MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
memorytypemodule Module Reference

Data Types

type  memorytype


subroutine table_entry (this, memtab)
logical function mt_associated (this)
subroutine mt_deallocate (this)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ mt_associated()

logical function memorytypemodule::mt_associated ( class(memorytype this)

Definition at line 85 of file Memory.F90.

86  class(MemoryType) :: this
87  logical :: al
88  al = .false.
89  if (associated(this%strsclr)) al = .true.
90  if (associated(this%logicalsclr)) al = .true.
91  if (associated(this%intsclr)) al = .true.
92  if (associated(this%dblsclr)) al = .true.
93  if (associated(this%astr1d)) al = .true.
94  if (associated(this%aint1d)) al = .true.
95  if (associated(this%aint2d)) al = .true.
96  if (associated(this%aint3d)) al = .true.
97  if (associated(this%adbl1d)) al = .true.
98  if (associated(this%adbl2d)) al = .true.
99  if (associated(this%adbl3d)) al = .true.
100  if (associated(this%acharstr1d)) al = .true.

◆ mt_deallocate()

subroutine memorytypemodule::mt_deallocate ( class(memorytype this)

Definition at line 103 of file Memory.F90.

104  use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc, c_ptr, c_null_ptr, c_f_pointer
105  class(MemoryType) :: this
106  integer(I4B) :: n
107  type(c_ptr) :: cptr
109  character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: astr1d
111  if (associated(this%strsclr)) then
112  if (this%master) deallocate (this%strsclr)
113  nullify (this%strsclr)
114  end if
116  if (associated(this%logicalsclr)) then
117  if (this%master) deallocate (this%logicalsclr)
118  nullify (this%logicalsclr)
119  end if
121  if (associated(this%intsclr)) then
122  if (this%master) deallocate (this%intsclr)
123  nullify (this%intsclr)
124  end if
126  if (associated(this%dblsclr)) then
127  if (this%master) deallocate (this%dblsclr)
128  nullify (this%dblsclr)
129  end if
131  ! Handle the dealloction of the 1d character string array differently due to a bug in gfortran 11.3, 12.1, 13.1 and 13.2.
132  ! Due to a bug in the gfortran compiler we can't use a deferred length character variable
133  !
134  !
135  ! We use a c_ptr to cast the pointer to a string array with a length of 1. The actual length of the array is
136  ! computed by the actual length of the string multiplied by the array size.
137  ! So we go from the actual character(len=element_size), dimension(isize) to a character(len=1), dimension(isize*element_size).
139  if (associated(this%astr1d)) then
140  select type (item => this%astr1d)
141  type is (character(*))
142  cptr = c_loc(item)
143  class default
144  cptr = c_null_ptr
145  end select
147  call c_f_pointer(cptr, astr1d, [this%isize * this%element_size])
149 #if __GFORTRAN__ && ((__GNUC__ < 13) || (__GNUC__ == 13 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 3))
150  if (this%master) deallocate (astr1d)
151 #else
152  if (this%master) deallocate (this%astr1d)
153 #endif
155  nullify (this%astr1d)
156  end if
158  if (associated(this%aint1d)) then
159  if (this%master) deallocate (this%aint1d)
160  nullify (this%aint1d)
161  end if
163  if (associated(this%aint2d)) then
164  if (this%master) deallocate (this%aint2d)
165  nullify (this%aint2d)
166  end if
168  if (associated(this%aint3d)) then
169  if (this%master) deallocate (this%aint3d)
170  nullify (this%aint3d)
171  end if
173  if (associated(this%adbl1d)) then
174  if (this%master) deallocate (this%adbl1d)
175  nullify (this%adbl1d)
176  end if
178  if (associated(this%adbl2d)) then
179  if (this%master) deallocate (this%adbl2d)
180  nullify (this%adbl2d)
181  end if
183  if (associated(this%adbl3d)) then
184  if (this%master) deallocate (this%adbl3d)
185  nullify (this%adbl3d)
186  end if
188  if (associated(this%acharstr1d)) then
189  if (this%master) then
190  do n = 1, size(this%acharstr1d)
191  call this%acharstr1d(n)%destroy()
192  end do
193  deallocate (this%acharstr1d)
194  end if
195  nullify (this%acharstr1d)
196  end if

◆ table_entry()

subroutine memorytypemodule::table_entry ( class(memorytype this,
type(tabletype), intent(inout)  memtab 

Definition at line 52 of file Memory.F90.

53  ! -- dummy
54  class(MemoryType) :: this
55  type(TableType), intent(inout) :: memtab
56  ! -- local
57  character(len=16) :: cmem
58  character(len=LENMEMADDRESS) :: cptr
59  integer(I4B) :: ipos
60  ! -- formats
61  !
62  ! -- determine memory type
63  ipos = index(this%memtype, ' (')
64  if (ipos < 1) then
65  ipos = 16
66  else
67  ipos = min(16, ipos - 1)
68  end if
69  cmem = this%memtype(1:ipos)
70  !
71  ! -- Set pointer string
72  cptr = '--'
73  if (.not. this%master) then
74  cptr = create_mem_address(this%masterPath, this%mastername)
75  end if
76  !
77  ! -- write data to the table
78  call memtab%add_term(this%path)
79  call memtab%add_term(this%name)
80  call memtab%add_term(cmem)
81  call memtab%add_term(this%isize)
82  call memtab%add_term(cptr)
Here is the call graph for this function: