MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Profiler.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  profilermodule::measuredsectiontype
type  profilermodule::profilertype
 A public type for profiling performance in the application. The ProfilerType is used to measure and record the performance of various parts of the application. It provides mechanisms to start, stop, and. More...


module  profilermodule


subroutine profilermodule::initialize (this)
integer(i4b) function profilermodule::add_section (this, title, parent_id)
 Add a new timed section to the tree, passing the parent id will add it as a child. More...
subroutine profilermodule::start (this, title, section_id)
 Start section timing, add when not exist yet (i.e. when id < 1) More...
subroutine profilermodule::stop (this, section_id)
subroutine profilermodule::print (this, output_unit)
recursive subroutine profilermodule::print_section (this, section_id, level)
subroutine profilermodule::print_total (this, subtitle)
real(dp) function profilermodule::aggregate_walltime (this, title)
 Aggregate walltime over sections with a certain title. More...
integer(i4b) function profilermodule::aggregate_counts (this, title)
 Aggregate counts over sections with a certain title. More...
subroutine profilermodule::set_print_option (this, profile_option)
 Set the profile option from the user input. More...
subroutine profilermodule::destroy (this)
 Clean up the CPU timer object. More...
logical(lgp) function profilermodule::is_initialized (this)
integer(i4b) function profilermodule::largest_title_length (this)
 Calculate the largest title length. More...
subroutine profilermodule::sort_by_walltime (this, idxs)
 Sort section indexes based on walltime. More...


integer(i4b), parameter profilermodule::max_nr_timed_sections = 75
integer(i4b), parameter, public profilermodule::len_section_title = 128
type(profilertype), public profilermodule::g_prof
 the global timer object (to reduce trivial lines of code) More...