MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !> @brief This module contains stateless conductance functions
2 !!
3 !! This module contains the functions to calculate the horizontal
4 !! and vertical conductance between two cells that are used in the
5 !! the node property flow (NPF) package. It also contains functions
6 !! to calculate the wetted cell fraction. This module does not
7 !! depend on the NPF package.
8 !!
9 !<
11  use kindmodule, only: dp, i4b
12  use constantsmodule, only: dzero, dhalf, done, &
13  dlnlow, dlnhigh, &
16  implicit none
17  private
18  public :: hcond
19  public :: vcond
20  public :: condmean
21  public :: thksatnm
22  public :: staggered_thkfrac
23  public :: ccond_hmean
25  !> @brief enumerator that defines the conductance options
26  !<
28  ENUMERATOR :: ccond_hmean = 0 !< Harmonic mean
29  ENUMERATOR :: ccond_lmean = 1 !< Logarithmic mean
30  ENUMERATOR :: ccond_amtlmk = 2 !< Arithmetic-mean thickness and logarithmic-mean hydraulic conductivity
31  ENUMERATOR :: ccond_amthmk = 3 !< Arithmetic-mean thickness and harmonic-mean hydraulic conductivity
34 contains
36  !> @brief Horizontal conductance between two cells
37  !!
38  !! This function uses a weighted transmissivity in the harmonic mean
39  !! conductance calculations. This differs from the MODFLOW-NWT and
40  !! MODFLOW-USG conductance calculations for the Newton-Raphson formulation
41  !! which use a weighted hydraulic conductivity.
42  !<
43  function hcond(ibdn, ibdm, ictn, ictm, iupstream, ihc, icellavg, &
44  condsat, hn, hm, satn, satm, hkn, hkm, topn, topm, &
45  botn, botm, cln, clm, fawidth) &
46  result(condnm)
47  ! return variable
48  real(dp) :: condnm !< horizontal conductance between two cells
49  ! dummy
50  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibdn !< cell n active flag
51  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibdm !< cell m active flag
52  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ictn !< cell n convertible cell flag
53  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ictm !< cell m convertible cell flag
54  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iupstream !< flag for upstream weighting
55  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ihc !< connection type
56  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: icellavg !< cell averaging option
57  real(dp), intent(in) :: condsat !< saturated conductance
58  real(dp), intent(in) :: hn !< cell n head
59  real(dp), intent(in) :: hm !< cell m head
60  real(dp), intent(in) :: satn !< cell n wetted cell fraction
61  real(dp), intent(in) :: satm !< cell m wetted cell fraction
62  real(dp), intent(in) :: hkn !< horizontal hydraulic conductivity for cell n (in the direction of cell m)
63  real(dp), intent(in) :: hkm !< horizontal hydraulic conductivity for cell m (in the direction of cell n)
64  real(dp), intent(in) :: topn !< top of cell n
65  real(dp), intent(in) :: topm !< top of cell m
66  real(dp), intent(in) :: botn !< bottom of cell n
67  real(dp), intent(in) :: botm !< bottom of cell m
68  real(dp), intent(in) :: cln !< distance from the center of cell n to the shared face with cell m
69  real(dp), intent(in) :: clm !< distance from the center of cell m to the shared face with cell n
70  real(dp), intent(in) :: fawidth !< width of cell perpendicular to flow
72  ! n or m is inactive
73  if (ibdn == 0 .or. ibdm == 0) then
74  condnm = dzero
75  ! both cells are non-convertible
76  elseif (ictn == 0 .and. ictm == 0) then
77  condnm = condsat
78  else if (iupstream == 1) then
79  condnm = convertible_upstream(hn, hm, satn, satm, condsat)
80  else
81  condnm = convertible_standard(ihc, icellavg, &
82  satn, satm, hkn, hkm, &
83  topn, topm, botn, botm, &
84  cln, clm, fawidth)
85  end if
86  end function hcond
88  !> @brief Convertible cell(s) with upstream weighted horizontal conductance
89  !<
90  function convertible_upstream(hn, hm, satn, satm, condsat) &
91  result(condnm)
92  ! return variable
93  real(dp) :: condnm !< horizontal conductance between two cells
94  ! dummy
95  real(dp), intent(in) :: condsat !< saturated conductance
96  real(dp), intent(in) :: hn !< cell n head
97  real(dp), intent(in) :: hm !< cell m head
98  real(dp), intent(in) :: satn !< cell n wetted cell fraction
99  real(dp), intent(in) :: satm !< cell m wetted cell fraction
100  ! local
101  real(dp) :: sat_up
103  if (hn > hm) then
104  sat_up = satn
105  else
