MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype Type Reference
Collaboration diagram for timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

integer(i4b), public irow = 0
integer(i4b), public jcol = 0
integer(i4b), public iprpak = 1
real(dp), pointer, public bndelement => null()
real(dp), pointer, public rmultiplier => null()
real(dp), public cellarea = DZERO
character(len=lenpackagename), public packagename = ''
character(len=3), public auxorbnd = ''
character(len=lentimeseriestext), public text = ''
character(len=lenboundname), public bndname = ''
logical, public active = .true.
logical, public usedefaultproc = .true.
logical, public convertflux = .false.
type(timeseriestype), pointer, public timeseries => null()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ active

logical, public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::active = .true.

Definition at line 32 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

32  logical, public :: Active = .true.

◆ auxorbnd

character(len=3), public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::auxorbnd = ''

Definition at line 29 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

29  character(len=3), public :: AuxOrBnd = ''

◆ bndelement

real(dp), pointer, public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::bndelement => null()

Definition at line 25 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

25  real(DP), pointer, public :: BndElement => null()

◆ bndname

character(len=lenboundname), public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::bndname = ''

Definition at line 31 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

31  character(len=LENBOUNDNAME), public :: BndName = ''

◆ cellarea

real(dp), public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::cellarea = DZERO

Definition at line 27 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

27  real(DP), public :: CellArea = dzero

◆ convertflux

logical, public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::convertflux = .false.

Definition at line 34 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

34  logical, public :: ConvertFlux = .false.

◆ iprpak

integer(i4b), public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::iprpak = 1

Definition at line 21 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

21  integer(I4B), public :: Iprpak = 1

◆ irow

integer(i4b), public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::irow = 0

Definition at line 19 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

19  integer(I4B), public :: IRow = 0 ! row index (2nd dim) in bound or auxval array

◆ jcol

integer(i4b), public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::jcol = 0

Definition at line 20 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

20  integer(I4B), public :: JCol = 0 ! column index (1st dim) in bound or auxval array

◆ packagename

character(len=lenpackagename), public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::packagename = ''

Definition at line 28 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

28  character(len=LENPACKAGENAME), public :: PackageName = ''

◆ rmultiplier

real(dp), pointer, public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::rmultiplier => null()

Definition at line 26 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

26  real(DP), pointer, public :: RMultiplier => null()

◆ text

character(len=lentimeseriestext), public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::text = ''

Definition at line 30 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

30  character(len=LENTIMESERIESTEXT), public :: Text = ''

◆ timeseries

type(timeseriestype), pointer, public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::timeseries => null()

Definition at line 35 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

35  type(TimeSeriesType), pointer, public :: TimeSeries => null()

◆ usedefaultproc

logical, public timeserieslinkmodule::timeserieslinktype::usedefaultproc = .true.

Definition at line 33 of file TimeSeriesLink.f90.

33  logical, public :: UseDefaultProc = .true.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: