MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
TimeSeries.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  timeseriesmodule::timeseriestype
type  timeseriesmodule::timeseriesfiletype
type  timeseriesmodule::timeseriescontainertype


module  timeseriesmodule


subroutine, public timeseriesmodule::constructtimeseriesfile (newTimeSeriesFile)
 Construct time series file. More...
type(timeseriesfiletype) function, pointer timeseriesmodule::castastimeseriesfiletype (obj)
 Cast an unlimited polymorphic object as class(TimeSeriesFileType) More...
type(timeseriesfiletype) function, pointer, public timeseriesmodule::castastimeseriesfileclass (obj)
 Cast an unlimited polymorphic object as class(TimeSeriesFileType) More...
subroutine, public timeseriesmodule::addtimeseriesfiletolist (list, tsfile)
 Add time series file to list. More...
type(timeseriesfiletype) function, pointer, public timeseriesmodule::gettimeseriesfilefromlist (list, idx)
 Get time series from list. More...
logical function, public timeseriesmodule::sametimeseries (ts1, ts2)
 Compare two time series; if they are identical, return true. More...
real(dp) function timeseriesmodule::getvalue (this, time0, time1, extendToEndOfSimulation)
 Get time series value. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::initialize_time_series (this, tsfile, name, autoDeallocate)
 Initialize time series. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::get_surrounding_records (this, time, tsrecEarlier, tsrecLater)
 Get surrounding records. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::get_surrounding_nodes (this, time, nodeEarlier, nodeLater)
 Get surrounding nodes. More...
logical function timeseriesmodule::read_next_record (this)
 Read next record. More...
real(dp) function timeseriesmodule::get_value_at_time (this, time, extendToEndOfSimulation)
 Get value for a time. More...
real(dp) function timeseriesmodule::get_integrated_value (this, time0, time1, extendToEndOfSimulation)
 Get integrated value. More...
real(dp) function timeseriesmodule::get_average_value (this, time0, time1, extendToEndOfSimulation)
 Get average value. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::get_latest_preceding_node (this, time, tslNode)
 Get latest preceding node. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::ts_da (this)
 Deallocate. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::addtimeseriesrecord (this, tsr)
 Add ts record. More...
type(timeseriesrecordtype) function, pointer timeseriesmodule::getcurrenttimeseriesrecord (this)
 Get current ts record. More...
type(timeseriesrecordtype) function, pointer timeseriesmodule::getprevioustimeseriesrecord (this)
 Get previous ts record. More...
type(timeseriesrecordtype) function, pointer timeseriesmodule::getnexttimeseriesrecord (this)
 Get next ts record. More...
type(timeseriesrecordtype) function, pointer timeseriesmodule::gettimeseriesrecord (this, time, epsi)
 Get ts record. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::reset (this)
 Reset. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::inserttsr (this, tsr)
 Insert a time series record. More...
double precision function timeseriesmodule::findlatesttime (this, readToEnd)
 Find latest time. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::clear (this, destroy)
 Clear the list of time series records. More...
integer(i4b) function timeseriesmodule::count (this)
 Count number of time series. More...
type(timeseriestype) function, pointer timeseriesmodule::gettimeseries (this, indx)
 Get time series. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::initializetsfile (this, filename, iout, autoDeallocate)
 Open time-series tsfile file and read options and first record, which may contain data to define multiple time series. More...
logical function timeseriesmodule::read_tsfile_line (this)
 Read time series file line. More...
subroutine timeseriesmodule::tsf_da (this)
 Deallocate memory. More...