106  sat_up = satm
107  end if
108  condnm = sat_up * condsat
109  end function convertible_upstream
111  !> @brief Convertible cell(s) with standard weighted horizontal conductance
112  !<
113  function convertible_standard(ihc, icellavg, satn, satm, hkn, hkm, &
114  topn, topm, botn, botm, cln, clm, fawidth) &
115  result(condnm)
116  ! return variable
117  real(dp) :: condnm !< horizontal conductance between two cells
118  ! dummy
119  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ihc !< connection type
120  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: icellavg !< cell averaging option
121  real(dp), intent(in) :: satn !< cell n wetted cell fraction
122  real(dp), intent(in) :: satm !< cell m wetted cell fraction
123  real(dp), intent(in) :: hkn !< horizontal hydraulic conductivity for cell n (in the direction of cell m)
124  real(dp), intent(in) :: hkm !< horizontal hydraulic conductivity for cell m (in the direction of cell n)
125  real(dp), intent(in) :: topn !< top of cell n
126  real(dp), intent(in) :: topm !< top of cell m
127  real(dp), intent(in) :: botn !< bottom of cell n
128  real(dp), intent(in) :: botm !< bottom of cell m
129  real(dp), intent(in) :: cln !< distance from the center of cell n to the shared face with cell m
130  real(dp), intent(in) :: clm !< distance from the center of cell m to the shared face with cell n
131  real(dp), intent(in) :: fawidth !< width of cell perpendicular to flow
132  ! local
133  real(dp) :: thksatn
134  real(dp) :: thksatm
136  if (ihc == c3d_staggered) then
137  thksatn = staggered_thkfrac(topn, botn, satn, topm, botm)
138  thksatm = staggered_thkfrac(topm, botm, satm, topn, botn)
139  else
140  thksatn = satn * (topn - botn)
141  thksatm = satm * (topm - botm)
142  end if
143  condnm = condmean(hkn, hkm, thksatn, thksatm, cln, clm, &
144  fawidth, icellavg)
145  end function convertible_standard
147  !> @brief Vertical conductance between two cells
148  !<
149  function vcond(ibdn, ibdm, ictn, ictm, inewton, ivarcv, idewatcv, &
150  condsat, hn, hm, vkn, vkm, satn, satm, topn, topm, botn, &
151  botm, flowarea) result(condnm)
152  ! return variable
153  real(dp) :: condnm
154  ! dummy
155  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibdn !< cell n active flag
156  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibdm !< cell m active flag
157  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ictn !< cell n convertible cell flag
158  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ictm !< cell m convertible cell flag
159  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: inewton !< flag for Newton-Raphson formulation
160  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ivarcv !< variable vertical conductance flag
161  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: idewatcv !< dewatered vertical conductance flag
162  real(dp), intent(in) :: condsat !< saturated conductance
163  real(dp), intent(in) :: hn !< cell n head
164  real(dp), intent(in) :: hm !< cell m head
165  real(dp), intent(in) :: vkn !< vertical hydraulic conductivity for cell n (in the direction of cell m)
166  real(dp), intent(in) :: vkm !< vertical hydraulic conductivity for cell m (in the direction of cell n)
167  real(dp), intent(in) :: satn !< cell n wetted cell fraction
168  real(dp), intent(in) :: satm !< cell m wetted cell fraction
169  real(dp), intent(in) :: topn !< top of cell n
170  real(dp), intent(in) :: topm !< top of cell m
171  real(dp), intent(in) :: botn !< bottom of cell n
172  real(dp), intent(in) :: botm !< bottom of cell m
173  real(dp), intent(in) :: flowarea !< flow area between cell n and m
174  ! local
175  real(dp) :: satntmp
176  real(dp) :: satmtmp
177  real(dp) :: bovk1
178  real(dp) :: bovk2
179  real(dp) :: denom
180  !
181  ! Either n or m is inactive
182  if (ibdn == 0 .or. ibdm == 0) then
183  condnm = dzero
184  !
185  ! constantcv
186  elseif (ivarcv == 0) then
187  condnm = condsat
188  !
189  ! both cells are non-convertible
190  elseif (ictn == 0 .and. ictm == 0) then
191  condnm = condsat
192  !
193  ! both cells are fully saturated
194  elseif (hn >= topn .and. hm >= topm) then
195  condnm = condsat
196  !
197  ! At least one cell is partially saturated, so recalculate vertical
198  ! conductance for this connection
199  ! todo: upstream weighting?
200  else
201  !
202  ! Default is for CV correction (dewatered option); use underlying
203  ! saturation of 1.
