MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
compilerversion Module Reference


subroutine, public get_compiler (txt)
 @ brief Get compiler information More...
subroutine, public get_compile_date (txt)
 @ brief Get compilation date More...
subroutine, public get_compile_options (txt)
 @ brief Get compilation options More...


character(len=10) c_compiler
 compiler string More...
character(len=10) c_version
 compiler version string More...
character(len=20) c_date
 compilation date More...
integer(i4b) icompiler = CUNKNOWN
 compiler enum More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_compile_date()

subroutine, public compilerversion::get_compile_date ( character(len=20), intent(inout)  txt)

Subroutine returns a string with compilation date

[in,out]txtcompilation date

Definition at line 58 of file compilerversion.F90.

59  ! -- dummy variables
60  character(len=20), intent(inout) :: txt !< compilation date
61  ! -- set variables
62 #ifdef __GFORTRAN__
63  c_date = __date__//' '//__time__
64 #endif
65 #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER
66  c_date = __date__//' '//__time__
67 #endif
68 #ifdef _CRAYFTN
69  c_date = __date__//' '//__time__
70 #endif
71  !
72  ! -- write compilation date string
73  write (txt, '(a)') trim(adjustl(c_date))
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_compile_options()

subroutine, public compilerversion::get_compile_options ( character(len=lenbigline), intent(inout)  txt)

Subroutine returns a string with compilation options

[in,out]txtcompilation options

Definition at line 81 of file compilerversion.F90.

82  ! -- dummy variables
83  character(len=LENBIGLINE), intent(inout) :: txt !< compilation options
84  ! -- set variables
85  !
86  ! -- set txt string
87  write (txt, '(a)') &
88  'MODFLOW 6 compiler options:'//' '//trim(adjustl(compiler_options()))
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_compiler()

subroutine, public compilerversion::get_compiler ( character(len=lenbigline), intent(inout)  txt)

Subroutine returns a string with compilation date and compiler.

[in,out]txtcompiler information

Definition at line 22 of file compilerversion.F90.

23  ! -- dummy variables
24  character(len=LENBIGLINE), intent(inout) :: txt !< compiler information
25  !
26  ! -- set variables
27 #ifdef __GFORTRAN__
28  icompiler = cgfortran
29  c_date = __date__//' '//__time__
30 #endif
31 #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER
32  icompiler = cintel
33  c_date = __date__//' '//__time__
34 #endif
35 #ifdef _CRAYFTN
36  icompiler = ccrayftn
37  c_date = __date__//' '//__time__
38 #endif
39  !
40  ! -- set compiler strings
41  if (icompiler == cunknown) then
42  c_compiler = 'UNKNOWN'
43  c_version = '??.??'
44  c_date = '??? ?? ???? ??:??:??'
45  end if
46  !
47  ! -- write string with compiler information
48  write (txt, '(a,3(1x,a))') &
49  'MODFLOW 6 compiled', trim(adjustl(c_date)), &
50  'with', trim(adjustl(compiler_version()))
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ c_compiler

character(len=10) compilerversion::c_compiler

Definition at line 10 of file compilerversion.F90.

10  character(len=10) :: c_compiler !< compiler string

◆ c_date

character(len=20) compilerversion::c_date

Definition at line 12 of file compilerversion.F90.

12  character(len=20) :: c_date !< compilation date

◆ c_version

character(len=10) compilerversion::c_version

Definition at line 11 of file compilerversion.F90.

11  character(len=10) :: c_version !< compiler version string

◆ icompiler

integer(i4b) compilerversion::icompiler = CUNKNOWN

Definition at line 13 of file compilerversion.F90.

13  integer(I4B) :: icompiler = cunknown !< compiler enum