MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
2  use kindmodule, only: i4b
4  use arrayhandlersmodule, only: ifind
7  implicit none
8  private
10  type, public :: interfacemaptype
11  integer(I4B) :: nr_models
12  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: model_ids => null()
13  character(len=LENMODELNAME), dimension(:), &
14  pointer, contiguous :: model_names => null()
15  integer(I4B) :: nr_exchanges
16  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: exchange_ids => null()
17  character(len=LENEXCHANGENAME), dimension(:), &
18  pointer, contiguous :: exchange_names => null()
19  integer(I4B) :: prim_exg_idx
20  type(indexmaptype), dimension(:), pointer :: node_maps => null()
21  type(indexmaptype), dimension(:), pointer :: conn_maps => null()
22  type(indexmapsgntype), dimension(:), pointer :: exchange_maps => null()
23  contains
24  procedure :: init
25  procedure :: add
26  procedure :: destroy
27  procedure :: get_node_map
28  procedure :: get_connection_map
29  procedure :: print_interface
30  end type interfacemaptype
32 contains
34  subroutine init(this, nr_models, nr_exchanges)
35  class(interfacemaptype) :: this
36  integer(I4B) :: nr_models
37  integer(I4B) :: nr_exchanges
39  this%nr_models = nr_models
40  this%nr_exchanges = nr_exchanges
42  allocate (this%model_ids(nr_models))
43  allocate (this%model_names(nr_models))
44  allocate (this%exchange_ids(nr_exchanges))
45  allocate (this%exchange_names(nr_exchanges))
47  allocate (this%node_maps(nr_models))
48  allocate (this%conn_maps(nr_models))
49  allocate (this%exchange_maps(nr_exchanges))
51  ! model id == -1 when not set
52  this%model_ids = -1
53  this%exchange_ids = -1
55  end subroutine init
57  !> @ Adds a map, either by extending the existing map
58  !! for a certain model or exchange, or by assigning
59  !! the map to an empty slot.
60  !!
61  !! The map to which is added, should be properly
62  !< initialized beforehand
63  subroutine add(this, map_to_add)
64  class(interfacemaptype) :: this
65  class(interfacemaptype) :: map_to_add
66  ! local
67  integer(I4B) :: im, ie
68  integer(I4B) :: m_id, m_index
69  integer(I4B) :: e_id, e_index
71  ! add models
72  do im = 1, map_to_add%nr_models
73  m_id = map_to_add%model_ids(im)
74  m_index = ifind(this%model_ids, m_id)
75  if (m_index > 0) then
76  ! extend existing index map
77  call this%node_maps(m_index)%add(map_to_add%node_maps(im))
78  call this%conn_maps(m_index)%add(map_to_add%conn_maps(im))
79  else
80  ! place in first empty spot
81  m_index = ifind(this%model_ids, -1)
82  this%model_ids(m_index) = m_id
83  this%model_names(m_index) = map_to_add%model_names(im)
84  call this%node_maps(m_index)%copy(map_to_add%node_maps(im))
85  call this%conn_maps(m_index)%copy(map_to_add%conn_maps(im))
86  end if
87  end do
89  ! add exchanges
90  do ie = 1, map_to_add%nr_exchanges
91  e_id = map_to_add%exchange_ids(ie)
92  e_index = ifind(this%exchange_ids, e_id)
93  if (e_index > 0) then
94  ! extend existing index map
95  call this%exchange_maps(e_index)%add(map_to_add%exchange_maps(ie))
96  else
97  ! place in first empty spot
98  e_index = ifind(this%exchange_ids, -1)
99  this%exchange_ids(e_index) = e_id
100  this%exchange_names(e_index) = map_to_add%exchange_names(ie)
101  call this%exchange_maps(e_index)%copy(map_to_add%exchange_maps(ie))
102  end if
103  end do
105  end subroutine add
107  function get_node_map(this, model_id) result(node_map)
108  use simmodule, only: ustop
109  class(interfacemaptype) :: this
110  integer(I4B) :: model_id
111  type(indexmaptype), pointer :: node_map
112  ! local
113  integer(I4B) :: m_idx
115  node_map => null()
116  m_idx = ifind(this%model_ids, model_id)
117  if (m_idx > 0) then
118  node_map => this%node_maps(m_idx)
