subroutine, public | prtmodule::prt_cr (filename, id, modelname) |
| Create a new particle tracking model object. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_df (this) |
| Define packages. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_ar (this) |
| Allocate and read. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_rp (this) |
| Read and prepare (calls package read and prepare routines) More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_ad (this) |
| Time step advance (calls package advance subroutines) More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_cq (this, icnvg, isuppress_output) |
| Calculate intercell flow (flowja) More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_cq_sto (this) |
| Calculate particle mass storage. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_bd (this, icnvg, isuppress_output) |
| Calculate flows and budget. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_ot (this) |
| Print and/or save model output. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_ot_flow (this, icbcfl, ibudfl, icbcun) |
| Save flows. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_ot_saveflow (this, nja, flowja, icbcfl, icbcun) |
| Save intercell flows. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_ot_printflow (this, ibudfl, flowja) |
| Print intercell flows. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_ot_dv (this, idvsave, idvprint, ipflag) |
| Print dependent variables. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_ot_bdsummary (this, ibudfl, ipflag) |
| Print budget summary. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_da (this) |
| Deallocate. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::allocate_scalars (this, modelname) |
| Allocate memory for scalars. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::allocate_arrays (this) |
| Allocate arrays. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::package_create (this, filtyp, ipakid, ipaknum, pakname, mempath, inunit, iout) |
| Create boundary condition packages for this model. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::ftype_check (this, indis) |
| Check to make sure required input files have been specified. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::prt_solve (this) |
| Solve the model. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::create_bndpkgs (this, bndpkgs, pkgtypes, pkgnames, mempaths, inunits) |
| Source package info and begin to process. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::create_packages (this) |
| Source package info and begin to process. More...
subroutine | prtmodule::log_namfile_options (this, found) |
| Write model namfile options to list file. More...
integer(i4b), parameter | prtmodule::nbditems = 1 |
character(len=lenbudtxt), dimension(nbditems) | prtmodule::budtxt |
integer(i4b), parameter, public | prtmodule::prt_nbasepkg = 50 |
| PRT base package array descriptors. More...
character(len=lenpackagetype), dimension(prt_nbasepkg), public | prtmodule::prt_basepkg |
integer(i4b), parameter, public | prtmodule::prt_nmultipkg = 50 |
| PRT multi package array descriptors. More...
character(len=lenpackagetype), dimension(prt_nmultipkg), public | prtmodule::prt_multipkg |
integer(i4b), parameter | prtmodule::niunit_prt = PRT_NBASEPKG + PRT_NMULTIPKG |