MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
budgetobjectmodule Module Reference

Data Types

type  budgetobjecttype


subroutine, public budgetobject_cr (this, name)
 Create a new budget object. More...
subroutine budgetobject_df (this, ncv, nbudterm, iflowja, nsto, bddim_opt, labeltitle_opt, bdzone_opt, ibudcsv)
 Define the new budget object. More...
subroutine flowtable_df (this, iout, cellids)
 Define the new flow table object. More...
subroutine accumulate_terms (this)
 Add up accumulators and submit to budget table. More...
subroutine write_flowtable (this, dis, kstp, kper, cellidstr)
 Write the flow table for each advanced package control volume. More...
subroutine write_budtable (this, kstp, kper, iout, ibudfl, totim, delt)
 Write the budget table. More...
subroutine save_flows (this, dis, ibinun, kstp, kper, delt, pertim, totim, iout)
 Write the budget table. More...
subroutine read_flows (this, dis, ibinun)
 Read from a binary file into this BudgetObjectType. More...
subroutine budgetobject_da (this)
 Deallocate. More...
subroutine, public budgetobject_cr_bfr (this, name, ibinun, iout, colconv1, colconv2)
 Create a new budget object from a binary flow file. More...
subroutine bfr_init (this, ibinun, ncv, nbudterm, iout)
 Initialize the budget file reader. More...
subroutine bfr_advance (this, dis, iout)
 Advance the binary file readers for setting the budget terms of the next time step. More...
subroutine fill_from_bfr (this, dis, iout)
 Copy the information from the binary file into budterms. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ accumulate_terms()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::accumulate_terms ( class(budgetobjecttype this)

Definition at line 277 of file BudgetObject.f90.

278  ! -- modules
279  use tdismodule, only: delt
280  ! -- dummy
281  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
282  ! -- local
283  character(len=LENBUDTXT) :: flowtype
284  integer(I4B) :: i
285  real(DP) :: ratin, ratout
286  !
287  ! -- Reset the budget table
288  call this%budtable%reset()
289  !
290  ! -- Calculate the budget table terms
291  do i = 1, this%nbudterm
292  !
293  ! -- Accumulate positive and negative flows for each budget term
294  flowtype = this%budterm(i)%flowtype
295  select case (trim(adjustl(flowtype)))
296  case ('FLOW-JA-FACE')
297  ! -- Skip
298  case default
299  !
300  ! -- Calculate sum of positive and negative flows
301  call this%budterm(i)%accumulate_flow(ratin, ratout)
302  !
303  ! -- Pass accumulators into the budget table
304  call this%budtable%addentry(ratin, ratout, delt, flowtype)
305  end select
306  end do
real(dp), pointer, public delt
length of the current time step
Definition: tdis.f90:29

◆ bfr_advance()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::bfr_advance ( class(budgetobjecttype this,
class(disbasetype), intent(in)  dis,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout 

Definition at line 620 of file BudgetObject.f90.

621  ! -- modules
622  use tdismodule, only: kstp, kper
623  ! -- dummy
624  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
625  class(DisBaseType), intent(in) :: dis
626  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
627  ! -- local
628  logical :: readnext
629  ! -- formats
630  character(len=*), parameter :: fmtkstpkper = &
631  &"(1x,/1x, a, ' READING BUDGET TERMS FOR KSTP ', i0, ' KPER ', i0)"
632  character(len=*), parameter :: fmtbudkstpkper = &
633  "(1x,/1x, a, ' SETTING BUDGET TERMS FOR KSTP ', i0, ' AND KPER ', &
634  &i0, ' TO BUDGET FILE TERMS FROM KSTP ', i0, ' AND KPER ', i0)"
635  !
636  ! -- Do not read the budget if the budget is at end of file or if the next
637  ! record in the budget file is the first timestep of the next stress
638  ! period. Also do not read if it is the very first time step because
639  ! the first chunk of data is read as part of the initialization
640  readnext = .true.
641  if (kstp * kper == 1) then
642  readnext = .false.
643  else if (kstp * kper > 1) then
644  if (this%bfr%endoffile) then
645  readnext = .false.
646  else
647  if (this%bfr%kpernext == kper + 1 .and. this%bfr%kstpnext == 1) &
648  readnext = .false.
649  end if
650  end if
651  !
652  ! -- Read the next record
653  if (readnext) then
654  !
655  ! -- Write the current time step and stress period
656  if (iout > 0) &
657  write (iout, fmtkstpkper) this%name, kstp, kper
658  !
659  ! -- Read flows from the binary file and copy them into this%budterm(:)
660  call this%fill_from_bfr(dis, iout)
661  else
662  if (iout > 0) &
663  write (iout, fmtbudkstpkper) trim(this%name), kstp, kper, &
664  this%bfr%kstp, this%bfr%kper
665  end if
integer(i4b), pointer, public kstp
current time step number
Definition: tdis.f90:24
integer(i4b), pointer, public kper
current stress period number
Definition: tdis.f90:23

◆ bfr_init()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::bfr_init ( class(budgetobjecttype this,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  ibinun,
integer(i4b), intent(inout)  ncv,
integer(i4b), intent(inout)  nbudterm,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout 

Definition at line 603 of file BudgetObject.f90.

