12 integer(I4B),
dimension(8) ::
20 character(len=LINELENGTH) :: line
23 character(len=*),
parameter :: fmtdt = &
24 "(1X,'Run start date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): ', &
25 &I4,'/',I2.2,'/',I2.2,1X,I2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2)"
28 call date_and_time(values=
29 write (line, fmtdt) (
ibdt(i), i=1, 3), (
ibdt(i), i=5, 7)
37 integer(I4B),
intent(in) :: iout
38 integer(I4B),
intent(in) :: iprtim
40 character(len=LINELENGTH) :: line
41 integer(I4B) :: iedt(8), idpm(12)
44 integer(I4B) :: ndays, leap, ibd, ied, mb, me, nm, mc, m
45 integer(I4B) :: nhours, nmins, nsecs, msecs, nrsecs
46 real(dp) :: elsec, rsecs
47 data idpm/31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/
50 character(len=*),
parameter :: fmtdt = &
51 "(1x,'Run end date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): ', &
52 &I4,'/',I2.2,'/',I2.2,1x,I2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2)"
53 character(len=*),
parameter :: fmttma = &
54 "(1x,'Elapsed run time: ',I3,' Days, ',I2,' Hours, ',I2, &
55 &' Minutes, ', I2, ' Seconds')"
56 character(len=*),
parameter :: fmttmb = &
57 &
"(1x,'Elapsed run time: ',I2,' Hours, ',I2,' Minutes, ',I2,' Seconds')"
58 character(len=*),
parameter :: fmttmc = &
59 &
"(1x,'Elapsed run time: ',I2,' Minutes, ',I2,'.',I3.3,' Seconds')"
60 character(len=*),
parameter :: fmttmd = &
61 &
"(1x,'Elapsed run time: ',I2,'.',I3.3,' Seconds')"
64 call date_and_time(values=iedt)
67 write (line, fmtdt) (iedt(i), i=1, 3), (iedt(i), i=5, 7)
78 if (mod(iedt(1), 4) == 0) leap = 1
83 if (
ibdt(2) /= iedt(2))
88 if (mb > me) nm = nm + 12
94 ndays = ndays + idpm(mc) - ibd
95 if (mc == 2) ndays = ndays + leap
96 elseif (mc == me)
99 ndays = ndays + idpm(mc)
100 if (mc == 2) ndays = ndays + leap
103 elseif (ibd < ied)
110 elsec = elsec + (iedt(5) -
ibdt(5)) * 3600.0
111 elsec = elsec + (iedt(6) -
ibdt(6)) * 60.0
112 elsec = elsec + (iedt(7) -
113 elsec = elsec + (iedt(8) -
ibdt(8)) * 0.001
116 ndays = int(elsec / nspd)
118 nhours = int(rsecs / 3600.0)
120 nmins = int(rsecs / 60.0)
121 rsecs = mod(rsecs,
123 rsecs = mod(rsecs,
124 msecs = nint(rsecs * 1000.0)
126 if (rsecs > 0.5) nrsecs = nrsecs + 1
130 write (line, fmttma) ndays, nhours, nmins, nrsecs
131 elseif (nhours > 0)
132 write (line, fmttmb) nhours, nmins, nrsecs
133 elseif (nmins > 0)
134 write (line, fmttmc) nmins, nsecs, msecs
136 write (line, fmttmd) nsecs, msecs
143 WRITE (iout, fmttma) ndays, nhours, nmins, nrsecs
144 ELSEIF (nhours > 0)
145 WRITE (iout, fmttmb) nhours, nmins, nrsecs
146 ELSEIF (nmins > 0)
147 WRITE (iout, fmttmc) nmins, nsecs, msecs
149 WRITE (iout, fmttmd) nsecs, msecs
160 integer(I4B),
intent(in) :: it
161 real(dp),
intent(inout) :: t1
162 real(dp),
intent(inout) :: ts
This module contains simulation constants.
integer(i4b), parameter linelength
maximum length of a standard line
real(dp), parameter dsixty
real constant 60
real(dp), parameter dsecperdy
real constant representing the number of seconds per day (used in tdis)
real(dp), parameter dsecperhr
real constant representing number of seconds per hour (used in tdis)
real(dp), parameter dzero
real constant zero
real(dp), parameter done
real constant 1
This module defines variable data types.
Store and issue logging messages to output units.
subroutine, public write_message(text, iunit, fmt, skipbefore, skipafter, advance)
Write a message to an output unit.
subroutine, public elapsed_time(iout, iprtim)
Get end time and calculate elapsed time.
subroutine, public code_timer(it, t1, ts)
Get end time and calculate elapsed time.
integer(i4b), dimension(8) ibdt
subroutine, public print_start_time()
Start simulation timer.