119  else
120  call ustop("Internal error. Can't find node map in interface")
121  end if
123  end function get_node_map
125  function get_connection_map(this, model_id) result(connection_map)
126  class(interfacemaptype) :: this
127  integer(I4B) :: model_id
128  type(indexmaptype), pointer :: connection_map
129  ! local
130  integer(I4B) :: m_idx
132  connection_map => null()
133  m_idx = ifind(this%model_ids, model_id)
134  if (m_idx > 0) then
135  connection_map => this%conn_maps(m_idx)
136  end if
138  end function get_connection_map
140  !> @brief Dumps interface data to the screen
141  !<
142  subroutine print_interface(this, outunit)
143  class(interfacemaptype) :: this
144  integer(I4B) :: outunit
145  ! local
146  integer(I4B) :: i, n
148  write (outunit, '(a,i0)') "nr. models: ", this%nr_models
149  write (outunit, '(a,i0)') "nr. exchanges: ", this%nr_exchanges
150  do i = 1, this%nr_models
151  if (this%model_ids(i) == -1) cycle
152  write (outunit, '(3a,i0,a)') "model: ", trim(this%model_names(i)), &
153  "[", this%model_ids(i), "]"
154  write (outunit, *) "node map:"
155  do n = 1, size(this%node_maps(i)%src_idx)
156  write (outunit, '(i7,a,i7)') this%node_maps(i)%src_idx(n), &
157  " ", this%node_maps(i)%tgt_idx(n)
158  end do
159  write (outunit, *) "connection map:"
160  do n = 1, size(this%conn_maps(i)%src_idx)
161  write (outunit, '(i7,a,i7)') this%conn_maps(i)%src_idx(n), &
162  " ", this%conn_maps(i)%tgt_idx(n)
163  end do
164  end do
166  do i = 1, this%nr_exchanges
167  if (this%exchange_ids(i) == -1) cycle
168  write (outunit, '(3a,i0,a)') "exchange: ", trim(this%exchange_names(i)), &
169  "[", this%exchange_ids(i), "]"
170  write (outunit, *) "exchange map:"
171  do n = 1, size(this%exchange_maps(i)%src_idx)
172  write (outunit, '(i7,a,i7,a,i7)') this%exchange_maps(i)%src_idx(n), &
173  " ", this%exchange_maps(i)%tgt_idx(n), &
174  " ", this%exchange_maps(i)%sign(n)
175  end do
176  end do
178  end subroutine print_interface
180  subroutine destroy(this)
181  class(interfacemaptype) :: this
182  ! local
183  integer(I4B) :: i
185  do i = 1, this%nr_models
186  if (this%model_ids(i) == -1) cycle
187  deallocate (this%node_maps(i)%src_idx)
188  deallocate (this%node_maps(i)%tgt_idx)
189  deallocate (this%conn_maps(i)%src_idx)
190  deallocate (this%conn_maps(i)%tgt_idx)
191  end do
192  deallocate (this%node_maps)
193  deallocate (this%conn_maps)
195  do i = 1, this%nr_exchanges
196  if (this%exchange_ids(i) == -1) cycle
197  deallocate (this%exchange_maps(i)%src_idx)
198  deallocate (this%exchange_maps(i)%tgt_idx)
199  deallocate (this%exchange_maps(i)%sign)
200  end do
201  deallocate (this%exchange_maps)
203  deallocate (this%model_ids)
204  deallocate (this%model_names)
205  deallocate (this%exchange_ids)
206  deallocate (this%exchange_names)
208  end subroutine destroy
210 end module interfacemapmodule
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
integer(i4b), parameter lenmodelname
maximum length of the model name
Definition: Constants.f90:22
integer(i4b), parameter lenexchangename
maximum length of the exchange name
Definition: Constants.f90:24
subroutine destroy(this)
type(indexmaptype) function, pointer get_connection_map(this, model_id)
subroutine print_interface(this, outunit)
Dumps interface data to the screen.
subroutine add(this, map_to_add)
@ Adds a map, either by extending the existing map for a certain model or exchange,...
subroutine init(this, nr_models, nr_exchanges)
type(indexmaptype) function, pointer get_node_map(this, model_id)
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
This module contains simulation methods.
Definition: Sim.f90:10
subroutine, public ustop(stopmess, ioutlocal)
Stop the simulation.
Definition: Sim.f90:312