MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
GwfConductanceUtils.f90 File Reference

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module  gwfconductanceutilsmodule
 This module contains stateless conductance functions.


enum  { gwfconductanceutilsmodule::ccond_lmean = 1 , gwfconductanceutilsmodule::ccond_amtlmk = 2 , gwfconductanceutilsmodule::ccond_amthmk = 3 }
 enumerator that defines the conductance options More...


real(dp) function, public gwfconductanceutilsmodule::hcond (ibdn, ibdm, ictn, ictm, iupstream, ihc, icellavg, condsat, hn, hm, satn, satm, hkn, hkm, topn, topm, botn, botm, cln, clm, fawidth)
 Horizontal conductance between two cells. More...
real(dp) function gwfconductanceutilsmodule::convertible_upstream (hn, hm, satn, satm, condsat)
 Convertible cell(s) with upstream weighted horizontal conductance. More...
real(dp) function gwfconductanceutilsmodule::convertible_standard (ihc, icellavg, satn, satm, hkn, hkm, topn, topm, botn, botm, cln, clm, fawidth)
 Convertible cell(s) with standard weighted horizontal conductance. More...
real(dp) function, public gwfconductanceutilsmodule::vcond (ibdn, ibdm, ictn, ictm, inewton, ivarcv, idewatcv, condsat, hn, hm, vkn, vkm, satn, satm, topn, topm, botn, botm, flowarea)
 Vertical conductance between two cells. More...
real(dp) function, public gwfconductanceutilsmodule::condmean (k1, k2, thick1, thick2, cl1, cl2, width, iavgmeth)
 Calculate the conductance between two cells. More...
real(dp) function gwfconductanceutilsmodule::logmean (d1, d2)
 Calculate the the logarithmic mean of two double precision numbers. More...
real(dp) function, public gwfconductanceutilsmodule::thksatnm (ibdn, ibdm, ictn, ictm, iupstream, ihc, hn, hm, satn, satm, topn, topm, botn, botm)
 Calculate wetted cell thickness at interface between two cells. More...
real(dp) function, public gwfconductanceutilsmodule::staggered_thkfrac (top, bot, sat, topc, botc)
 Calculate the thickness fraction for staggered grids. More...


@, public gwfconductanceutilsmodule::ccond_hmean = 0
 Harmonic mean. More...