MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
tsp-apt.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  tspaptmodule::tspapttype


module  tspaptmodule


subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_ac (this, moffset, sparse)
 Add package connection to matrix. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_mc (this, moffset, matrix_sln)
 Advanced package transport map package connections to matrix. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_ar (this)
 Advanced package transport allocate and read (ar) routine. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_rp (this)
 Advanced package transport read and prepare (rp) routine. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_ad_chk (this)
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_set_stressperiod (this, itemno)
 Advanced package transport set stress period routine. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::pak_set_stressperiod (this, itemno, keyword, found)
 Advanced package transport set stress period routine. More...
integer(i4b) function tspaptmodule::apt_check_valid (this, itemno)
 Advanced package transport routine. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous tspaptmodule::get_mvr_depvar (this)
 Advanced package transport utility function. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_ad (this)
 Advanced package transport routine. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_reset (this)
 Override bnd reset for custom mover logic. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_fc (this, rhs, ia, idxglo, matrix_sln)
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_fc_nonexpanded (this, rhs, ia, idxglo, matrix_sln)
 Advanced package transport fill coefficient (fc) method. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_fc_expanded (this, rhs, ia, idxglo, matrix_sln)
 Advanced package transport fill coefficient (fc) method. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::pak_fc_expanded (this, rhs, ia, idxglo, matrix_sln)
 Advanced package transport fill coefficient (fc) method. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_cfupdate (this)
 Advanced package transport routine. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_cq (this, x, flowja, iadv)
 Advanced package transport calculate flows (cq) routine. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_ot_package_flows (this, icbcfl, ibudfl)
 Save advanced package flows routine. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_ot_dv (this, idvsave, idvprint)
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_ot_bdsummary (this, kstp, kper, iout, ibudfl)
 Print advanced package transport dependent variables. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::allocate_scalars (this)
 @ brief Allocate scalars More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_allocate_index_arrays (this)
 @ brief Allocate index arrays More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_allocate_arrays (this)
 @ brief Allocate arrays More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_da (this)
 @ brief Deallocate memory More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::find_apt_package (this)
 Find corresponding advanced package transport package. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_options (this, option, found)
 Set options specific to the TspAptType. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_read_dimensions (this)
 Determine dimensions for this advanced package. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_read_cvs (this)
 Read feature information for this advanced package. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_read_initial_attr (this)
 Read the initial parameters for an advanced package. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_solve (this)
 Add terms specific to advanced package transport to the explicit solve. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::pak_solve (this)
 Add terms specific to advanced package transport features to the explicit solve routine. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_accumulate_ccterm (this, ilak, rrate, ccratin, ccratout)
 Accumulate constant concentration (or temperature) terms for budget. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::define_listlabel (this)
 Define the list heading that is written to iout when PRINT_INPUT option is used. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_set_pointers (this, neq, ibound, xnew, xold, flowja)
 Set pointers to model arrays and variables so that a package has access to these items. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::get_volumes (this, icv, vnew, vold, delt)
 Return the feature new volume and old volume. More...
integer(i4b) function tspaptmodule::pak_get_nbudterms (this)
 Function to return the number of budget terms just for this package. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_setup_budobj (this)
 Set up the budget object that stores advanced package flow terms. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::pak_setup_budobj (this, idx)
 Set up a budget object that stores an advanced package flows. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_fill_budobj (this, x, flowja)
 Copy flow terms into thisbudobj. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::pak_fill_budobj (this, idx, x, flowja, ccratin, ccratout)
 Copy flow terms into thisbudobj, must be overridden. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_stor_term (this, ientry, n1, n2, rrate, rhsval, hcofval)
 Account for mass or energy storage in advanced package features. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_tmvr_term (this, ientry, n1, n2, rrate, rhsval, hcofval)
 Account for mass or energy transferred to the MVR package. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_fmvr_term (this, ientry, n1, n2, rrate, rhsval, hcofval)
 Account for mass or energy transferred to this package from the MVR package. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_fjf_term (this, ientry, n1, n2, rrate, rhsval, hcofval)
 Go through each "within apt-apt" connection (e.g., lkt-lkt, or sft-sft) and accumulate total mass (or energy) in dbuff mass. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_copy2flowp (this)
 Copy concentrations (or temperatures) into flow package aux variable. More...
logical function tspaptmodule::apt_obs_supported (this)
 Determine whether an obs type is supported. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_df_obs (this)
 Define observation type. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::pak_df_obs (this)
 Define apt observation type. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::pak_rp_obs (this, obsrv, found)
 Process package specific obs. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::rp_obs_byfeature (this, obsrv)
 Prepare observation. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::rp_obs_budterm (this, obsrv, budterm)
 Prepare observation. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::rp_obs_flowjaface (this, obsrv, budterm)
 Prepare observation. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_rp_obs (this)
 Read and prepare apt-related observations. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_bd_obs (this)
 Calculate observation values. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::pak_bd_obs (this, obstypeid, jj, v, found)
 Check if observation exists in an advanced package. More...
subroutine, public tspaptmodule::apt_process_obsid (obsrv, dis, inunitobs, iout)
 Process observation IDs for an advanced package. More...
subroutine, public tspaptmodule::apt_process_obsid12 (obsrv, dis, inunitobs, iout)
 Process observation IDs for a package. More...
subroutine tspaptmodule::apt_setup_tableobj (this)
 Setup a table object an advanced package. More...


character(len=lenftype) tspaptmodule::ftype = 'APT'
character(len=lenvarname) tspaptmodule::text = ' APT'