MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
2  use kindmodule, only: i4b
3  use listmodule
6  implicit none
7  private
9  !> This bundles all virtual data for a particular solution
10  !< for convenience, it never owns any of it
11  type, public :: virtualsolutiontype
12  integer(I4B) :: solution_id = -1
13  type(vdcptrtype), dimension(:), pointer :: models => null() !< the models as virtual data containers (wrapped)
14  type(vdcptrtype), dimension(:), pointer :: exchanges => null() !< the exchanges as virtual data containers (wrapped)
15  class(*), pointer :: numerical_solution => null() !< points back to the actual numerical solution
16  type(interfacemaptype), pointer :: interface_map => null() !< contains the aggregate interface map for the solution
17  !! NB: the aggregation is over multiple interface models
18  !! and there is no unique numbering there. The target
19  !! indexes should therefore be considered invalid.
20  end type virtualsolutiontype
22 end module virtualsolutionmodule
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
Wrapper for virtual data containers.
This bundles all virtual data for a particular solution.