MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
imslinearsettingsmodule Module Reference

Data Types

type  imslinearsettingstype


subroutine init (this, mem_path)
subroutine preset_config (this, idfparam)
 Set solver pre-configured settings based on complexity option. More...
subroutine read_from_file (this, parser, iout)
 Read the settings for the linear solver from the .ims file,. More...
subroutine destroy (this)


integer(i4b), parameter, public cg_method = 1
integer(i4b), parameter, public bcgs_method = 2

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ destroy()

subroutine imslinearsettingsmodule::destroy ( class(imslinearsettingstype this)
thislinear settings

Definition at line 255 of file ImsLinearSettings.f90.

256  class(ImsLinearSettingsType) :: this !< linear settings
258  call mem_deallocate(this%dvclose)
259  call mem_deallocate(this%rclose)
260  call mem_deallocate(this%icnvgopt)
261  call mem_deallocate(this%iter1)
262  call mem_deallocate(this%ilinmeth)
263  call mem_deallocate(this%iscl)
264  call mem_deallocate(this%iord)
265  call mem_deallocate(this%north)
266  call mem_deallocate(this%relax)
267  call mem_deallocate(this%level)
268  call mem_deallocate(this%droptol)
269  call mem_deallocate(this%ifdparam)

◆ init()

subroutine imslinearsettingsmodule::init ( class(imslinearsettingstype this,
character(len=lenmempath)  mem_path 
thislinear settings
mem_pathsolution memory path

Definition at line 36 of file ImsLinearSettings.f90.

38  class(ImsLinearSettingsType) :: this !< linear settings
39  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: mem_path !< solution memory path
41  this%memory_path = create_mem_path(mem_path, 'IMSLINEAR')
43  call mem_allocate(this%dvclose, 'DVCLOSE', this%memory_path)
44  call mem_allocate(this%rclose, 'RCLOSE', this%memory_path)
45  call mem_allocate(this%icnvgopt, 'ICNVGOPT', this%memory_path)
46  call mem_allocate(this%iter1, 'ITER1', this%memory_path)
47  call mem_allocate(this%ilinmeth, 'ILINMETH', this%memory_path)
48  call mem_allocate(this%iscl, 'ISCL', this%memory_path)
49  call mem_allocate(this%iord, 'IORD', this%memory_path)
50  call mem_allocate(this%north, 'NORTH', this%memory_path)
51  call mem_allocate(this%relax, 'RELAX', this%memory_path)
52  call mem_allocate(this%level, 'LEVEL', this%memory_path)
53  call mem_allocate(this%droptol, 'DROPTOL', this%memory_path)
54  call mem_allocate(this%ifdparam, 'IDFPARAM', this%memory_path)
56  ! defaults
57  this%dvclose = dzero
58  this%rclose = dzero
59  this%icnvgopt = 0
60  this%iter1 = 0
61  this%ilinmeth = 0
62  this%iscl = 0
63  this%iord = 0
64  this%north = 0
65  this%relax = dzero
66  this%level = 0
67  this%droptol = dzero
68  this%ifdparam = 0
character(len=lenmempath) function create_mem_path(component, subcomponent, context)
returns the path to the memory object
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ preset_config()

subroutine imslinearsettingsmodule::preset_config ( class(imslinearsettingstype this,
integer(i4b)  idfparam 
thislinear settings
idfparamcomplexity option

Definition at line 74 of file ImsLinearSettings.f90.

75  class(ImsLinearSettingsType) :: this !< linear settings
76  integer(I4B) :: idfparam !< complexity option
78  this%ifdparam = idfparam
80  select case (idfparam)
81  case (1) ! Simple option
82  this%iter1 = 50
83  this%ilinmeth = 1
84  this%iscl = 0
85  this%iord = 0
86  this%dvclose = dem3
87  this%rclose = dem1
88  this%relax = dzero
89  this%level = 0
90  this%droptol = dzero
91  this%north = 0
92  case (2) ! Moderate
93  this%iter1 = 100
94  this%ilinmeth = 2
95  this%iscl = 0
96  this%iord = 0
97  this%dvclose = dem2
98  this%rclose = dem1
99  this%relax = 0.97d0
100  this%level = 0
101  this%droptol = dzero
102  this%north = 0
103  case (3) ! Complex
104  this%iter1 = 500
105  this%ilinmeth = 2
106  this%iscl = 0
107  this%iord = 0
108  this%dvclose = dem1
109  this%rclose = dem1
110  this%relax = dzero
111  this%level = 5
112  this%droptol = dem4
113  this%north = 2
114  end select

◆ read_from_file()

subroutine imslinearsettingsmodule::read_from_file ( class(imslinearsettingstype this,
type(blockparsertype parser,
integer(i4b)  iout 
thislinear settings
parserblock parser
ioutlisting file

Definition at line 120 of file ImsLinearSettings.f90.

