MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
gwfmvrperioddatamodule Module Reference

This module contains the GwfMvrPeriodDataModule Module. More...

Data Types

type  gwfmvrperioddatatype
 Derived type for GwfMvrPeriodDataType. More...


subroutine construct (this, maxsize, memoryPath)
 @ brief Construct arrays More...
subroutine read_from_parser (this, parser, nmvr, modelname)
 @ brief Fill the arrays from parser More...
subroutine destroy (this)
 @ brief Destroy memory More...

Detailed Description

This module contains the code for storing and reading stress period data for the GwfMvr Package.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ construct()

subroutine gwfmvrperioddatamodule::construct ( class(gwfmvrperioddatatype this,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  maxsize,
character(len=lenmempath), intent(in)  memoryPath 

Allocate maximum space for mover input.

[in]maxsizesize of arrays
[in]memorypathmemory manager path

Definition at line 51 of file GwfMvrPeriodData.f90.

52  ! -- modules
54  ! -- dummy
55  class(GwfMvrPeriodDataType) :: this !< GwfMvrPeriodDataType
56  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: maxsize !< size of arrays
57  character(len=LENMEMPATH), intent(in) :: memoryPath !< memory manager path
59  ! -- character arrays
60  allocate (this%mname1(maxsize))
61  allocate (this%pname1(maxsize))
62  allocate (this%mname2(maxsize))
63  allocate (this%pname2(maxsize))
65  ! -- integer and real
66  call mem_allocate(this%id1, maxsize, 'ID1', memorypath)
67  call mem_allocate(this%id2, maxsize, 'ID2', memorypath)
68  call mem_allocate(this%imvrtype, maxsize, 'IMVRTYPE', memorypath)
69  call mem_allocate(this%value, maxsize, 'VALUE', memorypath)

◆ destroy()

subroutine gwfmvrperioddatamodule::destroy ( class(gwfmvrperioddatatype this)

Deallocate memory from the memory manager.


Definition at line 152 of file GwfMvrPeriodData.f90.

153  ! -- modules
155  ! -- dummy
156  class(GwfMvrPeriodDataType) :: this !< GwfMvrPeriodDataType
158  ! -- character arrays
159  deallocate (this%mname1)
160  deallocate (this%pname1)
161  deallocate (this%mname2)
162  deallocate (this%pname2)
164  ! -- integer and real
165  call mem_deallocate(this%id1)
166  call mem_deallocate(this%id2)
167  call mem_deallocate(this%imvrtype)
168  call mem_deallocate(this%value)

◆ read_from_parser()

subroutine gwfmvrperioddatamodule::read_from_parser ( class(gwfmvrperioddatatype this,
type(blockparsertype), intent(inout)  parser,
integer(i4b), intent(out)  nmvr,
character(len=lenmodelname), intent(in)  modelname 

Use the provided block parser to fill the input arrays.

[in,out]parserblock parser
[out]nmvrnumber of mover entries read
[in]modelnamename of model or empty string

Definition at line 77 of file GwfMvrPeriodData.f90.

78  ! -- dummy
79  class(GwfMvrPeriodDataType) :: this !< GwfMvrPeriodDataType
80  type(BlockParserType), intent(inout) :: parser !< block parser
81  integer(I4B), intent(out) :: nmvr !< number of mover entries read
82  character(len=LENMODELNAME), intent(in) :: modelname !< name of model or empty string
83  ! -- local
84  integer(I4B) :: i
85  integer(I4B) :: maxmvr
86  logical :: endOfBlock
87  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: line
88  character(len=12) :: mvrtype_char
89  !
90  ! -- Initialize
91  i = 1
92  maxmvr = size(this%id1)
93  !
94  ! -- Read each mover entry
95  do
96  call parser%GetNextLine(endofblock)
97  if (endofblock) exit
98  !
99  ! -- Raise error if movers exceeds maxmvr
100  if (i > maxmvr) then
101  call parser%GetCurrentLine(line)
102  write (errmsg, '(a,a)') 'Movers exceed MAXMVR on line: ', &
103  trim(adjustl(line))
104  call store_error(errmsg)
105  call parser%StoreErrorUnit()
106  end if
107  !
108  ! -- modelname, package name, id for provider
109  if (modelname == '') then
110  call parser%GetStringCaps(this%mname1(i))
111  else
112  this%mname1(i) = modelname
113  end if
114  call parser%GetStringCaps(this%pname1(i))
115  this%id1(i) = parser%GetInteger()
116  !
117  ! -- modelname, package name, id for receiver
118  if (modelname == '') then
119  call parser%GetStringCaps(this%mname2(i))
120  else
121  this%mname2(i) = modelname
122  end if
123  call parser%GetStringCaps(this%pname2(i))
124  this%id2(i) = parser%GetInteger()
125  !
126  ! -- Mover type and value
127  call parser%GetStringCaps(mvrtype_char)
128  select case (mvrtype_char)
129  case ('FACTOR')
130  this%imvrtype(i) = 1
131  case ('EXCESS')
132  this%imvrtype(i) = 2
133  case ('THRESHOLD')
134  this%imvrtype(i) = 3
135  case ('UPTO')
136  this%imvrtype(i) = 4
137  case default
138  call store_error('Invalid mover type: '//trim(mvrtype_char))
139  call parser%StoreErrorUnit()
140  end select
141  this%value(i) = parser%GetDouble()
142  i = i + 1
143  end do
144  nmvr = i - 1
Here is the call graph for this function: