MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
tspspcmodule::tspspctype Type Reference

Derived type for managing SPC input. More...

Collaboration diagram for tspspcmodule::tspspctype:
Collaboration graph

Private Member Functions

procedure initialize
procedure allocate_scalars
procedure read_options
procedure read_dimensions
procedure allocate_arrays
procedure get_value
procedure set_value
procedure spc_rp
procedure spc_rp_list
procedure spc_rp_array
procedure spc_ad
procedure spc_da
procedure read_check_ionper
procedure check_flow_package

Private Attributes

character(len=lenmodelname) name_model = ''
 the name of the model that contains this package More...
character(len=lenpackagename) packname = ''
 name of the package More...
character(len=lenpackagename) packnameflow = ''
 name of the corresponding flow package More...
character(len=lenvarname) depvarname = ''
 name of the dependent variable (CONCENTRATION or TEMPERATURE) More...
character(len=lenmempath) memorypath = ''
 the location in the memory manager where the variables are stored More...
integer(i4b), pointer id => null()
 id number for this spc package More...
integer(i4b), pointer inunit => null()
 unit number for input More...
integer(i4b), pointer iout => null()
 unit number for output More...
integer(i4b), pointer maxbound => null()
 length of dblvec More...
integer(i4b), pointer ionper => null()
 stress period for next data More...
integer(i4b), pointer lastonper => null()
 last value of ionper (for checking) More...
integer(i4b), pointer iprpak => null()
 flag for printing input More...
logical(lgp), pointer readasarrays => null()
 flag for reading concentrations as an array More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous dblvec => null()
 vector of floats read from file More...
class(disbasetype), pointer dis => null()
 model discretization object More...
 parser object for reading blocks of information More...
type(timeseriesmanagertype), pointer tsmanager => null()
 time series manager More...
type(timearrayseriesmanagertype), pointer tasmanager => null()
 time array series manager More...
type(tabletype), pointer inputtab => null()
 input table object More...

Detailed Description

This derived type will read and process an SPC input file, make time series interpolations, and provide concentrations or temperatures to the SSM package that correspond to an individual GWF stress package.

Definition at line 39 of file TspSpc.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ allocate_arrays()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::allocate_arrays

Definition at line 67 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ allocate_scalars()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::allocate_scalars

Definition at line 64 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ check_flow_package()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::check_flow_package

Definition at line 76 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ get_value()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::get_value

Definition at line 68 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ initialize()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::initialize

Definition at line 63 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ read_check_ionper()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::read_check_ionper

Definition at line 75 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ read_dimensions()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::read_dimensions

Definition at line 66 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ read_options()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::read_options

Definition at line 65 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ set_value()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::set_value

Definition at line 69 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ spc_ad()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::spc_ad

Definition at line 73 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ spc_da()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::spc_da

Definition at line 74 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ spc_rp()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::spc_rp

Definition at line 70 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ spc_rp_array()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::spc_rp_array

Definition at line 72 of file TspSpc.f90.

◆ spc_rp_list()

procedure tspspcmodule::tspspctype::spc_rp_list

Definition at line 71 of file TspSpc.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dblvec

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous tspspcmodule::tspspctype::dblvec => null()

Definition at line 54 of file TspSpc.f90.

54  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: dblvec => null() !< vector of floats read from file

◆ depvarname

character(len=lenvarname) tspspcmodule::tspspctype::depvarname = ''

Definition at line 44 of file TspSpc.f90.

44  character(len=LENVARNAME) :: depvarname = '' !< name of the dependent variable (CONCENTRATION or TEMPERATURE)

◆ dis

class(disbasetype), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::dis => null()

Definition at line 55 of file TspSpc.f90.

55  class(DisBaseType), pointer :: dis => null() !< model discretization object

◆ id

integer(i4b), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::id => null()

Definition at line 46 of file TspSpc.f90.

46  integer(I4B), pointer :: id => null() !< id number for this spc package

◆ inputtab

type(tabletype), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::inputtab => null()

Definition at line 59 of file TspSpc.f90.

59  type(TableType), pointer :: inputtab => null() !< input table object

◆ inunit

integer(i4b), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::inunit => null()

Definition at line 47 of file TspSpc.f90.

47  integer(I4B), pointer :: inunit => null() !< unit number for input

◆ ionper

integer(i4b), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::ionper => null()

Definition at line 50 of file TspSpc.f90.

50  integer(I4B), pointer :: ionper => null() !< stress period for next data

◆ iout

integer(i4b), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::iout => null()

Definition at line 48 of file TspSpc.f90.

48  integer(I4B), pointer :: iout => null() !< unit number for output

◆ iprpak

integer(i4b), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::iprpak => null()

Definition at line 52 of file TspSpc.f90.

52  integer(I4B), pointer :: iprpak => null() !< flag for printing input

◆ lastonper

integer(i4b), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::lastonper => null()

Definition at line 51 of file TspSpc.f90.

51  integer(I4B), pointer :: lastonper => null() !< last value of ionper (for checking)

◆ maxbound

integer(i4b), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::maxbound => null()

Definition at line 49 of file TspSpc.f90.

49  integer(I4B), pointer :: maxbound => null() !< length of dblvec

◆ memorypath

character(len=lenmempath) tspspcmodule::tspspctype::memorypath = ''

Definition at line 45 of file TspSpc.f90.

45  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: memoryPath = '' !< the location in the memory manager where the variables are stored

◆ name_model

character(len=lenmodelname) tspspcmodule::tspspctype::name_model = ''

Definition at line 41 of file TspSpc.f90.

41  character(len=LENMODELNAME) :: name_model = '' !< the name of the model that contains this package

◆ packname

character(len=lenpackagename) tspspcmodule::tspspctype::packname = ''

Definition at line 42 of file TspSpc.f90.

42  character(len=LENPACKAGENAME) :: packName = '' !< name of the package

◆ packnameflow

character(len=lenpackagename) tspspcmodule::tspspctype::packnameflow = ''

Definition at line 43 of file TspSpc.f90.

43  character(len=LENPACKAGENAME) :: packNameFlow = '' !< name of the corresponding flow package

◆ parser

type(blockparsertype) tspspcmodule::tspspctype::parser

Definition at line 56 of file TspSpc.f90.

56  type(BlockParserType) :: parser !< parser object for reading blocks of information

◆ readasarrays

logical(lgp), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::readasarrays => null()

Definition at line 53 of file TspSpc.f90.

53  logical(LGP), pointer :: readasarrays => null() !< flag for reading concentrations as an array

◆ tasmanager

type(timearrayseriesmanagertype), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::tasmanager => null()

Definition at line 58 of file TspSpc.f90.

58  type(TimeArraySeriesManagerType), pointer :: TasManager => null() !< time array series manager

◆ tsmanager

type(timeseriesmanagertype), pointer tspspcmodule::tspspctype::tsmanager => null()

Definition at line 57 of file TspSpc.f90.

57  type(TimeSeriesManagerType), pointer :: TsManager => null() !< time series manager

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: