MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype Type Reference
Collaboration diagram for timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

procedure, public count
procedure, public initializetsfile
procedure, public gettimeseries
procedure, public da => tsf_da

Public Attributes

integer(i4b), public inunit = 0
integer(i4b), public iout = 0
integer(i4b), public ntimeseries = 0
logical, public finishedreading = .false.
character(len=linelength), public datafile = ''
type(timeseriestype), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous timeseries => null()
type(blockparsertype), pointer, public parser

Private Member Functions

procedure, private read_tsfile_line

Detailed Description

Definition at line 62 of file TimeSeries.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ count()

procedure, public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::count

Definition at line 76 of file TimeSeries.f90.

◆ da()

procedure, public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::da

Definition at line 79 of file TimeSeries.f90.

◆ gettimeseries()

procedure, public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::gettimeseries

Definition at line 78 of file TimeSeries.f90.

◆ initializetsfile()

procedure, public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::initializetsfile

Definition at line 77 of file TimeSeries.f90.

◆ read_tsfile_line()

procedure, private timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::read_tsfile_line

Definition at line 81 of file TimeSeries.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ datafile

character(len=linelength), public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::datafile = ''

Definition at line 68 of file TimeSeries.f90.

68  character(len=LINELENGTH), public :: datafile = ''

◆ finishedreading

logical, public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::finishedreading = .false.

Definition at line 67 of file TimeSeries.f90.

67  logical, public :: finishedReading = .false.

◆ inunit

integer(i4b), public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::inunit = 0

Definition at line 64 of file TimeSeries.f90.

64  integer(I4B), public :: inunit = 0

◆ iout

integer(i4b), public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::iout = 0

Definition at line 65 of file TimeSeries.f90.

65  integer(I4B), public :: iout = 0

◆ ntimeseries

integer(i4b), public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::ntimeseries = 0

Definition at line 66 of file TimeSeries.f90.

66  integer(I4B), public :: nTimeSeries = 0

◆ parser

type(blockparsertype), pointer, public timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::parser

Definition at line 71 of file TimeSeries.f90.

71  type(BlockParserType), pointer, public :: parser

◆ timeseries

type(timeseriestype), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype::timeseries => null()

Definition at line 69 of file TimeSeries.f90.

69  type(TimeSeriesType), dimension(:), &
70  pointer, contiguous, public :: timeSeries => null()

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: