MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype Type Reference
Inheritance diagram for methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

procedure, public apply => apply_mct
procedure, public deallocate => destroy_mct
procedure, public load => load_mct
procedure, public load_subcell => pass_mct
procedure, public check

Public Attributes

integer(i4b), pointer, public zeromethod
character(len=40), pointer, public name
 method name More...
logical(lgp), public delegates
 whether the method delegates More...
type(prtfmitype), pointer, public fmi => null()
 ptr to fmi More...
class(celltype), pointer, public cell => null()
 ptr to the current cell More...
class(subcelltype), pointer, public subcell => null()
 ptr to the current subcell More...
type(trackcontroltype), pointer, public trackctl => null()
 ptr to track file control More...
type(timeselecttype), pointer, public tracktimes => null()
 ptr to user-defined tracking times More...
integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous izone => null()
 pointer to zone numbers More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous flowja => null()
 pointer to intercell flows More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous porosity => null()
 pointer to aquifer porosity More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous retfactor => null()
 pointer to retardation factor More...

Private Member Functions

procedure vertvelo
procedure calc_thru_hcsum
procedure init
procedure track
procedure try_pass

Private Attributes

integer(i4b) nverts
 number of vertices More...
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable xvert
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable yvert
 cell vertex coordinates More...
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable vne
 cell edge normal velocities More...
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable vv0x
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable vv0y
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable vv1x
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable vv1y
 cell vertex velocities More...
real(dp) xctr
real(dp) yctr
 cell center coordinates More...
real(dp) vctrx
real(dp) vctry
 cell center velocities More...
real(dp) ztop
real(dp) zbot
 cell top and bottom elevations More...
real(dp) dz
 cell thickness More...
real(dp) vztop
real(dp) vzbot
 cell top and bottom velocities More...
integer(i4b), dimension(:), allocatable iprev
 array of shifted indices More...
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable xvertnext
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable yvertnext
 arrays of shifted cell vertex coordinates More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ apply()

procedure, public methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::apply

Definition at line 45 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

◆ calc_thru_hcsum()

procedure methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::calc_thru_hcsum

Definition at line 51 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

◆ check()

procedure, public methodcellmodule::methodcelltype::check

Definition at line 15 of file MethodCell.f90.

◆ deallocate()

procedure, public methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::deallocate

Definition at line 46 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

◆ init()

procedure methodmodule::methodtype::init

Definition at line 51 of file Method.f90.

◆ load()

procedure, public methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::load

Definition at line 47 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

◆ load_subcell()

procedure, public methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::load_subcell

Definition at line 48 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

◆ track()

procedure methodmodule::methodtype::track

Definition at line 53 of file Method.f90.

◆ try_pass()

procedure methodmodule::methodtype::try_pass

Definition at line 54 of file Method.f90.

◆ vertvelo()

procedure methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vertvelo

Definition at line 50 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cell

class(celltype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::cell => null()

Definition at line 35 of file Method.f90.

35  class(CellType), pointer, public :: cell => null() !< ptr to the current cell

◆ delegates

logical(lgp), public methodmodule::methodtype::delegates

Definition at line 33 of file Method.f90.

33  logical(LGP), public :: delegates !< whether the method delegates

◆ dz

real(dp) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::dz

Definition at line 37 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

37  real(DP) :: dz !< cell thickness

◆ flowja

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous methodmodule::methodtype::flowja => null()

Definition at line 40 of file Method.f90.

40  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public :: flowja => null() !< pointer to intercell flows

◆ fmi

type(prtfmitype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::fmi => null()

Definition at line 34 of file Method.f90.

34  type(PrtFmiType), pointer, public :: fmi => null() !< ptr to fmi

◆ iprev

integer(i4b), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::iprev

Definition at line 40 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

40  integer(I4B), allocatable, dimension(:) :: iprev !< array of shifted indices

◆ izone

integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous methodmodule::methodtype::izone => null()

Definition at line 39 of file Method.f90.

39  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public :: izone => null() !< pointer to zone numbers

◆ name

character(len=40), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::name

Definition at line 32 of file Method.f90.

32  character(len=40), pointer, public :: name !< method name

◆ nverts

integer(i4b) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::nverts

Definition at line 23 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

23  integer(I4B) :: nverts !< number of vertices

◆ porosity

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous methodmodule::methodtype::porosity => null()

Definition at line 41 of file Method.f90.

41  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public :: porosity => null() !< pointer to aquifer porosity

◆ retfactor

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous methodmodule::methodtype::retfactor => null()

Definition at line 42 of file Method.f90.

42  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public :: retfactor => null() !< pointer to retardation factor

◆ subcell

class(subcelltype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::subcell => null()

Definition at line 36 of file Method.f90.

36  class(SubcellType), pointer, public :: subcell => null() !< ptr to the current subcell

◆ trackctl

type(trackcontroltype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::trackctl => null()

Definition at line 37 of file Method.f90.

37  type(TrackControlType), pointer, public :: trackctl => null() !< ptr to track file control

◆ tracktimes

type(timeselecttype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::tracktimes => null()

Definition at line 38 of file Method.f90.

38  type(TimeSelectType), pointer, public :: tracktimes => null() !< ptr to user-defined tracking times

◆ vctrx

real(dp) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vctrx

Definition at line 33 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

33  real(DP) :: vctrx

◆ vctry

real(dp) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vctry

Definition at line 34 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

34  real(DP) :: vctry !< cell center velocities

◆ vne

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vne

Definition at line 26 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

26  real(DP), allocatable, dimension(:) :: vne !< cell edge normal velocities

◆ vv0x

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vv0x

Definition at line 27 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

27  real(DP), allocatable, dimension(:) :: vv0x

◆ vv0y

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vv0y

Definition at line 28 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

28  real(DP), allocatable, dimension(:) :: vv0y

◆ vv1x

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vv1x

Definition at line 29 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

29  real(DP), allocatable, dimension(:) :: vv1x

◆ vv1y

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vv1y

Definition at line 30 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

30  real(DP), allocatable, dimension(:) :: vv1y !< cell vertex velocities

◆ vzbot

real(dp) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vzbot

Definition at line 39 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

39  real(DP) :: vzbot !< cell top and bottom velocities

◆ vztop

real(dp) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::vztop

Definition at line 38 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

38  real(DP) :: vztop

◆ xctr

real(dp) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::xctr

Definition at line 31 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

31  real(DP) :: xctr

◆ xvert

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::xvert

Definition at line 24 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

24  real(DP), allocatable, dimension(:) :: xvert

◆ xvertnext

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::xvertnext

Definition at line 41 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

41  real(DP), allocatable, dimension(:) :: xvertnext

◆ yctr

real(dp) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::yctr

Definition at line 32 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

32  real(DP) :: yctr !< cell center coordinates

◆ yvert

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::yvert

Definition at line 25 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

25  real(DP), allocatable, dimension(:) :: yvert !< cell vertex coordinates

◆ yvertnext

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::yvertnext

Definition at line 42 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

42  real(DP), allocatable, dimension(:) :: yvertnext !< arrays of shifted cell vertex coordinates

◆ zbot

real(dp) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::zbot

Definition at line 36 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

36  real(DP) :: zbot !< cell top and bottom elevations

◆ zeromethod

integer(i4b), pointer, public methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::zeromethod

Definition at line 43 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

43  integer(I4B), public, pointer :: zeromethod

◆ ztop

real(dp) methodcellternarymodule::methodcellternarytype::ztop

Definition at line 35 of file MethodCellTernary.f90.

35  real(DP) :: ztop

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