604  ! -- dummy
605  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
606  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibinun
607  integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: ncv
608  integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: nbudterm
609  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
610  !
611  ! -- Initialize budget file reader
612  allocate (this%bfr)
613  call this%bfr%initialize(ibinun, iout, ncv)
614  nbudterm = this%bfr%nbudterms

◆ budgetobject_cr()

subroutine, public budgetobjectmodule::budgetobject_cr ( type(budgetobjecttype), pointer  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name 

Definition at line 82 of file BudgetObject.f90.

83  ! -- dummy
84  type(BudgetObjectType), pointer :: this
85  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
86  !
87  ! -- Create the object
88  allocate (this)
89  !
90  ! -- Initialize variables
91  this%name = name
92  this%ncv = 0
93  this%nbudterm = 0
94  this%iflowja = 0
95  this%nsto = 0
96  this%iterm = 0
97  !
98  ! -- Initialize budget table
99  call budget_cr(this%budtable, name)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ budgetobject_cr_bfr()

subroutine, public budgetobjectmodule::budgetobject_cr_bfr ( type(budgetobjecttype), pointer  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  name,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  ibinun,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout,
character(len=16), dimension(:), optional  colconv1,
character(len=16), dimension(:), optional  colconv2 

Definition at line 552 of file BudgetObject.f90.

553  ! -- dummy
554  type(BudgetObjectType), pointer :: this
555  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
556  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibinun
557  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
558  character(len=16), dimension(:), optional :: colconv1
559  character(len=16), dimension(:), optional :: colconv2
560  ! -- local
561  integer(I4B) :: ncv, nbudterm
562  integer(I4B) :: iflowja, nsto
563  integer(I4B) :: i, j
564  !
565  ! -- Create the object
566  call budgetobject_cr(this, name)
567  !
568  ! -- Initialize the budget file reader
569  call this%bfr_init(ibinun, ncv, nbudterm, iout)
570  !
571  ! -- Define this budget object using number of control volumes and number
572  ! of budget terms read from ibinun
573  iflowja = 0
574  nsto = 0
575  call this%budgetobject_df(ncv, nbudterm, iflowja, nsto)
576  !
577  ! -- Set the conversion flags, which cause id1 or id2 to be converted from
578  ! user node numbers to reduced node numbers
579  if (present(colconv1)) then
580  do i = 1, nbudterm
581  do j = 1, size(colconv1)
582  if (colconv1(j) == adjustl(this%bfr%budtxtarray(i))) then
583  this%budterm(i)%olconv1 = .true.
584  exit
585  end if
586  end do
587  end do
588  end if
589  if (present(colconv2)) then
590  do i = 1, nbudterm
591  do j = 1, size(colconv2)
592  if (colconv2(j) == adjustl(this%bfr%budtxtarray(i))) then
593  this%budterm(i)%olconv2 = .true.
594  exit
595  end if
596  end do
597  end do
598  end if
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ budgetobject_da()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::budgetobject_da ( class(budgetobjecttype this)

Definition at line 519 of file BudgetObject.f90.

520  ! -- dummy
521  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
522  ! -- local
523  integer(I4B) :: i
524  !
525  ! -- Save flows for each budget term
526  do i = 1, this%nbudterm
527  call this%budterm(i)%deallocate_arrays()
528  end do
529  !
530  ! -- Destroy the flow table
531  if (associated(this%flowtab)) then
532  deallocate (this%add_cellids)
533  deallocate (this%icellid)
534  deallocate (this%nflowterms)
535  deallocate (this%istart)
536  deallocate (this%iflowterms)
537  call this%flowtab%table_da()
538  deallocate (this%flowtab)
539  nullify (this%flowtab)
540  end if
541  !
542  ! -- Destroy the budget object table
543  if (associated(this%budtable)) then
544  call this%budtable%budget_da()
545  deallocate (this%budtable)
546  nullify (this%budtable)
547  end if

◆ budgetobject_df()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::budgetobject_df ( class(budgetobjecttype this,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  ncv,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  nbudterm,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iflowja,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  nsto,
character(len=*), optional  bddim_opt,
character(len=*), optional  labeltitle_opt,
character(len=*), optional  bdzone_opt,
integer(i4b), intent(in), optional  ibudcsv 

Definition at line 104 of file BudgetObject.f90.

