MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Xt3dAlgorithm.f90 File Reference

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module  xt3dalgorithmmodule


subroutine xt3dalgorithmmodule::qconds (nnbrmx, nnbr0, inbr0, il01, vc0, vn0, dl0, dl0n, ck0, nnbr1, inbr1, il10, vc1, vn1, dl1, dl1n, ck1, ar01, ar10, vcthresh, allhc0, allhc1, chat01, chati0, chat1j)
 Compute the "conductances" in the normal-flux expression for an interface (modflow-usg version). The cell on one side of the interface is "cell 0", and the one on the other side is "cell 1". More...
subroutine xt3dalgorithmmodule::abhats (nnbrmx, nnbr, inbr, il01, vc, vn, dl0, dln, ck, vcthresh, allhc, ar01, ahat, bhat)
 Compute "ahat" and "bhat" coefficients for one side of an interface. More...
subroutine xt3dalgorithmmodule::getrot (nnbrmx, nnbr, inbr, vc, il01, rmat, iml0)
 Compute the matrix that rotates the model-coordinate axes to the "(c, d, e)-coordinate" axes associated with a connection. More...
subroutine xt3dalgorithmmodule::tranvc (nnbrmx, nnbrs, rmat, vc, vccde)
 Transform local connection unit-vectors from model coordinates to "(c, d, e)" coordinates associated with a connection. More...
subroutine xt3dalgorithmmodule::abwts (nnbrmx, nnbr, inbr, il01, nde1, vccde, vcthresh, dl0, dln, acd, add, aed, bd)
 Compute "a" and "b" weights for the local connections with respect to the perpendicular direction of primary interest. More...