MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
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1 !> @brief Cell-level tracking methods.
8  implicit none
10  private
11  public :: create_method_cell_pool
12  public :: destroy_method_cell_pool
14  type(methodcellpollocktype), pointer, public :: method_cell_plck => null()
15  type(methodcellpollockquadtype), pointer, public :: method_cell_quad => null()
16  type(methodcellternarytype), pointer, public :: method_cell_tern => null()
17  type(methodcellpasstobottype), pointer, public :: method_cell_ptb => null()
19 contains
21  !> @brief Create the cell method pool
27  end subroutine create_method_cell_pool
29  !> @brief Destroy the cell method pool
31  call method_cell_plck%deallocate()
32  deallocate (method_cell_plck)
33  call method_cell_quad%deallocate()
34  deallocate (method_cell_quad)
35  call method_cell_tern%deallocate()
36  deallocate (method_cell_tern)
37  call method_cell_ptb%deallocate()
38  deallocate (method_cell_ptb)
39  end subroutine destroy_method_cell_pool
41 end module methodcellpoolmodule
subroutine, public create_method_cell_ptb(method)
Create a new pass-to-bottom tracking method.
procedure subroutine, public create_method_cell_pollock(method)
Create a tracking method.
procedure subroutine, public create_method_cell_quad(method)
Create a new Pollock quad-refined cell method.
Cell-level tracking methods.
type(methodcellpollocktype), pointer, public method_cell_plck
type(methodcellpasstobottype), pointer, public method_cell_ptb
subroutine, public create_method_cell_pool()
Create the cell method pool.
type(methodcellpollockquadtype), pointer, public method_cell_quad
subroutine, public destroy_method_cell_pool()
Destroy the cell method pool.
type(methodcellternarytype), pointer, public method_cell_tern
subroutine, public create_method_cell_ternary(method)
Create a tracking method.