107  ! -- dummy
108  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
109  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ncv
110  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: nbudterm
111  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iflowja
112  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: nsto
113  character(len=*), optional :: bddim_opt
114  character(len=*), optional :: labeltitle_opt
115  character(len=*), optional :: bdzone_opt
116  integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: ibudcsv
117  ! -- local
118  character(len=20) :: bdtype
119  character(len=5) :: bddim
120  character(len=16) :: labeltitle
121  character(len=20) :: bdzone
122  !
123  ! -- Set values
124  this%ncv = ncv
125  this%nbudterm = nbudterm
126  this%iflowja = iflowja
127  this%nsto = nsto
128  !
129  ! -- Allocate space for budterm
130  allocate (this%budterm(nbudterm))
131  !
132  ! -- Set the budget type to name
133  bdtype = this%name
134  !
135  ! -- Set the budget dimension
136  if (present(bddim_opt)) then
137  bddim = bddim_opt
138  else
139  bddim = 'L**3'
140  end if
141  !
142  ! -- Set the budget zone
143  if (present(bdzone_opt)) then
144  bdzone = bdzone_opt
145  else
146  bdzone = 'ENTIRE MODEL'
147  end if
148  !
149  ! -- Set the label title
150  if (present(labeltitle_opt)) then
151  labeltitle = labeltitle_opt
152  else
153  labeltitle = 'PACKAGE NAME'
154  end if
155  !
156  ! -- Setup the budget table object
157  call this%budtable%budget_df(nbudterm, bdtype, bddim, labeltitle, bdzone)
158  !
159  ! -- Trigger csv output
160  if (present(ibudcsv)) then
161  call this%budtable%set_ibudcsv(ibudcsv)
162  end if

◆ fill_from_bfr()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::fill_from_bfr ( class(budgetobjecttype this,
class(disbasetype), intent(in)  dis,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout 

Definition at line 670 of file BudgetObject.f90.

671  ! -- dummy
672  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
673  class(DisBaseType), intent(in) :: dis
674  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
675  ! -- local
676  integer(I4B) :: i
677  logical :: success
678  !
679  ! -- Read flows from the binary file and copy them into this%budterm(:)
680  do i = 1, this%nbudterm
681  call this%bfr%read_record(success, iout)
682  call this%budterm(i)%fill_from_bfr(this%bfr, dis)
683  end do

◆ flowtable_df()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::flowtable_df ( class(budgetobjecttype this,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  cellids 

Definition at line 167 of file BudgetObject.f90.

