MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
LoadMf6File.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  loadmf6filemodule::loadmf6filetype
 Static parser based input loader. More...


module  loadmf6filemodule
 This module contains the LoadMf6FileModule.


subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load (this, parser, mf6_input, nc_vars, filename, iout)
 load all static input blocks More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::init (this, parser, mf6_input, filename, iout)
 init More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_block (this, iblk)
 load a single block More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::finalize (this)
 finalize More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::block_post_process (this, iblk)
 Post parse block handling. More...
recursive subroutine loadmf6filemodule::parse_block (this, iblk, recursive_call)
 parse block More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::parse_io_tag (this, iblk, pkgtype, which, tag)
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::parse_keyword_tag (this, iblk, tag, idt)
recursive subroutine loadmf6filemodule::parse_tag (this, iblk, recursive_call)
 load an individual input record into memory More...
type(inputparamdefinitiontype) function loadmf6filemodule::block_index_dfn (this, iblk)
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::parse_structarray_block (this, iblk)
 parse a structured array record into memory manager More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_keyword_type (parser, idt, memoryPath, iout)
 load type keyword More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_string_type (parser, idt, memoryPath, iout)
 load type string More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_io_tag (parser, idt, memoryPath, which, iout)
 load io tag More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_auxvar_names (parser, idt, memoryPath, iout)
 load aux variable names More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_integer_type (parser, idt, memoryPath, iout)
 load type integer More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_integer1d_type (parser, idt, mf6_input, mshape, export, nc_vars, input_fname, iout)
 load type 1d integer More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_integer2d_type (parser, idt, mf6_input, mshape, export, nc_vars, input_fname, iout)
 load type 2d integer More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_integer3d_type (parser, idt, mf6_input, mshape, export, nc_vars, input_fname, iout)
 load type 3d integer More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_double_type (parser, idt, memoryPath, iout)
 load type double More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_double1d_type (parser, idt, mf6_input, mshape, export, nc_vars, input_fname, iout)
 load type 1d double More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_double2d_type (parser, idt, mf6_input, mshape, export, nc_vars, input_fname, iout)
 load type 2d double More...
subroutine loadmf6filemodule::load_double3d_type (parser, idt, mf6_input, mshape, export, nc_vars, input_fname, iout)
 load type 3d double More...
integer(i4b) function, public loadmf6filemodule::read_control_record (parser, oc_inunit, iout)