  real(DP), intent(out) :: rout !< calculated sum of outflows
637  integer(I4B) :: n
638  !
639  rin = dzero
640  rout = dzero
641  do n = 1, size(flow)
642  if (flow(n) < dzero) then
643  rout = rout - flow(n)
644  else
645  rin = rin + flow(n)
646  end if
647  end do
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reset()

subroutine budgetmodule::reset ( class(budgettype this)

Reset the budget object in preparation for next set of entries

thisBudgetType object

Definition at line 345 of file Budget.f90.

346  ! -- modules
347  ! -- dummy
348  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
349  ! -- local
350  integer(I4B) :: i
351  !
352  this%msum = 1
353  do i = 1, this%maxsize
354  this%vbvl(3, i) = dzero
355  this%vbvl(4, i) = dzero
356  end do

◆ resize()

subroutine budgetmodule::resize ( class(budgettype this,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  maxsize 

If the size wasn't allocated to be large enough, then the budget object we reallocate itself to a larger size.

thisBudgetType object
[in]maxsizemaximum size

Definition at line 591 of file Budget.f90.

592  ! -- modules
593  ! -- dummy
594  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
595  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: maxsize !< maximum size
596  ! -- local
597  real(DP), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: vbvl
598  character(len=LENBUDTXT), dimension(:), allocatable :: vbnm
599  character(len=LENBUDROWLABEL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rowlabel
600  integer(I4B) :: maxsizeold
601  !
602  ! -- allocate and copy into local storage
603  maxsizeold = this%maxsize
604  allocate (vbvl(4, maxsizeold))
605  allocate (vbnm(maxsizeold))
606  allocate (rowlabel(maxsizeold))
607  vbvl(:, :) = this%vbvl(:, :)
608  vbnm(:) = this%vbnm(:)
609  rowlabel(:) = this%rowlabel(:)
610  !
611  ! -- Set new size and reallocate
612  this%maxsize = maxsize
613  call this%allocate_arrays()
614  !
615  ! -- Copy from local back into member variables
616  this%vbvl(:, 1:maxsizeold) = vbvl(:, 1:maxsizeold)
617  this%vbnm(1:maxsizeold) = vbnm(1:maxsizeold)
618  this%rowlabel(1:maxsizeold) = rowlabel(1:maxsizeold)
619  !
620  ! - deallocate local copies
621  deallocate (vbvl)
622  deallocate (vbnm)
623  deallocate (rowlabel)

◆ set_ibudcsv()

subroutine budgetmodule::set_ibudcsv ( class(budgettype this,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  ibudcsv 

This routine can be used to activate csv output by passing in a valid unit number opened for output

thisBudgetType object
[in]ibudcsvunit number for csv budget output

Definition at line 656 of file Budget.f90.

657  ! -- modules
658  ! -- dummy
659  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
660  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibudcsv !< unit number for csv budget output
661  this%ibudcsv = ibudcsv

◆ value_to_string()

subroutine budgetmodule::value_to_string ( real(dp), intent(in)  val,
character(len=*), intent(out)  string,
real(dp), intent(in)  big,
real(dp), intent(in)  small 

This is sometimes needed to avoid numbers that do not fit correctly into a text string

[in]valvalue to convert
[out]stringstring to fill
[in]bigbig value
[in]smallsmall value

Definition at line 150 of file Budget.f90.

151  real(DP), intent(in) :: val !< value to convert
152  character(len=*), intent(out) :: string !< string to fill
153  real(DP), intent(in) :: big !< big value
154  real(DP), intent(in) :: small !< small value
155  real(DP) :: absval
156  !
157  absval = abs(val)
158  if (val /= dzero .and. (absval >= big .or. absval < small)) then
159  if (absval >= 1.d100 .or. absval <= 1.d-100) then
160  ! -- if exponent has 3 digits, then need to explicitly use the ES
161  ! format to force writing the E character
162  write (string, '(es17.4E3)') val
163  else
164  write (string, '(1pe17.4)') val
165  end if
166  else
167  ! -- value is within range where number looks good with F format
168  write (string, '(f17.4)') val
169  end if
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_csv_header()

subroutine budgetmodule::write_csv_header ( class(budgettype this)

This routine will write the csv header based on the names in vbnm

thisBudgetType object

Definition at line 726 of file Budget.f90.

727  ! -- modules
728  ! -- dummy
729  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
730  ! -- local
731  integer(I4B) :: l
732  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: txt, txtl
733  write (this%ibudcsv, '(a)', advance='NO') 'time,'
734  !
735  ! -- first write IN
736  do l = 1, this%msum - 1
737  txt = this%vbnm(l)
738  txtl = ''
739  if (this%labeled) then
740  txtl = '('//trim(adjustl(this%rowlabel(l)))//')'
741  end if
742  txt = trim(adjustl(txt))//trim(adjustl(txtl))//'_IN,'
743  write (this%ibudcsv, '(a)', advance='NO') trim(adjustl(txt))
744  end do
745  !
746  ! -- then write OUT
747  do l = 1, this%msum - 1
748  txt = this%vbnm(l)
749  txtl = ''
750  if (this%labeled) then
751  txtl = '('//trim(adjustl(this%rowlabel(l)))//')'
752  end if
753  txt = trim(adjustl(txt))//trim(adjustl(txtl))//'_OUT,'
754  write (this%ibudcsv, '(a)', advance='NO') trim(adjustl(txt))
755  end do
756  write (this%ibudcsv, '(a)') 'TOTAL_IN,TOTAL_OUT,PERCENT_DIFFERENCE'

◆ writecsv()

subroutine budgetmodule::writecsv ( class(budgettype this,
real(dp), intent(in)  totim 

This routine will write a row of output to the csv file, if it is available for output. Upon first call, it will write the csv header.

thisBudgetType object
[in]totimtime corresponding to this data

Definition at line 671 of file Budget.f90.

672  ! -- modules
673  ! -- dummy
674  class(BudgetType) :: this !< BudgetType object
675  real(DP), intent(in) :: totim !< time corresponding to this data
676  ! -- local
677  integer(I4B) :: i
678  real(DP) :: totrin
679  real(DP) :: totrout
680  real(DP) :: diffr
681  real(DP) :: pdiffr
682  real(DP) :: avgrat
683  !
684  if (this%ibudcsv > 0) then
685  !
686  ! -- write header
687  if (this%icsvheader == 0) then
688  call this%write_csv_header()
689  this%icsvheader = 1
690  end if
691  !
692  ! -- Calculate in and out
693  totrin = dzero
694  totrout = dzero
695  do i = 1, this%msum - 1
696  totrin = totrin + this%vbvl(3, i)
697  totrout = totrout + this%vbvl(4, i)
698  end do
699  !
700  ! -- calculate percent difference
701  diffr = totrin - totrout
702  pdiffr = dzero
703  avgrat = (totrin + totrout) / dtwo
704  if (avgrat /= dzero) then
705  pdiffr = dhundred * diffr / avgrat
706  end if
707  !
708  ! -- write data
709  write (this%ibudcsv, '(*(G0,:,","))') &
710  totim, &
711  (this%vbvl(3, i), i=1, this%msum - 1), &
712  (this%vbvl(4, i), i=1, this%msum - 1), &
713  totrin, totrout, pdiffr
714  !
715  ! -- flush the file
716  flush (this%ibudcsv)
717  end if