204  satntmp = satn
205  satmtmp = satm
206  if (idewatcv == 0) then
207  if (botn > botm) then
208  satmtmp = done
209  else
210  satntmp = done
211  end if
212  end if
213  bovk1 = satntmp * (topn - botn) * dhalf / vkn
214  bovk2 = satmtmp * (topm - botm) * dhalf / vkm
215  denom = (bovk1 + bovk2)
216  if (denom /= dzero) then
217  condnm = flowarea / denom
218  else
219  condnm = dzero
220  end if
221  end if
222  end function vcond
224  !> @brief Calculate the conductance between two cells
225  !<
226  function condmean(k1, k2, thick1, thick2, cl1, cl2, width, iavgmeth)
227  ! return variable
228  real(dp) :: condmean !< mean conductance between two cells
229  ! dummy
230  real(dp), intent(in) :: k1 !< hydraulic conductivity for cell n (in the direction of cell m)
231  real(dp), intent(in) :: k2 !< hydraulic conductivity for cell m (in the direction of celln)
232  real(dp), intent(in) :: thick1 !< saturated thickness for cell 1
233  real(dp), intent(in) :: thick2 !< saturated thickness for cell 2
234  real(dp), intent(in) :: cl1 !< distance from the center of cell n to the shared face with cell m
235  real(dp), intent(in) :: cl2 !< distance from the center of cell m to the shared face with cell n
236  real(dp), intent(in) :: width !< width of cell perpendicular to flow
237  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iavgmeth !< averaging method
238  ! local
239  real(dp) :: t1
240  real(dp) :: t2
241  real(dp) :: tmean
242  real(dp) :: kmean
243  real(dp) :: denom
244  !
245  ! Initialize
246  t1 = k1 * thick1
247  t2 = k2 * thick2
249  ! Averaging method
250  select case (iavgmeth)
252  case (ccond_hmean)
253  if (t1 * t2 > dzero) then
254  condmean = width * t1 * t2 / (t1 * cl2 + t2 * cl1)
255  else
256  condmean = dzero
257  end if
259  case (ccond_lmean)
260  if (t1 * t2 > dzero) then
261  tmean = logmean(t1, t2)
262  else
263  tmean = dzero
264  end if
265  condmean = tmean * width / (cl1 + cl2)
267  case (ccond_amtlmk)
268  if (k1 * k2 > dzero) then
269  kmean = logmean(k1, k2)
270  else
271  kmean = dzero
272  end if
273  condmean = kmean * dhalf * (thick1 + thick2) * width / (cl1 + cl2)
275  case (ccond_amthmk)
276  denom = (k1 * cl2 + k2 * cl1)
277  if (denom > dzero) then
278  kmean = k1 * k2 / denom
279  else
280  kmean = dzero
281  end if
282  condmean = kmean * dhalf * (thick1 + thick2) * width
283  end select
284  end function condmean
286  !> @brief Calculate the the logarithmic mean of two double precision numbers
287  !!
288  !! Use an approximation if the ratio is near 1
289  !<
290  function logmean(d1, d2)
291  ! return variable
292  real(dp) :: logmean !< logarithmic mean for two number
293  ! dummy
294  real(dp), intent(in) :: d1 !< first number
295  real(dp), intent(in) :: d2 !< second number
296  ! local
297  real(dp) :: drat
299  drat = d2 / d1
300  if (drat <= dlnlow .or. drat >= dlnhigh) then
301  logmean = (d2 - d1) / log(drat)
302  else
303  logmean = dhalf * (d1 + d2)
304  end if
305  end function logmean
307  !> @brief Calculate wetted cell thickness at interface between two cells
308  !<
309  function thksatnm(ibdn, ibdm, ictn, ictm, iupstream, ihc, &
310  hn, hm, satn, satm, topn, topm, botn, botm) result(res)
311  ! return variable
312  real(dp) :: res !< wetted cell thickness for connection nm
313  ! dummy
314  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibdn !< cell n active flag
315  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibdm !< cell m active flag
316  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ictn !< cell n convertible cell flag
317  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ictm !< cell m convertible cell flag
318  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iupstream !< flag for upstream weighting
319  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ihc !< connection type
320  real(dp), intent(in) :: hn !< cell n head
321  real(dp), intent(in) :: hm !< cell m head
322  real(dp), intent(in) :: satn !< cell n wetted cell fraction
323  real(dp), intent(in) :: satm !< cell m wetted cell fraction
324  real(dp), intent(in) :: topn !< top of cell n
325  real(dp), intent(in) :: topm !< top of cell m
326  real(dp), intent(in) :: botn !< bottom of cell n
327  real(dp), intent(in) :: botm !< bottom of cell m
328  ! local
329  real(dp) :: thksatn
330  real(dp) :: thksatm
331  real(dp) :: sill_top
332  real(dp) :: sill_bot
333  !