121  class(ImsLinearSettingsType) :: this !< linear settings
122  type(BlockParserType) :: parser !< block parser
123  integer(I4B) :: iout !< listing file
124  ! local
125  logical(LGP) :: block_found, end_of_block
126  integer(I4B) :: ierr
127  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: errmsg
128  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: warnmsg
129  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: keyword
130  integer(I4B) :: iscaling, iordering
132  call parser%GetBlock('LINEAR', block_found, ierr, supportopenclose=.true., &
133  blockrequired=.false.)
135  if (block_found) then
136  write (iout, '(/1x,a)') 'PROCESSING LINEAR DATA'
137  do
138  call parser%GetNextLine(end_of_block)
139  if (end_of_block) exit
140  call parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
141  ! -- parse keyword
142  select case (keyword)
143  case ('INNER_DVCLOSE')
144  this%dvclose = parser%GetDouble()
145  case ('INNER_RCLOSE')
146  this%rclose = parser%GetDouble()
147  ! -- look for additional key words
148  call parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
149  if (keyword == 'STRICT') then
150  this%icnvgopt = 1
151  else if (keyword == 'L2NORM_RCLOSE') then
152  this%icnvgopt = 2
153  else if (keyword == 'RELATIVE_RCLOSE') then
154  this%icnvgopt = 3
155  else if (keyword == 'L2NORM_RELATIVE_RCLOSE') then
156  this%icnvgopt = 4
157  end if
158  case ('INNER_MAXIMUM')
159  this%iter1 = parser%GetInteger()
161  call parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
162  if (keyword .eq. 'CG') then
163  this%ilinmeth = 1
164  else if (keyword .eq. 'BICGSTAB') then
165  this%ilinmeth = 2
166  else
167  this%ilinmeth = 0
168  write (errmsg, '(3a)') &
169  'Unknown IMSLINEAR LINEAR_ACCELERATION method (', &
170  trim(keyword), ').'
171  call store_error(errmsg)
172  end if
173  case ('SCALING_METHOD')
174  call parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
175  iscaling = 0
176  if (keyword .eq. 'NONE') then
177  iscaling = 0
178  else if (keyword .eq. 'DIAGONAL') then
179  iscaling = 1
180  else if (keyword .eq. 'L2NORM') then
181  iscaling = 2
182  else
183  write (errmsg, '(3a)') &
184  'Unknown IMSLINEAR SCALING_METHOD (', trim(keyword), ').'
185  call store_error(errmsg)
186  end if
187  this%iscl = iscaling
188  case ('RED_BLACK_ORDERING')
189  iordering = 0
191  call parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
192  iordering = 0
193  if (keyword == 'NONE') then
194  iordering = 0
195  else if (keyword == 'RCM') then
196  iordering = 1
197  else if (keyword == 'MD') then
198  iordering = 2
199  else
200  write (errmsg, '(3a)') &
201  'Unknown IMSLINEAR REORDERING_METHOD (', trim(keyword), ').'
202  call store_error(errmsg)
203  end if
204  this%iord = iordering
206  this%north = parser%GetInteger()
208  this%relax = parser%GetDouble()
210  this%level = parser%GetInteger()
211  if (this%level < 0) then
212  write (errmsg, '(a,1x,a)') &
213  'IMSLINEAR PRECONDITIONER_LEVELS must be greater than', &
214  'or equal to zero'
215  call store_error(errmsg)
216  end if
218  this%droptol = parser%GetDouble()
219  if (this%droptol < dzero) then
220  write (errmsg, '(a,1x,a)') &
222  'must be greater than or equal to zero'
223  call store_error(errmsg)
224  end if
225  !
226  ! -- deprecated variables
227  case ('INNER_HCLOSE')
228  this%dvclose = parser%GetDouble()
229  !
230  ! -- create warning message
231  write (warnmsg, '(a)') &
233  !
234  ! -- create deprecation warning
235  call deprecation_warning('LINEAR', 'INNER_HCLOSE', '6.1.1', &
236  warnmsg, parser%GetUnit())
237  !
238  ! -- default
239  case default
240  write (errmsg, '(3a)') &
241  'Unknown IMSLINEAR keyword (', trim(keyword), ').'
242  call store_error(errmsg)
243  end select
244  end do
245  write (iout, '(1x,a)') 'END OF LINEAR DATA'
246  else
247  if (this%ifdparam == 0) THEN
248  write (errmsg, '(a)') 'NO LINEAR block detected.'
249  call store_error(errmsg)
250  end if
251  end if
Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ bcgs_method

integer(i4b), parameter, public imslinearsettingsmodule::bcgs_method = 2

Definition at line 11 of file ImsLinearSettings.f90.

11  integer(I4B), public, parameter :: BCGS_METHOD = 2

◆ cg_method

integer(i4b), parameter, public imslinearsettingsmodule::cg_method = 1

Definition at line 10 of file ImsLinearSettings.f90.

10  integer(I4B), public, parameter :: CG_METHOD = 1