168  ! -- dummy
169  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
170  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
171  character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: cellids
172  ! -- local
173  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: title
174  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: text
175  character(len=LENBUDTXT) :: flowtype
176  character(len=LENBUDTXT) :: tag
177  character(len=LENBUDTXT) :: coupletype
178  logical :: lfound
179  logical :: add_cellids
180  integer(I4B) :: maxcol
181  integer(I4B) :: idx
182  integer(I4B) :: ipos
183  integer(I4B) :: i
184  !
185  ! -- Process optional variables
186  if (present(cellids)) then
187  add_cellids = .true.
188  coupletype = cellids
189  else
190  add_cellids = .false.
191  end if
192  !
193  ! -- Allocate scalars
194  allocate (this%add_cellids)
195  allocate (this%icellid)
196  allocate (this%nflowterms)
197  !
198  ! -- Initialize scalars
199  this%add_cellids = add_cellids
200  this%nflowterms = 0
201  this%icellid = 0
202  !
203  ! -- Determine the number of columns in the table
204  maxcol = 3
205  if (add_cellids) then
206  maxcol = maxcol + 1
207  end if
208  do i = 1, this%nbudterm
209  lfound = .false.
210  flowtype = this%budterm(i)%get_flowtype()
211  if (trim(adjustl(flowtype)) == 'FLOW-JA-FACE') then
212  lfound = .true.
213  maxcol = maxcol + 2
214  else if (trim(adjustl(flowtype)) /= 'AUXILIARY') then
215  lfound = .true.
216  maxcol = maxcol + 1
217  end if
218  if (lfound) then
219  this%nflowterms = this%nflowterms + 1
220  if (add_cellids) then
221  if (trim(adjustl(flowtype)) == trim(adjustl(coupletype))) then
222  this%icellid = i
223  end if
224  end if
225  end if
226  end do
227  !
228  ! -- Allocate arrays
229  allocate (this%istart(this%nflowterms))
230  allocate (this%iflowterms(this%nflowterms))
231  !
232  ! -- Set up flow tableobj
233  title = trim(this%name)//' PACKAGE - SUMMARY OF FLOWS FOR '// &
235  call table_cr(this%flowtab, this%name, title)
236  call this%flowtab%table_df(this%ncv, maxcol, iout, transient=.true.)
237  !
238  ! -- Go through and set up flow table budget terms
239  text = 'NUMBER'
240  call this%flowtab%initialize_column(text, 10, alignment=tabcenter)
241  if (add_cellids) then
242  text = 'CELLID'
243  call this%flowtab%initialize_column(text, 20, alignment=tableft)
244  end if
245  idx = 1
246  do i = 1, this%nbudterm
247  lfound = .false.
248  flowtype = this%budterm(i)%get_flowtype()
249  tag = trim(adjustl(flowtype))
250  ipos = index(tag, '-')
251  if (ipos > 0) then
252  tag(ipos:ipos) = ' '
253  end if
254  if (trim(adjustl(flowtype)) == 'FLOW-JA-FACE') then
255  lfound = .true.
256  text = 'INFLOW'
257  call this%flowtab%initialize_column(text, 12, alignment=tabcenter)
258  text = 'OUTFLOW'
259  call this%flowtab%initialize_column(text, 12, alignment=tabcenter)
260  else if (trim(adjustl(flowtype)) /= 'AUXILIARY') then
261  lfound = .true.
262  call this%flowtab%initialize_column(tag, 12, alignment=tabcenter)
263  end if
264  if (lfound) then
265  this%iflowterms(idx) = i
266  idx = idx + 1
267  end if
268  end do
269  text = 'IN - OUT'
270  call this%flowtab%initialize_column(text, 12, alignment=tabcenter)
272  call this%flowtab%initialize_column(text, 12, alignment=tabcenter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_flows()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::read_flows ( class(budgetobjecttype this,
class(disbasetype), intent(in)  dis,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  ibinun 

Definition at line 497 of file BudgetObject.f90.

498  ! -- dummy
499  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
500  class(DisBaseType), intent(in) :: dis
501  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibinun
502  ! -- local
503  integer(I4B) :: kstp
504  integer(I4B) :: kper
505  real(DP) :: delt
506  real(DP) :: pertim
507  real(DP) :: totim
508  integer(I4B) :: i
509  !
510  ! -- Read flows for each budget term
511  do i = 1, this%nbudterm
512  call this%budterm(i)%read_flows(dis, ibinun, kstp, kper, delt, &
513  pertim, totim)
514  end do

◆ save_flows()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::save_flows ( class(budgetobjecttype this,
class(disbasetype), intent(in)  dis,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  ibinun,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  kstp,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  kper,
real(dp), intent(in)  delt,
real(dp), intent(in)  pertim,
real(dp), intent(in)  totim,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout 

Definition at line 473 of file BudgetObject.f90.

475  ! -- dummy
476  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
477  class(DisBaseType), intent(in) :: dis
478  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibinun
479  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kstp
480  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kper
481  real(DP), intent(in) :: delt
482  real(DP), intent(in) :: pertim
483  real(DP), intent(in) :: totim
484  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
485  ! -- dummy
486  integer(I4B) :: i
487  !
488  ! -- Save flows for each budget term
489  do i = 1, this%nbudterm
490  call this%budterm(i)%save_flows(dis, ibinun, kstp, kper, delt, &
491  pertim, totim, iout)
492  end do

◆ write_budtable()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::write_budtable ( class(budgetobjecttype this,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  kstp,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  kper,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  ibudfl,
real(dp), intent(in)  totim,
real(dp), intent(in)  delt 

Definition at line 453 of file BudgetObject.f90.

454  ! -- dummy
455  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
456  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kstp
457  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kper
458  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
459  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibudfl
460  real(DP), intent(in) :: totim
461  real(DP), intent(in) :: delt
462  !
463  ! -- Write the table
464  call this%budtable%finalize_step(delt)
465  if (ibudfl /= 0) then
466  call this%budtable%budget_ot(kstp, kper, iout)
467  end if
468  call this%budtable%writecsv(totim)

◆ write_flowtable()

subroutine budgetobjectmodule::write_flowtable ( class(budgetobjecttype this,
class(disbasetype), intent(in)  dis,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  kstp,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  kper,
character(len=20), dimension(:), optional  cellidstr 

Definition at line 311 of file BudgetObject.f90.

312  ! -- dummy
313  class(BudgetObjectType) :: this
314  class(DisBaseType), intent(in) :: dis
315  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kstp
316  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kper
317  character(len=20), dimension(:), optional :: cellidstr
318  ! -- local
319  character(len=LENBUDTXT) :: flowtype
320  character(len=20) :: cellid
321  integer(I4B) :: nlist
322  integer(I4B) :: id1
323  integer(I4B) :: id2
324  integer(I4B) :: icv
325  integer(I4B) :: idx
326  integer(I4B) :: i
327  integer(I4B) :: j
328  real(DP) :: v
329  real(DP) :: qin
330  real(DP) :: qout
331  real(DP) :: q
332  real(DP) :: qinflow
333  real(DP) :: qoutflow
334  real(DP) :: qerr
335  real(DP) :: qavg
336  real(DP) :: qpd
337  !
338  ! -- Reset starting position
339  do j = 1, this%nflowterms
340  this%istart(j) = 1
341  end do
342  !
343  ! -- Set table kstp and kper
344  call this%flowtab%set_kstpkper(kstp, kper)
345  !
346  ! -- Write the table
347  do icv = 1, this%ncv
348  call this%flowtab%add_term(icv)
349  !
350  ! -- Initialize flow terms for the control volume
351  qin = dzero
352  qout = dzero
353  !
354  ! -- Add cellid if required
355  if (this%add_cellids) then
356  if (present(cellidstr)) then
357  !
358  ! -- If there are not maxbound entries for this%budterm(idx),
359  ! which can happen for sfr, for example, if 'none' connections
360  ! are specified, then cellidstr should be passed in if the flow
361  ! table needs a cellid label.
362  cellid = cellidstr(icv)
363  else
364  !
365  ! -- Determine the cellid for this entry. The cellid, such as
366  ! (1, 10, 10), is assumed to be in the id2 column of this budterm.
367  j = this%icellid
368  idx = this%iflowterms(j)
369  i = this%istart(j)
370  id2 = this%budterm(idx)%get_id2(i)
371  if (id2 > 0) then
372  call dis%noder_to_string(id2, cellid)
373  else
374  cellid = 'NONE'
375  end if
376  end if
377  call this%flowtab%add_term(cellid)
378  end if
379  !
380  ! -- Iterate over the flow terms
381  do j = 1, this%nflowterms
382  !
383  ! -- Initialize flow terms for the row
384  q = dzero
385  qinflow = dzero
386  qoutflow = dzero
387  !
388  ! -- Determine the index, flowtype and length of
389  ! the flowterm
390  idx = this%iflowterms(j)
391  flowtype = this%budterm(idx)%get_flowtype()
392  nlist = this%budterm(idx)%get_nlist()
393  !
394  ! -- Iterate over the entries in the flowtype. If id1 is not ordered
395  ! then need to look through the entire list each time
396  colterm: do i = this%istart(j), nlist
397  id1 = this%budterm(idx)%get_id1(i)
398  if (this%budterm(idx)%ordered_id1) then
399  if (id1 > icv) then
400  this%istart(j) = i
401  exit colterm
402  end if
403  else
404  if (id1 /= icv) then
405  cycle colterm
406  end if
407  end if
408  if (id1 /= icv) then
409  v = dzero
410  else
411  v = this%budterm(idx)%get_flow(i)
412  end if
413  if (trim(adjustl(flowtype)) == 'FLOW-JA-FACE') then
414  if (v < dzero) then
415  qoutflow = qoutflow + v
416  else
417  qinflow = qinflow + v
418  end if
419  end if
420  !
421  ! -- Accumulators
422  q = q + v
423  if (v < dzero) then
424  qout = qout + v
425  else
426  qin = qin + v
427  end if
428  end do colterm
429  !
430  ! -- Add entry to table
431  if (trim(adjustl(flowtype)) == 'FLOW-JA-FACE') then
432  call this%flowtab%add_term(qinflow)
433  call this%flowtab%add_term(qoutflow)
434  else
435  call this%flowtab%add_term(q)
436  end if
437  end do
438  !
439  ! -- Calculate in-out and percent difference
440  qerr = qin + qout
441  qavg = dhalf * (qin - qout)
442  qpd = dzero
443  if (qavg > dzero) then
444  qpd = dhundred * qerr / qavg
445  end if
446  call this%flowtab%add_term(qerr)
447  call this%flowtab%add_term(qpd)
448  end do