334  ! n or m is inactive
335  if (ibdn == 0 .or. ibdm == 0) then
336  res = dzero
337  !
338  ! both cells are non-convertible
339  elseif (ictn == 0 .and. ictm == 0) then
340  if (ihc == c3d_staggered) then
341  sill_top = min(topn, topm)
342  sill_bot = max(botn, botm)
344  thksatn = max(sill_top - sill_bot, dzero)
345  thksatm = thksatn
346  else
347  thksatn = topn - botn
348  thksatm = topm - botm
349  end if
350  res = dhalf * (thksatn + thksatm)
351  !
352  ! At least one of the cells is convertible
353  elseif (iupstream == 1) then
354  if (hn > hm) then
355  res = satn * (topn - botn)
356  else
357  res = satm * (topm - botm)
358  end if
359  !
360  ! At least one of the cells is convertible and not upstream weighted
361  else
362  if (ihc == c3d_staggered) then
363  thksatn = staggered_thkfrac(topn, botn, satn, topm, botm)
364  thksatm = staggered_thkfrac(topm, botm, satm, topn, botn)
365  else
366  thksatn = satn * (topn - botn)
367  thksatm = satm * (topm - botm)
368  end if
369  res = dhalf * (thksatn + thksatm)
370  end if
371  end function thksatnm
373  !> @brief Calculate the thickness fraction for staggered grids
374  !<
375  function staggered_thkfrac(top, bot, sat, topc, botc) result(res)
376  ! return variable
377  real(dp) :: res !< staggered thickness fraction for cell
378  ! dummy
379  real(dp) :: top !< top of cell
380  real(dp) :: bot !< bottom of cell
381  real(dp) :: sat !< cell saturation
382  real(dp) :: topc !< top of connected cell
383  real(dp) :: botc !< bottom of connected cells
384  ! local
385  real(dp) :: sill_top
386  real(dp) :: sill_bot
387  real(dp) :: tp
389  sill_top = min(top, topc)
390  sill_bot = max(bot, botc)
391  tp = bot + sat * (top - bot)
392  res = max(min(tp, sill_top) - sill_bot, dzero)
393  end function staggered_thkfrac
395 end module gwfconductanceutilsmodule
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
@ c3d_staggered
horizontal connection for a vertically staggered grid
Definition: Constants.f90:224
real(dp), parameter dlnlow
real constant low ratio used to calculate log mean of K
Definition: Constants.f90:125
real(dp), parameter dhalf
real constant 1/2
Definition: Constants.f90:68
real(dp), parameter dzero
real constant zero
Definition: Constants.f90:65
real(dp), parameter dlnhigh
real constant high ratio used to calculate log mean of K
Definition: Constants.f90:126
real(dp), parameter done
real constant 1
Definition: Constants.f90:76
This module contains stateless conductance functions.
real(dp) function, public thksatnm(ibdn, ibdm, ictn, ictm, iupstream, ihc, hn, hm, satn, satm, topn, topm, botn, botm)
Calculate wetted cell thickness at interface between two cells.
real(dp) function convertible_upstream(hn, hm, satn, satm, condsat)
Convertible cell(s) with upstream weighted horizontal conductance.
real(dp) function logmean(d1, d2)
Calculate the the logarithmic mean of two double precision numbers.
@ ccond_amthmk
Arithmetic-mean thickness and harmonic-mean hydraulic conductivity.
@ ccond_amtlmk
Arithmetic-mean thickness and logarithmic-mean hydraulic conductivity.
real(dp) function convertible_standard(ihc, icellavg, satn, satm, hkn, hkm, topn, topm, botn, botm, cln, clm, fawidth)
Convertible cell(s) with standard weighted horizontal conductance.
real(dp) function, public condmean(k1, k2, thick1, thick2, cl1, cl2, width, iavgmeth)
Calculate the conductance between two cells.
real(dp) function, public hcond(ibdn, ibdm, ictn, ictm, iupstream, ihc, icellavg, condsat, hn, hm, satn, satm, hkn, hkm, topn, topm, botn, botm, cln, clm, fawidth)
Horizontal conductance between two cells.
real(dp) function, public staggered_thkfrac(top, bot, sat, topc, botc)
Calculate the thickness fraction for staggered grids.
@, public ccond_hmean
Harmonic mean.
real(dp) function, public vcond(ibdn, ibdm, ictn, ictm, inewton, ivarcv, idewatcv, condsat, hn, hm, vkn, vkm, satn, satm, topn, topm, botn, botm, flowarea)
Vertical conductance between two cells.
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8